
Benzinga's Talk of the Town: Top Social Trending Stories You Need To Know

Benzinga's Talk of the Town: Top Social Trending Stories You Need To Know

Benzinga 的 Talk of the Town:你需要知道的热门社交热门故事
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2023/01/24 22:51

Oscar Nominations: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences revealed 2023 Academy Award nominees. 'Everything Everywhere All At Once,' 'Top Gun: Maverick,' 'Avatar; The Way Of Water,' 'Women Talking,' were some of the best picture nominations.

奥斯卡提名: 美国电影艺术与科学学院公布了2023年奥斯卡金像奖提名者。“无处不在的一切”、“壮志凌云:Maverick”、“Avatar;The Way of Water”、“Women Talking” 都是最佳影片提名。

Elon Musk's 'Funding Secured': Tesla Inc's (NYSE:TSLA) CEO Elon Musk's landmark "Funding Secured" tweet, which got him in legal trouble with the SEC, is back in the news. Musk told a civil court that he counted SpaceX stock to take Tesla private when he tweeted. Previously, Musk had said he had a handshake deal with Saudi Arabia's Investment fund to take the EV company private at $420.

埃隆·马斯克的《资金有保障》: 特斯拉公司的 (纽约证券交易所代码:TSLA)首席执行官埃隆·马斯克具有里程碑意义的 “资金安全” 推文再次出现在新闻中,这使他在美国证券交易委员会陷入了法律麻烦。马斯克在发推文时告诉民事法庭,他认为SpaceX的股票将特斯拉私有化。此前,马斯克曾表示,他与沙特阿拉伯的投资基金达成了握手协议,以420美元的价格将这家电动汽车公司私有化。

M&M's: M&M's candy is breaking the internet. The chocolate company said it is taking an indefinite pause from the spokescandies after the candy's colors and shoe controversy. The company has introduced comedian and actress Maya Rudolph as the fun spokesperson.

M&M's: M&M 的糖果正在打破互联网。这家巧克力公司表示,在糖果的颜色和鞋子出现争议之后,它将无限期地暂停代言人糖果。该公司引入了喜剧演员和女演员玛雅·鲁道夫作为有趣的发言人。

Lululemon Athletica: Lululemon was trending not because of its 'Juicy pants' but its financial performance. Fears of macro headwinds affecting the company, analyst at Bernstein downgraded the stock. It's trading lower by 3% at the time of writing.

露露乐蒙 Athletica: Lululemon之所以流行,不是因为它的 “Juicy pants”,而是因为它的财务表现。由于担心宏观不利因素会影响该公司,伯恩斯坦的分析师下调了该股的评级。在撰写本文时,它的交易价格下跌了3%。

Axcella Health: Microcap biotech firm Axcella Health (NASDAQ:AXLA) announced a regulatory path to the registration of AXA1125 for Long COVID Fatigue. The company received regulatory guidance from the U.K.'s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), supporting a single trial that could serve as the registration trial for patients with Long COVID fatigue. AXLA was up 51% at the time of writing.

Axcella 健康状况: Microcap 生物技术公司 Axcella 健康 纳斯达克股票代码:AXLA)宣布了针对长期COVID疲劳而注册 AXA1125 的监管途径。该公司收到了英国的监管指导。”s 药品和保健产品监管局(MHRA),支持一项单项试验,该试验可以作为长期COVID疲劳患者的注册试验。在撰写本文时,AXLA上涨了51%。

