share_log Begins Coverage on Art's-Way Manufacturing (NASDAQ:ARTW) Begins Coverage on Art's-Way Manufacturing (NASDAQ:ARTW) 开始报道 Art's-Way Manufacturing(纳斯达克股票代码
Defense World ·  2023/01/24 16:31

Stock analysts at started coverage on shares of Art's-Way Manufacturing (NASDAQ:ARTW – Get Rating) in a research report issued on Tuesday. The brokerage set a "hold" rating on the industrial products company's stock.

StockNews.com的股票分析师开始报道以下股票 Art's-Way Manufacturing(纳斯达克股票代码:ARTW — 获取 在周二发布的研究报告中。该经纪公司对这家工业产品公司的股票设定了 “持有” 评级。

Separately, TheStreet upgraded Art's-Way Manufacturing from a "d+" rating to a "c" rating in a research note on Friday, October 14th.

另外,TheStreet在10月14日星期五的一份研究报告中将Art's Way Manufacturing的评级从 “d+” 上调至 “c”。

Art's-Way Manufacturing

Art's-Way Manufacturing Stock Up 0.8 %

Art's-way 制造业股票上涨0.8%

Shares of NASDAQ:ARTW opened at $2.52 on Tuesday. The stock has a fifty day simple moving average of $2.04 and a two-hundred day simple moving average of $2.10. The stock has a market capitalization of $12.30 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of 28.00 and a beta of 0.41. Art's-Way Manufacturing has a 12-month low of $1.80 and a 12-month high of $7.70. The company has a current ratio of 1.46, a quick ratio of 0.43 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.33.

纳斯达克股票代码:ARTW的股价周二开盘价为2.52美元。该股的五十天简单移动平均线为2.04美元,两百天简单移动平均线为2.10美元。该股的市值为1,230万美元,市盈率为28.00,beta值为0.41。Art's-way Manufacturing创下12个月低点1.80美元,12个月高点为7.70美元。该公司的流动比率为1.46,速动比率为0.43,债务与权益比率为0.33。

Institutional Inflows and Outflows


Several hedge funds have recently modified their holdings of the business. Renaissance Technologies LLC raised its stake in shares of Art's-Way Manufacturing by 15.8% in the third quarter. Renaissance Technologies LLC now owns 64,003 shares of the industrial products company's stock worth $117,000 after purchasing an additional 8,729 shares during the last quarter. Citadel Advisors LLC purchased a new position in shares of Art's-Way Manufacturing in the third quarter worth $42,000. Virtu Financial LLC purchased a new position in shares of Art's-Way Manufacturing in the first quarter worth $104,000. Millennium Management LLC purchased a new position in shares of Art's-Way Manufacturing in the second quarter worth $42,000. Finally, Jane Street Group LLC purchased a new position in shares of Art's-Way Manufacturing in the first quarter worth $76,000. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 5.38% of the company's stock.
几家对冲基金最近修改了其持有的该业务的股份。Renaissance Technologies LLC在第三季度将其在Art's-Way Manufacturing的股票Renaissance Technologies LLC在上个季度又购买了8,729股股票后,现在拥有这家工业产品公司64,003股股票,价值11.7万美元。Citadel Advisors LLC在第三季度购买了价值42,000美元的Art's-Way Manufacturing股票的新头寸。Virtu Financial LLC在第一季度购买了价值10.4万美元的Art's-Way Manufacturing股票的新头寸。Millennium Management LLC在第二季度购买了价值42,000美元的Art's-Way Manufacturing的新股最后,Jane Street Group LLC在第一季度购买了价值7.6万美元的Art's-Way Manufacturing股票的新头寸。对冲基金和其他机构投资者拥有该公司5.38%的股票。

Art's-Way Manufacturing Company Profile

Art's-way 制造公司简介

(Get Rating)


Art's-Way Manufacturing Co, Inc manufactures and sells agricultural equipment, specialized modular science buildings, and steel cutting tools in the United States and internationally. The company operates through three segments: Agricultural Products, Modular Buildings, and Tools. The Agricultural Products segment offers various specialized farm machinery, including portable and stationary animal feed processing equipment and related attachments; hay and forage equipment, such as forage boxes, bale processors, running gears, and dump boxes; manure spreaders; sugar beet harvesting equipment; dirt work equipment; and after-market service parts.

Art's-way Manufacturing Co, Inc在美国和国际上生产和销售农业设备、专业模块化科学建筑和钢制切削工具。该公司通过三个部门运营:农产品、模块化建筑和工具。农产品部门提供各种专业农用机械,包括便携式和固定式动物饲料加工设备及相关附件;干草和饲料设备,例如饲料箱、打包机、传动装置和倾倒箱;粪便撒播机;甜菜收获设备;泥土作业设备;以及售后服务零件。

Further Reading


  • Get a free copy of the research report on Art's-Way Manufacturing (ARTW)
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