
Nass Valley Gardens To Acquire CBD Company Super Scientific Laboratories

Nass Valley Gardens To Acquire CBD Company Super Scientific Laboratories

纳斯谷花园将收购 CBD 公司超级科学实验室
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2023/01/19 21:56

Nass Valley Gardens Inc., a Nevada registered C-Corp and a wholly owned subsidiary of Nass Valley Gateway Ltd., (OTCPK:NSVGF) (CSE:NVG) (FSE: 3NVN), signed a definitive agreement on 12/31/2022 to purchase 100% of Super Scientific Laboratories LLC, a manufacturer of products focused on CBD, cannabidiols, vapes, gummies, soaps, lotions and other consumer products.

纳斯谷花园公司,一家在内华达州注册的C-Corp,也是的全资子公司 纳斯谷门户有限公司,(OTCPK: NSVGF)(CSE: NVG)(FSE:3NVN),于2022年12月31日签署了最终协议 收购超级科学实验室有限责任公司 100% 的股份,一家专注于产品的制造商 CBD、大麻二酚、电子烟、软糖,肥皂,乳液和其他消费品。

Nass Valley Gateway Ltd. CEO Michael Semler stated, "We welcome Hershey Jakob and his team at Super Scientific Labs. We have been discussing an acquisition for over a year and are truly excited as our two companies will be stronger together as one, versus standing apart. We will be able to leverage our synergies to drive more creative product development, share greater distribution channels, and be able to compete for larger manufacturing contracts. Their proven manufacturing capabilities are a perfect fit and their growing client base will be accretive to Nass Valley Gardens' 2023 earnings."

纳斯谷门户有限公司首席执行官 迈克尔·塞姆勒 说:“我们欢迎 Hershey Jakob 和他的团队来到超级科学实验室。我们讨论收购已有一年多了,我们真的很兴奋,因为我们的两家公司将合而为一,而不是相互独立,变得更强大。我们将能够利用我们的协同效应来推动更具创造性的产品开发,共享更多的分销渠道,并能够竞争更大的制造合同。他们久经考验的制造能力非常合适,他们不断增长的客户群将增加纳斯谷花园2023年的收益。”

Audited financials will be available when completed on Nass Valley Gardens' website. There was no finder's fee involved in the acquisition.


About Nass Valley Gardens


In 2019, Nass Valley Gateway began focusing on the sales and distribution of organic, non-GMO hemp-based, CBD products and purchased Nass Valley Gardens and its lineup of CBD products sold via digital sales channels. Nass Valley Gardens' products target the pain remediation, sleep, focus, dermatology, anti-aging, pet, hair, and beauty markets.

2019年,Nass Valley Gateway开始专注于有机、非转基因大麻、CBD产品的销售和分销,并收购了Nass Valley Gardens及其通过数字销售渠道销售的CBD产品阵容。Nass Valley Gardens的产品面向疼痛治疗、睡眠、专注力、皮肤科、抗衰老、宠物、美发和美容市场。

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Photo: Benzinga edit with photos by jarmoluk and lindsayfox on Pixabay

照片:Benzinga 在 Pixabay 上使用 jarmoluk 和 lindsayfox 的照片进行编辑

