
CKX Lands, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:CKX) Sees Large Growth in Short Interest

CKX Lands, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:CKX) Sees Large Growth in Short Interest

CKX Lands, Inc.(紐約美國交易所:CKX)的空頭持倉有大幅增長
kopsource ·  2022/12/31 09:11

CKX Lands, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:CKX – Get Rating) was the target of a large growth in short interest during the month of December. As of December 15th, there was short interest totalling 1,300 shares, a growth of 225.0% from the November 30th total of 400 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 1,900 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is presently 0.7 days. Currently, 0.1% of the shares of the company are short sold.

CKX Lands公司(NYSEAMERICAN:CKX – 獲得評級)在12月份的短期利空持倉出現大幅增長。截至12月15日,短期利空持倉總計1,300股,比11月30日的400股增長了225.0%。根據平均成交量爲1,900股,股票的盈利覆蓋天數比率目前爲0.7天。目前,公司股份中被空頭出售的比例爲0.1%。

Institutional Trading of CKX Lands

CKX Lands的機構交易

A hedge fund recently raised its stake in CKX Lands stock. Financial Management Professionals Inc. boosted its position in shares of CKX Lands, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:CKX – Get Rating) by 15.2% during the 2nd quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The fund owned 9,475 shares of the financial services provider's stock after purchasing an additional 1,250 shares during the period. Financial Management Professionals Inc.'s holdings in CKX Lands were worth $105,000 as of its most recent SEC filing. Institutional investors own 15.19% of the company's stock.

一家對沖基金最近增加了在CKX Lands股票中的持股。據證券交易委員會最新的13F申報顯示,Financial Management Professionals Inc.在第2季度增加了對CKX Lands公司(NYSEAMERICAN:CKX – 獲得評級)股份的持倉15.2%,該基金在此期間購買了額外的1,250股,持有該金融服務提供商的股票9,475股。根據最新的SEC申報,Financial Management Professionals Inc.在CKX Lands的持股價值爲105,000美元。機構投資者持有公司股份的比例爲15.19%。

CKX Lands
CKX Lands

CKX Lands Stock Performance

ckx lands股票表現

Shares of CKX traded down $0.16 during trading hours on Friday, reaching $9.95. 261 shares of the stock traded hands, compared to its average volume of 13,982. CKX Lands has a 52-week low of $9.90 and a 52-week high of $16.50. The stock has a market cap of $19.64 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of 23.81 and a beta of 0.06.

CKX股票在週五交易小時內下跌0.16美元,達到9.95美元。股票成交量爲261股,相比平均成交量13982股。CKX Lands的52周最低價爲9.9美元,52周最高價爲16.5美元。該股市值爲1964萬美元,市盈率爲23.81,貝塔係數爲0.06。

CKX Lands (NYSEAMERICAN:CKX – Get Rating) last released its earnings results on Wednesday, November 9th. The financial services provider reported ($0.03) earnings per share for the quarter. CKX Lands had a negative net margin of 28.69% and a negative return on equity of 1.77%. The firm had revenue of $0.33 million for the quarter.
CKX Lands(NYSEAMERICAN:CKX - 獲取評級)上次發佈了其11月9日星期三的業績。該金融服務提供商報告了每股(-0.03)美元的季度收益。CKX Lands的淨利率爲-28.69%,淨資產回報率爲-1.77%。該公司本季度營業收入爲33萬美元。

About CKX Lands

關於CKX Lands

(Get Rating)


CKX Lands, Inc engages in the ownership and management of land in the United States. It operates through three segments: Oil and Gas, Surface, and Timber. The company leases its properties for minerals, such as oil and gas; raising and harvesting timber; and surface uses comprising agriculture, right of ways, and hunting.

CKX Lands, Inc 是一家在美國擁有和管理土地的公司。它通過石油和天然氣、地表和木材三個部門進行運營。該公司將其物業租賃給石油和天然氣等礦產,種植和採伐木材,以及包括農業、道路權利和狩獵在內的地表使用。

Further Reading


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