
Astrotech Co. (NASDAQ:ASTC) Sees Significant Increase in Short Interest

Astrotech Co. (NASDAQ:ASTC) Sees Significant Increase in Short Interest

Astrotech Co.纳斯达克股票代码:ASTC)认为空头利率大幅增加
Financial News Live ·  2022/12/31 01:01

Astrotech Co. (NASDAQ:ASTC – Get Rating) was the target of a large growth in short interest in December. As of December 15th, there was short interest totalling 60,800 shares, a growth of 201.0% from the November 30th total of 20,200 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 15,500 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is currently 3.9 days. Approximately 4.0% of the company's stock are sold short.

Astrotech Co.(纳斯达克股票代码:ASTC — Get Rating)是12月空头利率大幅增长的目标。截至12月15日,空头利率共计60,800股,较11月30日的20,200股增长了201.0%。根据15,500股的平均每日成交量,目前的天数与覆盖率为3.9天。该公司约有4.0%的股票被卖空。

Insider Activity


In other Astrotech news, major shareholder Braden Michael Leonard bought 166,434 shares of the business's stock in a transaction dated Friday, October 14th. The shares were acquired at an average price of $0.38 per share, with a total value of $63,244.92. Following the transaction, the insider now owns 5,905,845 shares of the company's stock, valued at $2,244,221.10. The acquisition was disclosed in a filing with the SEC, which is accessible through this link. In the last three months, insiders have bought 514,881 shares of company stock worth $187,940. 9.70% of the stock is currently owned by corporate insiders.

在Astrotech的其他新闻中,主要股东布雷登·迈克尔·伦纳德在10月14日星期五的一笔交易中购买了该公司的166,434股股票。这些股票的平均收购价格为每股0.38美元,总价值为63,244.92美元。交易完成后,该内部人士现在拥有该公司5,905,845股股票,价值2,244,221.10美元。此次收购是在向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件中披露的,该文件可通过以下方式获得 这个链接。在过去的三个月中,内部人士购买了价值187,940美元的514,881股公司股票。9.70%的股票目前由企业内部人士持有。


Institutional Investors Weigh In On Astrotech

机构投资者对 Astrotech 进行权衡

Several institutional investors have recently made changes to their positions in ASTC. Renaissance Technologies LLC lifted its stake in shares of Astrotech by 173.4% in the third quarter. Renaissance Technologies LLC now owns 158,589 shares of the aerospace company's stock valued at $70,000 after purchasing an additional 100,589 shares during the period. Marquette Asset Management LLC lifted its holdings in shares of Astrotech by 33.0% in the second quarter. Marquette Asset Management LLC now owns 367,864 shares of the aerospace company's stock valued at $158,000 after purchasing an additional 91,183 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Virtu Financial LLC purchased a new stake in shares of Astrotech in the first quarter valued at about $56,000.

一些机构投资者最近更改了他们在ASTC的头寸。Renaissance Technologies LLC在第三季度将其在Astrotech的股份提高了173.4%。Renaissance Technologies LLC在此期间又购买了100,589股股票后,现在拥有这家航空航天公司价值7万美元的158,589股股票。马奎特资产管理有限责任公司在第二季度将其持有的Astrotech股票增加了33.0%。马奎特资产管理有限责任公司在上个季度又购买了91,183股股票后,现在拥有这家航空航天公司的367,864股股票,价值15.8万美元。最后,Virtu Financial LLC在第一季度购买了Astrotech的新股份,价值约56,000美元。

Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth


Separately, started coverage on shares of Astrotech in a report on Thursday, December 15th. They issued a "sell" rating for the company.
另外,StockNews.com在12月15日星期四的一份报告中开始报道Astrotech的股票。他们为该公司发布了 “卖出” 评级。

Astrotech Price Performance

Astrotech 价格表现

Shares of NASDAQ ASTC traded up $0.23 during mid-day trading on Friday, hitting $9.55. 9,190 shares of the company were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 25,825. The stock has a 50 day simple moving average of $10.96 and a 200-day simple moving average of $12.61. Astrotech has a 1-year low of $9.28 and a 1-year high of $23.19.


Astrotech (NASDAQ:ASTC – Get Rating) last released its earnings results on Thursday, November 10th. The aerospace company reported ($1.50) EPS for the quarter. The firm had revenue of $0.04 million during the quarter. Astrotech had a negative return on equity of 16.29% and a negative net margin of 1,226.53%.

Astrotech(纳斯达克股票代码:ASTC — Get Rating)最后一次发布财报是在11月10日星期四。这家航空航天公司公布了本季度每股收益(1.50 美元)。该公司在本季度的收入为04万美元。Astrotech的股本回报率为负16.29%,负净利润率为1,226.53%。

About Astrotech

关于 Astrotech

(Get Rating)


Astrotech Corporation operates as a mass spectrometry company worldwide. It owns and licenses the intellectual property related to the Astrotech Mass Spectrometer Technology, a platform mass spectrometry technology. The company also develops TRACER 1000, a mass spectrometer-based explosive trace detector to replace the explosives trace detectors used at airports, cargo and other secured facilities, and borders.

Astrotech Corporation作为一家质谱公司在全球范围内运营。它拥有并许可与Astrotech质谱仪技术(一种平台质谱技术)相关的知识产权。该公司还开发了TRACER 1000,这是一种基于质谱仪的爆炸物痕量探测器,用于取代机场、货物和其他安全设施以及边境使用的爆炸物痕量探测器。

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