The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc. (NASDAQ:CUBA) saw a significant drop in short interest in December. As of December 15th, there was short interest totalling 2,800 shares, a drop of 63.2% from the November 30th total of 7,600 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 18,200 shares, the short-interest ratio is currently 0.2 days.
Insider Activity at The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund
In related news, President Erik Mervin Herzfeld sold 33,365 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction dated Monday, November 14th. The shares were sold at an average price of $4.98, for a total transaction of $166,157.70. Following the transaction, the president now directly owns 200,735 shares of the company's stock, valued at $999,660.30. The transaction was disclosed in a legal filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, In other The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund news, Director Thomas J. Herzfeld sold 71,983 shares of The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund stock in a transaction dated Monday, November 14th. The shares were sold at an average price of $4.98, for a total value of $358,475.34. Following the sale, the director now owns 536,489 shares of the company's stock, valued at $2,671,715.22. The sale was disclosed in a legal filing with the SEC, Also, President Erik Mervin Herzfeld sold 33,365 shares of The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund stock in a transaction dated Monday, November 14th. The stock was sold at an average price of $4.98, for a total transaction of $166,157.70. Following the completion of the sale, the president now directly owns 200,735 shares in the company, valued at approximately $999,660.30. Insiders have sold 105,963 shares of company stock valued at $527,696 over the last ninety days. Corporate insiders own 9.41% of the company's stock.
Hedge Funds Weigh In On The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund
Several large investors have recently modified their holdings of the business. Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors Inc. increased its stake in shares of The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund by 8.6% in the third quarter. Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors Inc. now owns 626,151 shares of the investment management company's stock worth $2,270,000 after purchasing an additional 49,689 shares in the last quarter. CSS LLC IL grew its stake in The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund by 23.0% during the second quarter. CSS LLC IL now owns 114,951 shares of the investment management company's stock valued at $461,000 after acquiring an additional 21,485 shares in the last quarter. Lincoln National Corp grew its stake in The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund by 24.3% during the third quarter. Lincoln National Corp now owns 41,943 shares of the investment management company's stock valued at $152,000 after acquiring an additional 8,204 shares in the last quarter. Wolverine Asset Management LLC purchased a new position in The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund during the third quarter valued at approximately $145,000. Finally, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc. grew its stake in The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund by 26.5% during the third quarter. Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc. now owns 21,201 shares of the investment management company's stock valued at $77,000 after acquiring an additional 4,437 shares in the last quarter. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 13.64% of the company's stock.
The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Price Performance
Shares of CUBA traded up $0.07 during trading hours on Thursday, hitting $3.70. The company's stock had a trading volume of 8,060 shares, compared to its average volume of 24,567. The business has a 50 day simple moving average of $3.99 and a two-hundred day simple moving average of $4.09. The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund has a 52-week low of $3.47 and a 52-week high of $5.84.
The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Announces Dividend
The firm also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Friday, December 30th. Stockholders of record on Friday, November 18th will be paid a $0.174 dividend. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, November 17th. This represents a $0.70 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 18.84%.
The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Company Profile
The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc is a closed-ended equity mutual fund launched by Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors, Inc The fund is managed by Herzfeld/Cuba. It invests in the public equity markets of the United States. The fund employing fundamental analysis investing in stocks of companies that are likely to benefit from economic, political, structural and technological developments in the countries in the Caribbean Basin, which consist of Cuba, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic, Barbados, Aruba, Haiti, the Netherlands Antilles, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Venezuela.
Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:CUBA)看到空頭股數在12月份大幅下降。截至12月15日,空頭股數共有2800股,較11月30日的7600股下降了63.2%。以日均成交量18,200股計算,目前短息比爲0.2天。
Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc的內幕活動
在相關新聞中,總裁·埃裏克·默文·赫茲菲爾德在11月14日星期一的交易中出售了33,365股該公司的股票。這些股票的平均價格爲4.98美元,總成交金額爲166,157.70美元。交易完成後,總裁現在直接持有該公司200,735股股票,價值999,660.30美元。這筆交易是在提交給美國證券交易委員會的一份法律文件中披露的,在另一則Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc的消息中,董事托馬斯·J·赫茲菲爾德在日期爲11月14日(星期一)的交易中出售了71,983股Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc的股票。這些股票的平均價格爲4.98美元,總價值爲358,475.34美元。交易完成後,董事現在持有該公司536,489股股票,價值2,671,715.22美元。這筆交易是在提交給美國證券交易委員會的一份法律文件中披露的,此外,總裁埃裏克·默文·赫茲菲爾德在11月14日星期一的交易中出售了33,365股Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc股票。該股以4.98美元的平均價格出售,總成交金額爲166,157.70美元。出售完成後,總裁現在直接擁有該公司200,735股,價值約999,660.30美元。在過去的90天裏,內部人士已經出售了105,963股公司股票,價值527,696美元。公司內部人士持有該公司9.41%的股份。
對沖基金入股Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc
幾家大型投資者最近調整了對該公司的持股。Thomas J.Herzfeld Advisors Inc.在第三季度增持了Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc8.6%的股份。托馬斯·赫茲菲爾德顧問公司(Thomas J.Herzfeld Advisors Inc.)在上個季度又購買了49,689股後,現在持有這家投資管理公司626,151股股票,價值2,270,000美元。第二季度,CS LLC IL在Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc中的持股增加了23.0%。在上個季度增持了21,485股後,CSS LLC IL現在擁有114,951股這家投資管理公司的股票,價值461,000美元。林肯國家公司在Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc的持股在第三季度增加了24.3%。林肯國家公司現在擁有41,943股這家投資管理公司的股票,價值152,000美元,在上個季度額外購買了8,204股。金剛狼資產管理公司在第三季度購買了Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc的一個新頭寸,價值約爲145,000美元。最後,劍橋投資研究顧問公司(Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc.)在第三季度將其在Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc的持股增加了26.5%。劍橋投資研究顧問公司(Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc.)在上個季度增持了4,437股後,目前持有這家投資管理公司21,201股股票,價值77,000美元。對沖基金和其他機構投資者持有該公司13.64%的股份。
Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc價格表現
Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc宣佈分紅
Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc簡介
Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc.是由Thomas J.Herzfeld Advisors,Inc.推出的封閉式股票共同基金,該基金由Herzfeld/古巴管理。它投資於美國的公開股票市場。該基金採用基本面分析,投資於可能受益於加勒比盆地國家經濟、政治、結構和技術發展的公司股票,這些國家包括古巴、牙買加、特立尼達和多巴哥、巴哈馬、多米尼加共和國、巴巴多斯、阿魯巴、海地、荷屬安的列斯羣島、波多黎各聯邦、墨西哥、洪都拉斯、危地馬拉、伯利茲、哥斯達黎加、巴拿馬、哥倫比亞和委內瑞拉。