
Boston Common Asset Management LLC Reduces Position in PagSeguro Digital Ltd. (NYSE:PAGS)

Boston Common Asset Management LLC Reduces Position in PagSeguro Digital Ltd. (NYSE:PAGS)

波士頓共同資產管理有限責任公司降低了 Seguro 數字有限公司(紐約證交所代碼:PAGS)的位置
Financial News Live ·  2022/12/27 22:51

Boston Common Asset Management LLC trimmed its stake in shares of PagSeguro Digital Ltd. (NYSE:PAGS – Get Rating) by 3.6% in the third quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The firm owned 833,691 shares of the company's stock after selling 31,040 shares during the quarter. Boston Common Asset Management LLC owned about 0.25% of PagSeguro Digital worth $11,030,000 as of its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

波士頓共同資產管理公司(Boston Common Asset Management LLC)最近向美國證券交易委員會(Securities And Exchange Commission)提交的13F文件顯示,該公司第三季度減持了PagSeguro Digital Ltd.(紐約證券交易所代碼:PAGS-GET Rating)3.6%的股份。該公司在本季度出售了31,040股後,持有該公司833,691股股票。截至最近提交給美國證券交易委員會(Securities And Exchange Commission)的文件,波士頓共同資產管理公司(Boston Common Asset Management LLC)持有PagSeguro Digital約0.25%的股份,價值11,030,000美元。

Other hedge funds also recently added to or reduced their stakes in the company. Total Clarity Wealth Management Inc. acquired a new stake in PagSeguro Digital during the 2nd quarter worth approximately $28,000. Ronald Blue Trust Inc. acquired a new stake in shares of PagSeguro Digital in the 2nd quarter valued at approximately $59,000. Loring Wolcott & Coolidge Fiduciary Advisors LLP MA lifted its holdings in shares of PagSeguro Digital by 199.0% in the 2nd quarter. Loring Wolcott & Coolidge Fiduciary Advisors LLP MA now owns 3,005 shares of the company's stock valued at $31,000 after buying an additional 2,000 shares during the period. Advisors Asset Management Inc. acquired a new stake in shares of PagSeguro Digital in the 1st quarter valued at approximately $66,000. Finally, Caption Management LLC acquired a new stake in shares of PagSeguro Digital in the 2nd quarter valued at approximately $36,000. 52.50% of the stock is owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.

其他對衝基金最近也增持或減持了該公司的股份。Total Clarity財富管理公司在第二季度收購了PagSeguro Digital公司價值約2.8萬美元的新股份。羅納德·布魯信託公司在第二季度收購了PagSeguro Digital的新股份,價值約為59,000美元。洛林·沃爾科特和柯立芝信託顧問公司在第二季度增持了PagSeguro Digital的股票,增幅為199.0%。洛林·沃爾科特和柯立芝信託顧問公司現在擁有3005股該公司的股票,價值3.1萬美元,在此期間又購買了2000股。Advisors Asset Management Inc.在第一季度收購了PagSeguro Digital的新股份,價值約6.6萬美元。最後,Caption Management LLC在第二季度收購了PagSeguro Digital公司價值約3.6萬美元的新股份。52.50%的股票由機構投資者和對衝基金持有。

PagSeguro Digital

Analyst Ratings Changes


Several equities analysts recently weighed in on PAGS shares. Evercore ISI dropped their price objective on PagSeguro Digital from $16.00 to $13.00 in a research note on Wednesday, November 23rd. New Street Research upgraded PagSeguro Digital from a "neutral" rating to a "buy" rating and reduced their target price for the company from $22.00 to $17.00 in a report on Wednesday, December 21st. JPMorgan Chase & Co. cut PagSeguro Digital from an "overweight" rating to a "neutral" rating and reduced their target price for the company from $16.00 to $12.00 in a report on Tuesday, November 29th. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft reduced their price objective on PagSeguro Digital from $20.00 to $12.00 in a research note on Tuesday, December 20th. Finally, Morgan Stanley cut PagSeguro Digital from an "overweight" rating to an "equal weight" rating and reduced their price objective for the stock from $30.00 to $15.00 in a research note on Tuesday, December 6th. One investment analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, six have issued a hold rating and nine have assigned a buy rating to the company's stock. According to, the company currently has a consensus rating of "Moderate Buy" and an average target price of $19.19.

幾位股票分析師最近紛紛買入PAGS股票。11月23日星期三,Evercore ISI在一份研究報告中將PagSeguro Digital的目標價從16.00美元下調至13.00美元。New Street Research在12月21日週三的一份報告中將PagSeguro Digital的評級從中性上調至買入,並將該公司的目標價從22.00美元下調至17.00美元。摩根大通在11月29日週二的一份報告中將PagSeguro Digital的評級從增持下調至中性,並將該公司的目標價從16.00美元下調至12.00美元。德意志銀行Aktiengesellschaft在12月20日星期二的一份研究報告中將PagSeguro Digital的目標價從20.00美元下調至12.00美元。最後,摩根士丹利在12月6日星期二的一份研究報告中將PagSeguro Digital的評級從增持下調至持平,並將該股的目標價從30.00美元下調至15.00美元。一名投資分析師對該股的評級為賣出,六名分析師對該公司股票的評級為持有,九名分析師對該公司股票的評級為買入。根據MarketBeat.com的數據,該公司目前的普遍評級為“適度買入”,平均目標價為19.19美元。

PagSeguro Digital Stock Up 3.0 %

PagSeguro Digital股票上漲3.0%

NYSE:PAGS opened at $8.62 on Tuesday. The firm has a market capitalization of $2.84 billion, a PE ratio of 10.78, a price-to-earnings-growth ratio of 0.58 and a beta of 1.44. The firm has a 50-day moving average price of $11.27 and a 200 day moving average price of $12.46. PagSeguro Digital Ltd. has a 12-month low of $7.51 and a 12-month high of $28.68.
紐約證券交易所:PAGS週二開盤報8.62美元。該公司的市值為28.4億美元,市盈率為10.78,市盈率為0.58,貝塔係數為1.44。該公司的50日移動均線價格為11.27美元,200日移動均線價格為12.46美元。PagSeguro Digital Ltd.的股價跌至7.51美元的12個月低點和28.68美元的12個月高位。

PagSeguro Digital (NYSE:PAGS – Get Rating) last issued its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday, November 22nd. The company reported $0.24 earnings per share for the quarter, beating analysts' consensus estimates of $0.22 by $0.02. PagSeguro Digital had a net margin of 9.57% and a return on equity of 18.02%. The business had revenue of $770.41 million during the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $781.75 million. On average, research analysts expect that PagSeguro Digital Ltd. will post 0.89 EPS for the current year.

PagSeguro Digital(紐約證券交易所代碼:PAGS-GET Rating)上一次發佈季度收益報告是在11月22日,星期二。該公司公佈本季度每股收益為0.24美元,比分析師普遍預期的0.22美元高出0.02美元。PagSeguro Digital的淨利潤率為9.57%,股本回報率為18.02%。該業務本季度營收為7.7041億美元,而分析師預期為7.8175億美元。研究分析師平均預計,PagSeguro Digital Ltd.本年度每股收益將為0.89美元。

PagSeguro Digital Profile


(Get Rating)


PagSeguro Digital Ltd., together with its subsidiaries, provides financial technology solutions and services for consumers, individual entrepreneurs, micro-merchants, and small and medium-sized companies in Brazil and internationally. The company's products and services include PagSeguro Ecosystem, a digital ecosystem that operates as a closed loop where its clients are able to address their primary day to day financial needs, including receiving and spending funds, and managing and growing their businesses; PagBank digital account, which offers banking services through the PagBank mobile app, as well as centralizes various cash-in options, functionalities, services, and cash-out options in a single ecosystem; and PlugPag, a tool for medium-sized and larger merchants that enables them to connect their point of sale (POS) device directly to their enterprise resource planning software or sales automation system through Bluetooth.

PagSeguro Digital Ltd.及其子公司為巴西和世界各地的消費者、個人企業家、微型商家和中小企業提供金融技術解決方案和服務。該公司的產品和服務包括PagSeguro生態系統,這是一個數字生態系統,以封閉循環的形式運行,其客户能夠在其中滿足他們主要的日常財務需求,包括接收和支出資金,以及管理和發展他們的業務;PagBank數字賬户,它通過PagBank移動應用程序提供銀行服務,並將各種現金支付選項、功能、服務和現金支付選項集中在一個生態系統中;以及PlugPag,為大中型商家提供的工具,使他們能夠通過藍牙將他們的銷售點(POS)設備直接連接到他們的企業資源規劃軟件或銷售自動化系統。

Further Reading


  • Get a free copy of the research report on PagSeguro Digital (PAGS)
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