
Silver Range Resources Ltd. Signs Definitive Agreement and Samples High-grade Precious Metal Mineralization at the Bellehelen Project

Silver Range Resources Ltd. Signs Definitive Agreement and Samples High-grade Precious Metal Mineralization at the Bellehelen Project

銀域資源有限公司簽署最終協議,並在 Bellehelen 項目中對高品位貴金屬礦化進行樣品
Accesswire ·  2022/12/22 21:32

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / December 22, 2022 / Silver Range Resources Ltd. [TSXV:SNG] ("Silver Range" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a definitive agreement related to the Bellehelen Project ("Project") in Nye County, Central Nevada. In addition, it is pleased to announce favourable results from confirmatory sampling conducted pursuant to the preparation of a National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) report on the Project.

温哥華,BC/ACCESSWIRE/2022年12月22日/Silver Range Resources Ltd. [TSXV:Sng]Silver Range(“Silver Range”或“公司”)很高興地宣佈,它已與內華達州中部奈伊縣的Bellehelen項目(“項目”)達成最終協議。此外,委員會高興地宣佈,根據關於該項目的國家文書43-101(NI 43-101)報告的編寫工作進行了驗證性抽樣,取得了良好的結果。

Pursuant to the terms of a Letter of Intent in August (Silver Range News Release dated August 31, 2022), Silver Range has signed a definitive agreement (the "Agreement") with Excalibur Metals Corp. ("Excalibur"), a private British Columbia company, granting Excalibur an option to purchase a 100% interest in the Bellehelen Project. Consideration to be received by Silver Range for the option will include: (i) $300,000 in cash payments and 200,000 Excalibur shares over four years; (ii) a 2% net smelter return; and (iii) a US $2 per ounce (gold-equivalent) payment on any future defined resource payable on the exercise of the option. Excalibur is required to complete a listing on a Canadian stock exchange by May 30, 2023.

根據八月一份意向書的條款(Silver Range新聞發佈日期為2022年8月31日),Silver Range已與不列顛哥倫比亞省的私營公司埃克斯卡利伯金屬公司(“埃克斯卡利伯”)簽署了一項最終協議(“協議”),授予埃克斯卡利伯購買Bellehelen項目100%權益的選擇權。Silver Range將收到的期權對價將包括:(I)四年內300,000美元的現金支付和200,000股Excalbur股票;(Ii)2%的冶煉廠淨回報;及(Iii)就行使期權而應付的任何未來界定資源支付每盎司2美元(黃金等值)。埃克斯卡利伯被要求在2023年5月30日之前在加拿大證券交易所完成上市。

Heather Burrell, P.Geo., a senior geologist with Archer Cathro (USA) Limited and a Qualified Person for the purposes of NI 43-101, visited the Project on September 22, 2022 and conducted confirmatory sampling at the principal showings. At the Eastern Showing, a grab sample of vein material exposed in a hitherto unsampled underground working returned 7.04 g/t Au and 3,490 g/t Ag. This sample was collected in the area where soil sampling had returned 3,530 ppb Au from a sample errantly collected from excavated material. Trenching of undisturbed ground immediately to the northwest of this location returned 20 m @ 0.17 g/t Au (Silver Range News Release dated August 17, 2022).

阿徹卡斯羅(美國)有限公司的資深地質學家Heather Burrell,P.Geo於2022年9月22日參觀了該項目,並在主要放映現場進行了驗證性採樣。在東方展覽上,在迄今未取樣的地下工作中露出的脈狀物質的抓取樣本返回7.04克/噸Au3,490克/噸銀。這一樣品是在土壤採樣從出土材料中錯誤採集的樣品中返回3530 ppb Au的地區採集的。在緊鄰該地點西北部的原狀土地上挖溝,返回20米@0.17克/噸Au(Silver Range新聞發佈日期為2022年8月17日).

Bellehelen Project


The Bellehelen Project is a low sulphidation epithermal silver-gold prospect consisting of 90 Federal Lode Claims, approximately 70 km east of Tonopah. The claims cover most of the historic Bellehelen Mining District. Silver and gold were discovered in the Bellehelen Mining District around 1904. The area saw limited production from 1909 to 1927 and sporadic production during the 1930s. Total district production is estimated at 311,000 ounces silver-equivalent. Silver Range acquired the project in 2016 and since then has conducted prospecting, sampling, soil geochemical surveys, an airborne geophysical survey, and limited hand trenching.

Bellehelen項目是一個低硫化淺成熱液銀金礦藏,由90個聯邦礦藏組成,位於Tonopah以東約70公里處。這些主張涵蓋了歷史悠久的Bellehelen礦區的大部分地區。大約在1904年,在Bellehelen礦區發現了銀和金。從1909年到1927年,該地區的產量有限,20世紀30年代期間零星生產。該地區的總產量估計為311,000盎司銀當量。Silver Range於2016年收購了該項目,自那以來一直進行勘探、採樣、土壤地球化學調查、航空地球物理調查和有限的人工挖溝。

Mineralization in the Bellehelen district is centred on the regional-scale northwest-striking Bellehelen Fault Zone, a segment of the larger Kawich-Toiyabe Lineament. The latter is a significant focus for precious metal mineralization in Central Nevada. The Project area is underlain by early Miocene rhyolitic ash flow tuff and megabreccia deposited in the Bellehelen Caldera centred on the Bellehelen Fault Zone. Mineralization likely occurred following crater-collapse driven by hydrothermal circulation along master faults beneath the caldera. At the Ajax and Ben Hur Mines and at numerous other showings on the Project, gold and silver occurs in fracture zones and sheeted quartz veinlets. This material has returned grab sample assays up to 11.25 g/t Au and 3,490 g/t Ag. Extensive gold-in-soil anomalies up to 1,300 m long are associated with this structurally-controlled style of mineralization. In addition, stratabound disseminated quartz-adularia gold mineralization has been found in sparsely exposed lithic ash tuff on the margins of the Bellehelen Caldera. Rock samples of this material have returned up to 0.744 g/t Au.

Bellehelen地區的礦化集中在區域規模的北西走向的Bellehelen斷裂帶,這是更大的Kawich-Toiyabe線的一部分。後者是內華達州中部貴金屬成礦的重要焦點。項目區由早中新世流紋狀火山灰流凝灰巖和巨型角礫巖所覆蓋,沉積在以貝萊赫倫斷裂帶為中心的貝萊赫倫火山口。礦化可能發生在火山口下方主斷層上的熱液循環驅動的隕石坑坍塌之後。在AJAX和Ben Hur Mines以及該項目的許多其他展示中,金和銀出現在斷裂帶和片狀石英細脈中。該材料已退回抓取樣品分析11.25克/噸Au3,490 g/t Ag。廣泛的土壤中金異常長達1300米,與這種受構造控制的礦化風格有關。此外,在Bellehelen火山口邊緣稀疏出露的巖屑灰凝灰巖中還發現了層控浸染型石英-巖金礦化。這種物質的巖石樣品已返回高達0.744克/噸的Au。

Disclosures related to confirmatory sampling conducted in September 2022 at the Project have been approved by Heather Burrell, P.Geo. Eight samples were collected during the visit of which 1 returned an analysis greater than 5 g/t Au and 3 returned analyses greater than 100 g/t Ag. The samples were shipped under chain of custody to ALS Minerals in Reno, Nevada for analysis. The samples were dried, fine crushed to better than 70% passing 2 mm and then a 250 g split was pulverized to better than 85% passing 75 microns. The fine fractions were analyzed for 35 elements using aqua regia digestion followed by inductively coupled plasma (ME-ICP41). The fine fractions were analyzed for gold by fire assay followed by atomic absorption (Au-AA25). Overlimit silver was determined by aqua regia digestion followed by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (Ag-OG46). Other technical information in this news release has been approved by Mike Power, M.Sc., CPG, President and CEO of Silver Range Resources Ltd. Both are Qualified Persons for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101. Historical information on the Bellehelen Mining District was summarized from documents in the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology District Files, published reports and documents in the public record. These cannot be independently verified by Silver Range.

與2022年9月在該項目進行的驗證性抽樣有關的披露已得到Heather Burrell,P.Geo的批准。在訪問期間收集了8個樣品,其中1個退回的分析超過5g/t Au,3個退回的分析超過100 g/t Ag。這些樣本根據保管鏈被運往內華達州里諾市的ALS Minerals進行分析。樣品乾燥,細粉碎至70%以上,通過2 mm,然後250g的裂解粉碎到85%以上,通過75微米。用王水消解-電感耦合等離子體(ME-ICP41)對35種元素進行分析。用火試金和原子吸收(Au-AA25)對細粒金進行分析。用王水消解-電感耦合等離子體原子發射光譜儀(Ag-OG46)測定超限銀。本新聞稿中的其他技術信息已經Mike動力、M.SC、中央人民政府、總裁和銀嶺資源有限公司首席執行官批准。兩人都是符合國家儀器43-101標準的合格人員。關於Bellehelen礦區的歷史信息是從內華達州礦產和地質局的文件、公開記錄中發佈的報告和文件中總結出來的。這些不能由Silver Range獨立驗證。

About Silver Range Resources Ltd.

關於Silver Range Resources Ltd.

Silver Range is a precious metals prospect generator working in Nevada and Northern Canada. It has assembled a portfolio of 45 properties, of which 13 are currently under option to others. Four other properties have been converted to royalty interests. Silver Range is actively seeking other joint venture partners to explore the high-grade precious metals targets in its portfolio.

Silver Range是一家在內華達州和加拿大北部工作的貴金屬前景生產商。它已經整合了45個物業組合,其中13個目前正在向其他公司出售。另外四處房產已被轉換為特許權使用費權益。Silver Range正在積極尋找其他合資夥伴,以探索其投資組合中的高品位貴金屬目標。



"Michael A. Power"
President and Chief Executive Officer


For further information concerning Silver Range or its exploration projects please contact:

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Investor Inquiries
Richard Drechsler
Vice-President, Communications
Tel: (604) 687-2522
NA Toll-Free: (888) 688-2522


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SOURCE: Silver Range Resources Ltd.


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