As of December 19, 2022, Shenzhen Seg B (200058) closed at 1.96 yuan, up 1.55%, with a turnover rate of 0.28%, with a turnover of 6800 lots and a turnover of 1.3268 million yuan.
In terms of capital flow data on December 19th, there was a net inflow of non-main capital, with a net inflow of hot capital of 151900 yuan, accounting for 11.45% of the total turnover, and a net outflow of 151900 yuan from retail investors, accounting for 11.45% of the total turnover.
The flow of funds in the past five days is shown in the following table:
The main indicators and industry rankings of the stock are as follows:
According to the third quarterly report of Shenzhen Saige B2022, the company's main income was 1.313 billion yuan, down 7.4% from the same period last year; the net profit was 19.2224 million yuan, down 64.05% from the same period last year; and the non-net profit was-18.1481 million yuan, down 149.4% from the same period last year. Among them, in the third quarter of 2022, the company's main income in a single quarter was 471 million yuan, up 1.56% from the same period last year; and net profit in a single quarter was 43.0464 million yuan, up 671.26% from the same period last year. The non-net profit in a single quarter was 9.3857 million yuan, up 447.59% from the same period last year; the debt ratio was 52.92%, the investment income was 40.7296 million yuan, the financial expenses were 38.6921 million yuan, and the gross profit margin was 13.21%. Shenzhen Saige B (200058) main business: the electronic market circulation business with the communications market and electronic professional market as the core, the strategic emerging business with inspection and testing and new energy as the core, and the smart city and urban service business with property management and management services as the core.
Note: the main funds are large single transactions, hot funds are large single transactions, and retail investors are small and medium-sized ones.
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