Press Release: Agree Realty Names David A. Wolff Chief Accounting Officer
Press Release: Agree Realty Names David A. Wolff Chief Accounting Officer
Press Release: Agree Realty Names David A. Wolff Chief Accounting Officer
Agree Realty Names David A. Wolff Chief Accounting Officer
Announces Key Promotions
PR Newswire
BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich., Feb. 28, 2019
BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich., Feb. 28, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Agree Realty Corporation (NYSE: ADC) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that David A. Wolff has joined the Company as its Chief Accounting Officer. In this capacity, Mr. Wolff will be responsible for the Company's accounting activities and SEC reporting.
亞洲網密歇根州布盧姆菲爾德山2019年2月28日電Agree Realty Corporation(紐約證券交易所市場代碼:ADC)(以下簡稱“公司”)高興地宣佈,大衞·A·沃爾夫(David A.Wolff)已加盟該公司擔任首席會計官。在這一職位上,沃爾夫先生將負責公司的會計活動和證券交易委員會的報告。
Mr. Wolff has over 25 years of REIT accounting, financial reporting, compliance and audit experience. Most recently, he served as Vice-President, Financial Reporting & Chief Accounting Officer of The Taubman Company (NYSE: TCO) ("Taubman") where he was responsible for all aspects of SEC financial reporting. Prior to his 20-year tenure at Taubman, Mr. Wolff was an Audit Manager for Deloitte. He is a certified public accountant and an active contributor to Nareit.
Additionally, the Company is pleased to announce promotions and new appointments in multiple departments:
-- Danielle Spehar, from Vice President, Transactions to General Counsel
will continue to lead the Company's transaction team and be responsible
for managing the Company's legal affairs.
-- Phil Carbone, from Director, Transactions to Vice President, Transactions
will continue to be responsible for the negotiation and execution of the
Company's acquisition and disposition activities.
-- Jeff Konkle, from Director, Construction to Vice President, Construction
will continue to be responsible for all construction activities.
-- Peter Coughenour, from Director, Corporate Finance to Senior Director,
Corporate Finance will continue to be responsible for corporate-level
forecasting and analytics as well as facilitating capital markets
--丹妮爾·斯皮哈爾(Danielle Spehar),從交易副總裁到總法律顧問將繼續領導公司的交易團隊並負責管理公司的法律事務。--Phil Carbone,從交易總監到交易副總裁將繼續負責談判和執行公司的收購和處置活動。--Jeff Konkle,從建築總監到建築副總裁將繼續負責所有建設活動。-彼得·考夫努爾(Peter Coughenour),從公司財務總監到高級總監,公司財務將繼續負責公司層面預測和分析以及促進資本市場活動。
"I am extremely pleased to welcome David to our growing Team," said Joey Agree, President and Chief Executive Officer of Agree Realty Corporation. "His many years of experience and technical expertise will serve to strengthen our accounting and reporting functions."
"I would also like to express our sincere appreciation and congratulate Danielle, Phil, Jeff and Peter on their respective promotions. Each of these individuals embody our core values and have been integral parts of our fantastic Team. Their hard work, commitment and focus are exemplary."
About Agree Realty Corporation
Agree Realty Corporation is a publicly traded real estate investment trust primarily engaged in the acquisition and development of properties net leased to industry-leading retail tenants. The Company currently owns and operates a portfolio of 663 properties, located in 46 states and containing approximately 11.5 million square feet of gross leasable space. The common stock of Agree Realty Corporation is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "ADC". For additional information, please visit
Agree Realty Corporation是一家公開交易的房地產投資信託公司,主要從事收購和開發淨租賃給行業領先的零售租户的物業。該公司目前擁有並經營着663處物業,分佈在46個州,總可租賃面積約為1150萬平方英尺。協和房地產公司的普通股在紐約證券交易所上市,代碼為“ADC”。欲獲知更多信息,請訪問。
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SOURCE Agree Realty Corporation
/CONTACT: Clay Thelen, Chief Financial Officer, Agree Realty Corporation, (248) 737-4190
/聯繫方式:Contact Realty Corporation首席財務官Clay Thelen,電話:(248)737-4190
/Web site:
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
February 28, 2019 16:05 ET (21:05 GMT)