
Fmr LLC Buys 15,123 Shares of National Energy Services Reunited Corp. (NASDAQ:NESR)

Fmr LLC Buys 15,123 Shares of National Energy Services Reunited Corp. (NASDAQ:NESR)

FMR 有限責任公司收購 15,123 股國家能源服務團聚公司股份有限公司(NASDAQ:NESR)
Defense World ·  2022/12/09 17:41

Fmr LLC lifted its stake in National Energy Services Reunited Corp. (NASDAQ:NESR – Get Rating) by 0.3% during the second quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The institutional investor owned 5,516,332 shares of the company's stock after purchasing an additional 15,123 shares during the quarter. Fmr LLC owned about 6.07% of National Energy Services Reunited worth $37,401,000 as of its most recent filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission.

據FMR LLC在最近提交給美國證券交易委員會的13F檔案中稱,該公司在第二季度將其在美國國家能源服務重組公司(National Energy Services reunated Corp.,納斯達克代碼:NESR-GET評級)的持股比例提高了0.3%。該機構投資者在本季度額外購買了15,123股後,持有該公司5,516,332股股票。截至最近提交給美國證券交易委員會(Securities&Exchange Commission)的檔案,FMR LLC擁有National Energy Services reunated約6.07%的股份,價值37,401,000美元。

Several other hedge funds and other institutional investors have also added to or reduced their stakes in the business. Rice Hall James & Associates LLC raised its stake in National Energy Services Reunited by 1.3% during the 1st quarter. Rice Hall James & Associates LLC now owns 340,058 shares of the company's stock valued at $2,856,000 after buying an additional 4,500 shares during the last quarter. HITE Hedge Asset Management LLC raised its stake in National Energy Services Reunited by 155.3% during the 1st quarter. HITE Hedge Asset Management LLC now owns 541,846 shares of the company's stock valued at $4,552,000 after buying an additional 329,571 shares during the last quarter. SIR Capital Management L.P. raised its stake in National Energy Services Reunited by 19.5% during the 1st quarter. SIR Capital Management L.P. now owns 480,927 shares of the company's stock valued at $4,040,000 after buying an additional 78,400 shares during the last quarter. Boston Partners raised its stake in National Energy Services Reunited by 5.6% during the 1st quarter. Boston Partners now owns 1,878,900 shares of the company's stock valued at $15,756,000 after buying an additional 99,074 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Denali Advisors LLC purchased a new stake in National Energy Services Reunited during the 2nd quarter valued at $626,000. 39.75% of the stock is owned by institutional investors.

其他幾家對沖基金和其他機構投資者也增持或減持了該業務的股份。第一季度,萊斯·霍爾·詹姆斯聯合公司將其在美國國家能源服務公司的持股比例提高了1.3%。萊斯·霍爾·詹姆斯和合夥人有限責任公司現在擁有340,058股該公司股票,價值2,856,000美元,在上個季度又購買了4,500股。Hite Hedge Asset Management LLC在第一季度將其在National Energy Services reunded的持股增加了155.3%。Hite Hedge Asset Management LLC現在持有該公司541,846股股票,價值4,552,000美元,上個季度又購買了329,571股。Sirst Capital Management L.P.在第一季度將其在National Energy Services reunded的持股比例提高了19.5%。在上個季度又購買了78,400股後,Sirst Capital Management L.P.現在持有該公司480,927股股票,價值4,040,000美元。波士頓合夥公司在第一季度將其在重新聯合的國家能源服務公司的股份增加了5.6%。波士頓合夥公司現在持有該公司1,878,900股股票,價值15,756,000美元,上個季度又購買了99,074股。最後,Denali Advisors LLC購買了第二季度重新聯合的國家能源服務公司的新股份,價值62.6萬美元。39.75%的股份由機構投資者持有。

National Energy Services Reunited

National Energy Services Reunited Trading Up 2.7 %


Shares of NESR opened at $6.11 on Friday. National Energy Services Reunited Corp. has a 1-year low of $5.64 and a 1-year high of $10.92. The firm has a fifty day simple moving average of $6.66 and a two-hundred day simple moving average of $6.80.


About National Energy Services Reunited


(Get Rating)

National Energy Services Reunited Corp. provides oilfield services to oil and gas companies in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Asia Pacific regions. It operates through two segments, Production Services; and Drilling and Evaluation Services. The Production Services segment offers hydraulic fracturing services; coiled tubing services, including nitrogen lifting, fishing, milling, clean-out, scale removal, and other well applications; stimulation and pumping services; primary and remedial cementing services; nitrogen services; filtration services, as well as frac tanks and pumping units; and pipeline services, such as water filling and hydro testing, nitrogen purging, and de-gassing and pressure testing, as well as cutting/welding and cooling down piping/vessels systems.


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Want to see what other hedge funds are holding NESR? Visit to get the latest 13F filings and insider trades for National Energy Services Reunited Corp. (NASDAQ:NESR – Get Rating).

想看看其他對沖基金持有Nesr的哪些股份嗎?訪問HoldingsChannel.com獲取國家能源服務聯合公司(納斯達克代碼:NESR-GET Rating)的最新13F備案檔案和內幕交易資訊。

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