
Bravada Reports 38% IRR and US$46.1 Million After-Tax NPV@5% for Phase I PEA at Wind Mountain Au/Ag Project, Nevada; Additional Leach-Pad Site Being Evaluated for Phase II

Bravada Reports 38% IRR and US$46.1 Million After-Tax NPV@5% for Phase I PEA at Wind Mountain Au/Ag Project, Nevada; Additional Leach-Pad Site Being Evaluated for Phase II

Bravada 報告內華達州風山澳洲/農業銀行專案的第一期 PEA 的 38% IRR 和 46.1 百萬美元的稅後淨現值 @5%;第二階段正在評估額外的滲濾墊地點
newsfile ·  2022/12/09 01:55



  • The Phase I PEA includes a 30.3million ton capacity leach pad, roughly 62% of the updated, Pit-constrained Resource tons, taking advantage of a leach-pad site adjacent to the modeled open pit.
  • A potential Phase II pad site directly north of Phase I is being evaluated to include additional Pit-constrained Resource as well as adjacent, under-drilled outcropping mineralization at North Hill.
  • The PEA and Pit-constrained Resource were modeled with 3-year, trailing average prices of US$1,750 for gold and $21 for silver.
  • The Pit-constrained Resource consists of:
    • 46million tons at 0.010 oz Au per ton and 0.26 oz Ag per ton containing 474,000ounces of Au and 11,807,000ounces of Ag in the Indicated Category; and
    • 2.6million tons at 0.008 oz per ton Au and 0.19 oz Ag per ton containing 21,900ounces of Au and 497,000ounces of Ag in the Inferred Category.
  • The Phase I PEA consists of 96% of the gold ounces in the Indicated Resource Category, acceptable for Pre-feasibility study.
  • Compared to the Company's independent 2012 Resource/PEA study, the Phase I PEA considers only a portion of the pit-constrained Resource that will fit onto a restricted area available as a close-in heap-leach pad site; 30.3million tons (31% less than the 2012 model, which utilized a pad space located much farther from the mine) and produces 227,000 ounces of Au-eq (29% less than the 2012 model pit).
  • Even with fewer tons being mined, Initial Capital increased by 3% to $46MM, with most of the Sustaining Capital in year 3.
  • The strip ratio was reduced by 23% to 0.55:1 waste to ore and the payback period was reduced 15% to 1.9 years in the current Phase I study.
  • Higher grades predicted and then verified by 2021 drilling resulted in better grades in early years and conversion of certain Inferred blocks into Indicated blocks, improving economics.
  • The strip ratio may be reduced further with additional test work as 1.1million tons of historic "waste rock" that must be removed in Phase I can be removed and stored on a low-grade stockpile. The material is currently not considered part of the Resource but limited sampling and drilling suggest it may contain recoverable gold, which may be processed on the Phase I heap pad.
  • The economics of the Phase I PEA have improved significantly compared to the 2012 PEA despite higher costs for capital and many operating costs. The AFTER-TAX IRR is 38% (an 81% improvement over the 2012 IRR of 21%) and the AFTER-TAX NPV @5% discount is $46.1million (a 74% improvement over the earlier NPV @5% of $26.5MM).
  • 這個第一階段PEA包括一個容量為3,030萬噸的浸出墊,大約是更新後的坑限制資源噸的62%,利用了與模型露天礦坑相鄰的浸出墊場地。
  • 一種潛力港口及機場發展區第二期地盤正進行評估,以包括額外的礦場受限資源,以及鄰近、未鑽探的北山露頭礦化。
  • PEA和Pit受限資源模型為3年,跟蹤美國平均價格黃金1,750美元銀價21美元。
  • 這個凹坑受限資源包括:
    • 4600萬噸,金每噸0.010盎司,銀每噸0.26盎司,含474,000盎司金11,807,000盎司銀指示的類別
    • 260萬噸,以每噸含金0.008盎司和含銀0.19盎司計21,900盎司金497,000盎司銀推斷類別.
  • 第一階段PEA包括世界上96%的黃金盎司指示的資源 類別,可接受預可行性研究。
  • 與公司2012年的獨立資源/PEA研究相比根據第一階段資源評估,只考慮部分受礦坑限制的資源可放入可用作近堆浸礦場的受限區域內;3,030萬噸(較二零一二年模型減少31%,該模型使用的墊層空間距離礦場較遠),並生產227,000盎司Au-eq(較二零一二年模型礦坑減少29%)。
  • 即使開採的噸較少,初始資本增長3%至4600萬美元,大部分持續資本在第三年。
  • 這個帶鋼比減少了23%,降至0.55:1廢物轉化為礦石和回收期減少了15%至1.9年在目前的第一階段研究中。
  • 更高的等級預測,然後由2021年鑽井在早些年導致了更好的品位,並將某些推斷區塊轉換為指示區塊,提高了經濟效益。
  • 隨着額外的測試工作的進行,條帶率可能會進一步降低,因為在第一階段必須移除的110萬噸歷史“廢石”可以被移除並儲存在低品位庫存。該材料目前不被視為資源的一部分,但有限的採樣和鑽探表明,它可能含有可回收的黃金,可能會在第一階段堆墊上進行處理。
  • 這個經濟學第一階段的PEA有顯著提高與2012年的PEA相比,儘管資本成本和許多運營成本更高。這個税後內部收益率為38%(較2012年21%的內部回報率提高81%)和税後淨現值@5%折扣為4610萬美元(比之前的淨現值提高了74%,為2650萬美元,提高了5%)。

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 8, 2022) - Bravada Gold Corporation (TSXV: BVA) (the "Company" or "Bravada") reports the results of an updated, independent Resource and Phase I Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for its Wind Mountain Gold/Silver Property in Washoe County, Nevada.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年12月8日)-布拉瓦達黃金公司(TSXV:BVA)(“公司”或“Bravada”)報告ITS最新的獨立資源和第一階段初步經濟評估(PEA)的結果風山金銀物業在內華達州的瓦肖縣。

Economics have improved significantly compared to the Company's 2012 study due to utilizing a near-mine, heap-leach pad site for a portion of the Pit-constrained resource and higher grades for early mining, which were predicted and then verified by drilling during 2021. To add additional mine life, a Phase II pad site has been identified due north of the Phase I site, and although somewhat farther from the currently identified Pit-constrained resource, it is located very close to outcropping mineralization at the North End target area, which has only been tested with minor drilling. Other potential additions to mine life that the Phase I PEA did not consider include mineralization at the South End deposit and historic "waste rock piles" where the Company has identified potentially recoverable gold and silver.


Total Pit-constrained Resource


After verifying and slightly modifying the Wind Mountain 2012 Global Resource based on subsequent drilling, which was confirmed to within <1%, a total Pit-constrained Resource was calculated by RESPEC Company, LLC ("RESPEC", formerly Mine Development Associates) utilizing the 3-year trailing-average, base-case price of US$1,750 per ounce of gold and $21 per ounce of silver. Results are tabulated below.

在根據後續鑽探對Wind Mountain 2012全球資源進行核實和略微修改後,已確認在

2022 - Constrained in $1750 Gold Price Optimized Pit
Tons oz
oz Au oz Ag
variable         45,583,000 0.010 0.26         474,000         11,807,000
Tons oz
oz Au oz Ag
variable           2,604,000 0.008 0.19            21,900              497,000
奧茲金 盎司銀
變數 45,583,000 0.010 0.26 474,000 11,807,000
奧茲金 盎司銀
變數 2,604,000 0.008 0.19 21,900 497,000



  • The Effective Date of the Wind Mountain mineral resources is October 4, 2022.
  • The estimate of mineral resources was done by RESPEC in Imperial tons.
  • Mineral Resources comprised all model blocks at a 0.006oz Au/ton cut-off for Oxide within an optimized pit and 0.014oz Au/ton for Mixed and Unoxidized within an optimized pit.
  • The project mineral resources are block-diluted Mineral Resources potentially amenable to open pit mining methods and reported within optimized pits using a gold price of US$1,750/oz, a silver price of US$21/oz and a throughput rate of 20,000 tonnes/day. Assumed metallurgical recoveries for gold are 62% for oxide, 20% for mixed and 15% for unoxidized. Assumed metallurgical recoveries for silver are 15% for oxide and 0% for mixed and unoxidized., Mining costs of US$2.75/tonne mined, heap leach processing costs of US$3.17/tonne processed, general and administrative costs of $0.57/tonne processed. Gold and silver commodity prices were selected based on analysis of the three-year running average.
  • Material in waste dumps and heap leach pads are NOT included in the current model and resource.
  • Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
  • The estimate of mineral resources may be materially affected by geology, environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, sociopolitical, marketing, or other relevant issues.
  • Rounding may result in apparent discrepancies between tonnes, grade, and contained metal content.
  • 風山礦產資源生效日期為2022年10月4日。
  • 礦產資源的估計是由REPEC以英制噸為單位進行的。
  • 礦產資源包括所有模型區塊,優化礦坑內氧化物的截止限價為0.006盎司Au/噸,優化礦坑內的混合和未氧化礦塊的截止限值為0.014盎司Au/噸。
  • 該項目礦產資源為區塊稀釋礦產資源,可能適用於露天採礦方法,並在優化礦場內報告,金價為1,750美元/盎司,白銀價格為21美元/盎司,產能為20,000噸/天。假設金的冶金回收率為氧化金62%,混合金20%,未氧化金15%。假設銀的冶金回收率為氧化物為15%,混合及未氧化為0%,採礦成本為2.75美元/噸,堆浸處理成本為3.17美元/噸,一般及行政成本為0.57美元/噸。黃金和白銀大宗商品價格是基於對三年平均運行水平的分析而挑選出來的。
  • 廢料場和堆浸墊中的材料不包括在當前的型號和資源中。
  • 不屬於礦產儲備的礦產資源沒有顯示出經濟可行性。
  • 礦產資源的估計可能會受到地質、環境、許可、法律、所有權、税收、社會政治、營銷或其他相關問題的重大影響。
  • 四捨五入可能會導致噸、品位和所含金屬含量之間的明顯差異。

Phase I PEA for a Close-in Heap-leach Site


The Phase I PEA assumes open-pit, contract mining with conventional trucks and shovels and run-of-mine leaching. The base-case economic model(1) is summarized below in US dollars and Imperial units (some values rounded):


Resource inside the pits for Phase I PEA = 29.2 million tons of Indicated Resource @ 0.011 oz Au/t & 0.267 oz Ag/t and 1.08 million tons of Inferred Resource at 0.009 oz Au/t and 0.173 oz Ag/t, both at a cut-off grade of 0.008 oz Au/t. Oxide mineralization = 30.2 million tons and Mixed oxide/sulfide = 0.01 million tons.
Gold & Silver Ounces mined = 344,000 oz Au and 7,975,000 oz Ag.
Gold & Silver Ounces produced = 213,000 oz Au (recovery 61.9%) & 1,194,000 oz Ag (recovery 15%) or 227,000 oz Au-eq(2).
Waste: Ore Strip ratio = 0.55:1
Capital = Initial capital of $46.6 million with $19.8 million sustaining capital
Mine Life = approximately 4.2 years of mining
After-tax Payback Period = 1.8 years
Life-of-mine cash cost(3) = $1,045 per ounce Au
All-in Sustaining Costs = $1,175 per ounce Au
After-tax IRR = 38%
After-tax NVP@5% = $46.1 million

礦山壽命現金成本(3) = 每盎司黃金1,045美元

(1) Canadian NI 43-101 guidelines define a PEA as follows: "A preliminary economic assessment is preliminary in nature and it includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied that would enable them to be classified as mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the preliminary assessment will be realized. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability."

(1)加拿大NI 43-101指南對PEA的定義如下:初步經濟評估是初步的,它包括被認為在地質學上被認為過於投機的推斷礦產資源,這些資源被應用於經濟考慮,使其能夠被歸類為礦產儲量,而且初步評估是否會實現並不確定。不屬於礦產儲量的礦產資源沒有證明的經濟可行性。

(2)Expected recoveries were incorporated to convert silver to gold equivalent (Au-eq) at 345 Ag:1 Au ($1,750 x 61.9% divided by ($21 x 15%))

(2)計入預期回收率,按345Ag:1 Au將白銀轉換為黃金當量(Au-eq)(1,750美元x 61.9%除以(美元21 x 15%))

(3)Costs include estimated Nevada Net Proceeds taxes, property taxes, estimated corporate income tax, and treats silver as a by-product credit.


Sensitivity studies by RESPEC are presented in the table below. RESPEC notes that additional studies such as further metallurgical studies to evaluate crushing higher-grade portions of the deposit and grid drilling to delineate economic portions of the previously mined "waste rock", which are given no value in the current model, could further enhance the economics. For example, RESPEC notes that 1.1million tons of historic mine waste is currently classified as "waste" and must be removed during Phase I mining; however, results of limited drilling, surface sampling, and trenching by Bravada suggest the material contains potentially recoverable gold. RESPEC and Woods recommends that the material be placed in a stockpile for additional study or utilized as over liner on the leach pads; the material potentially would be added to the currently designed Phase I pad to further reduce the strip ratio and increase positive economics.


    Metal Price (Cash Flow and Net Present Value in US$000)
Au Price Ag Price Undiscounted CF NPV @ 5% NPV @ 8% NPV @ 10% IRR
 $   1,600  $        19.20  $               35,490  $         23,426  $           17,656  $        14,302 22%
 $   1,650  $        19.80  $               44,419  $         30,968  $           24,509  $        20,744 28%
 $   1,700  $        20.40  $               53,433  $         38,576  $           31,417  $        27,237 33%
 $   1,750  $        21.00  $               62,322  $         46,077  $          38,229  $        33,638 38%
 $   1,800  $        21.60  $               70,801  $         53,239  $           44,736  $        39,755 43%
 $   1,850  $        22.20  $               79,280  $         60,399  $           51,242  $        45,871 48%
 $   1,900  $        22.80  $               87,855  $         67,641  $           57,822  $        52,057 53%
    Undiscounted CF NPV @ 5% NPV @ 8% NPV @ 10% IRR
  70%  $               62,322  $         46,077  $           38,229  $        33,638 38%
  80%  $               62,322  $         46,077  $           38,229  $        33,638 38%
  90%  $               62,322  $         46,077  $           38,229  $        33,638 38%
  100%  $               62,322  $         46,077  $          38,229  $        33,638 38%
  110%  $               62,322  $         46,077  $           38,229  $        33,638 38%
  120%  $               62,322  $         46,077  $           38,229  $        33,638 38%
  130%  $               62,322  $         46,077  $           38,229  $        33,638 38%
    Operating Cost        
    Undiscounted CF NPV @ 5% NPV @ 8% NPV @ 10% IRR
  70%  $             123,722  $         98,006  $           85,454  $        78,061 74%
  80%  $             103,996  $         81,368  $           70,348  $        63,866 63%
  90%  $               83,401  $         63,942  $           54,496  $        48,952 51%
  100%  $               62,322  $         46,077  $          38,229  $        33,638 38%
  110%  $               40,221  $         27,371  $           21,211  $        17,626 25%
  120%  $               17,990  $           8,559  $             4,098  $           1,525 11%
  130%  $               (4,240)  $       (10,254)  $         (13,015)  $       (14,575) -3%
    Capital Cost        
    Undiscounted CF NPV @ 5% NPV @ 8% NPV @ 10% IRR
  70%  $               81,761  $         64,349  $           55,849  $        50,842 67%
  80%  $               75,281  $         58,258  $           49,976  $        45,107 55%
  90%  $               68,801  $         52,168  $           44,102  $        39,373 46%
  100%  $               62,322  $         46,077 $          38,229  $        33,638 38%
  110%  $               55,593  $         39,782  $           32,173  $        27,733 31%
  120%  $               48,736  $         33,380  $           26,022  $        21,741 26%
  130%  $               41,878  $         26,979  $           19,872  $        15,748 21%
金屬價格 (現金流和淨現值單位:000美元)
Au價格 AG價格 未折扣的現金流 淨現值@5% 淨現值@8% 淨現值@10% IRR
$ 1,600 $ 19.20 $ 35,490 $ 23,426 $ 17,656 $ 14,302 22%
$ 1,650 $ 19.80 $ 44,419 $ 30,968 $ 24,509 $ 20,744 28%
$ 1,700 $ 20.40 $ 53,433 $ 38,576 $ 31,417 $ 27,237 33%
$ 1,750 $ 21.00 $ 62,322 $ 46,077 $ 38,229 $ 33,638 38%
$ 1,800 $ 21.60 $ 70,801 $ 53,239 $ 44,736 $ 39,755 43%
$ 1,850 $ 22.20 $ 79,280 $ 60,399 $ 51,242 $ 45,871 48%
$ 1,900 $ 22.80 $ 87,855 $ 67,641 $ 57,822 $ 52,057 53%
未折扣的現金流 淨現值@5% 淨現值@8% 淨現值@10% IRR
70% $ 62,322 $ 46,077 $ 38,229 $ 33,638 38%
80% $ 62,322 $ 46,077 $ 38,229 $ 33,638 38%
90% $ 62,322 $ 46,077 $ 38,229 $ 33,638 38%
100% $ 62,322 $ 46,077 $ 38,229 $ 33,638 38%
110% $ 62,322 $ 46,077 $ 38,229 $ 33,638 38%
120% $ 62,322 $ 46,077 $ 38,229 $ 33,638 38%
130% $ 62,322 $ 46,077 $ 38,229 $ 33,638 38%
未折扣的現金流 淨現值@5% 淨現值@8% 淨現值@10% IRR
70% $ 123,722 $ 98,006 $ 85,454 $ 78,061 74%
80% $ 103,996 $ 81,368 $ 70,348 $ 63,866 63%
90% $ 83,401 $ 63,942 $ 54,496 $ 48,952 51%
100% $ 62,322 $ 46,077 $ 38,229 $ 33,638 38%
110% $ 40,221 $ 27,371 $ 21,211 $ 17,626 25%
120% $ 17,990 $ 8,559 $ 4,098 $ 1,525 11%
130% $ (4,240) $ (10,254) $ (13,015) $ (14,575) -3%
未折扣的現金流 淨現值@5% 淨現值@8% 淨現值@10% IRR
70% $ 81,761 $ 64,349 $ 55,849 $ 50,842 67%
80% $ 75,281 $ 58,258 $ 49,976 $ 45,107 55%
90% $ 68,801 $ 52,168 $ 44,102 $ 39,373 46%
100% $ 62,322 $ 46,077 $ 38,229 $ 33,638 38%
110% $ 55,593 $ 39,782 $ 32,173 $ 27,733 31%
120% $ 48,736 $ 33,380 $ 26,022 $ 21,741 26%
130% $ 41,878 $ 26,979 $ 19,872 $ 15,748 21%

President Joe Kizis commented, "We have taken a phased approach to development at Wind Mountain. Phase I takes advantage of a pad space adjacent to the modelled mining operation. The increased grade verified in the Breeze pit area by drilling during 2021 provides increased cash flow during the early years of production, providing the benefit that cash flow should fund sustaining capital required in year 3. The 2022 Pit-constrained resource would be depleted by about 62% during Phase I and a probable Phase II pad site has been identified north of the Phase I pad. Capital costs to activate Phase II should be reasonable and potentially funded by cash flow. There are several fault blocks of outcropping mineralization based on surface sampling uphill from the Phase II pad that have not been tested by drilling except for results from several encouraging shallow drill holes at North Hill. Although the North Hill targets are not expected to contain a large number of ounces, they would be very inexpensive to mine due to being at or near surface and to transport to an adjacent Phase II pad.

總裁Joe基齊斯點評,“我們在Wind Mountain採取了分階段開發的方法。第一階段利用與模擬採礦作業相鄰的襯墊空間。2021年期間在Breeze礦坑地區通過鑽探證實的增加的品位在生產的最初幾年提供了更多的現金流,提供了現金流應可支付第三年所需的持續資本的好處。2022年礦坑受限的資源將在第一階段耗盡約62%,並已在第一階段PAD以北找到一個可能的第二階段PAD選址。啟動第二階段的資本成本應該是合理的,並可能由現金流提供資金。有幾個基於地表採樣的露頭礦化斷層塊在二期墊地上山,除了北山幾個令人鼓舞的淺鑽孔的結果外,還沒有經過鑽探測試。儘管北山目標預計不會含有大量盎司黃金,但由於它們位於地表或接近地表,因此開採成本非常低,並可運輸到鄰近的二期礦場。

We focused on the Phase I area first because it contains better-than-average grades in the early years of the mine plan and has been drill tested to mostly oxidized Indicated categories, so it could be potentially quickly upgraded to Reserve Category with a Pre-feasibility study. Operational advantages for development of Wind Mountain include its location in a sparsely populated region of northwestern Nevada (less than a 2-hour drive from Reno), county-maintained roads, power lines to the property, location six miles from a geothermal power station, and no known environmental or archaeological impediments."

我們首先專注於第一階段地區,因為該地區在採礦計劃的最初幾年含有高於平均水平的品位,並且已經過鑽探測試,主要是氧化指示類別,因此該地區可能很快就會升級為儲量類別,進行預可行性研究。開發Wind Mountain的運營優勢包括:它位於內華達州西北部人煙稀少的地區(距離裏諾不到2小時車程),縣級維護的道路,通往該物業的電線,距離地熱發電站6英里的位置,以及沒有已知的環境或考古障礙。

RESPEC, Woods Process Services, and Debra Struhsacker, Bravada's Environmental Permitting and Government Relations Consultant, compiled the technical report. Thomas Dyer, P.E. is a Principal Engineer for RESPEC and is responsible for sections of the technical report involving mine designs and the economic evaluation; Michael Lindholm, C.P.G., is a Principal Geologist for RESPEC, and is responsible for the sections involving the Mineral Resource estimate; Jeffery Woods, SME MMSA QP, is an independent Principal Consulting Metallurgist with Woods Process Services and is responsible for the sections on process 13, 17 and 21. The PEA relies on Debra Struhsacker as an expert in permitting. Thomas Dyer, Michael Lindholm and Jeffery Woods are the Qualified Persons of the technical report for the purpose of Canadian NI 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Economic Analyses of Mineral Projects.

這份技術報告由伍茲過程服務公司RESPEC和Bravada的環境許可和政府關係顧問Debra Struhsacker共同編寫。Thomas Dyer,P.E.是REPEEC的首席工程師,負責技術報告中涉及礦山設計和經濟評價的部分;Michael Lindholm,C.P.G.,是REPEC的首席地質學家,負責礦產資源評估部分;Jeffery Wood,SME MMSA QP,是Wood Process Services的獨立首席冶金諮詢專家,負責流程13、17和21部分。PEA依賴於Debra Struhsacker作為許可方面的專家。託馬斯·戴爾、邁克爾·林德霍爾姆和傑弗裏·伍茲是符合加拿大NI 43-101《礦產項目經濟分析披露標準》技術報告的合格人員。

A Technical Report covering both the Phase I PEA and the updated Pit-constrained Resource will be filed with SEDAR within 45 days, as per NI-43-101 regulations.


About Wind Mountain


The past-producing Wind Mountain gold/silver project is located approximately 160km northeast of Reno, Nevada in a sparsely populated region with excellent logistics, including county-maintained road access and a power line to the property. AMAX Gold/Kinross Gold recovered nearly 300,000 ounces of gold and over 1,700,000 ounces of silver between 1989 and 1999 from two small open pits and a heap-leach operation (reported data based on Kinross Gold files). Rio Fortuna Exploration (U.S.) Inc., a wholly owned US subsidiary of Bravada Gold Corporation, acquired 100% of the property through an earn-in agreement with Agnico-Eagle (USA) Limited, a subsidiary of Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited, which retains a 2% NSR royalty interest, of which 1% may be purchased for $1,000,000 at any time prior to commencement of production (purchase to reduce royalty is assumed in PEA calculations). The resource and PEA for Wind Mountain were updated in April 2012 and further updated in November 2022.

過去生產的Wind Mountain黃金/白銀項目位於內華達州里諾東北約160公里處,是一個人口稀少的地區,擁有一流的物流,包括縣維護的道路通道和通往該物業的電力線。在1989至1999年間,Amax Gold/Kinross Gold從兩個小露天礦和一次堆浸作業中回收了近300,000盎司黃金和超過1,700,000盎司白銀(根據Kinross Gold檔案報告的數據)。裏約福圖納勘探公司(美國)Bravada Gold Corporation的美國全資子公司Agnico-Eagle(USA)Limited與Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited簽訂了一項嵌入協議,Agnico-Eagle(USA)Limited保留2%的NSR特許權使用費權益,其中1%可在開始生產前的任何時候以100萬美元購買(購買以降低特許權使用費在PEA計算中假設)。2012年4月更新了Wind Mountain的資源和PEA,並於2022年11月進一步更新。

About Bravada


Bravada is an exploration company with a portfolio of high-quality properties in Nevada, one of the best mining jurisdictions in the World. Bravada has successfully identified and advanced properties with the potential to host high-margin deposits while successfully attracting partners to fund later stages of project development. Bravada's value is underpinned by a substantial gold and silver resource with a positive PEA at Wind Mountain, and the Company has significant upside potential from possible new discoveries at its exploration properties.

Bravada是一家勘探公司,在內華達州擁有一系列高質量的物業,內華達州是世界上最好的礦業司法管轄區之一。Bravada已成功確定並推進了具有容納高利潤率礦藏潛力的物業,同時成功地吸引了合作伙伴為項目開發的後期階段提供資金。Bravada的價值得到大量金銀資源的支持,且在Wind Mountain的PEA為正,本公司在其勘探物業可能發現的新發現中具有重大的上行潛力。

Since 2005, the Company entered into 32 earn-in joint-venture agreements for its properties with 19 publicly traded companies, as well as a similar number of property-acquisition agreements with private individuals. Bravada currently has 10 projects in its portfolio, consisting of 810 claims for approximately 6,500 ha in the Battle Mountain/Eureka and Walker Lane Trends, two of Nevada's most prolific gold trends. Most of the projects host encouraging drill intercepts of gold and already have drill targets developed. Several videos are available on the Company's website that describe Bravada's major properties, responding to investor's commonly asked questions. Simply click on this link .


Joseph Anthony Kizis, Jr. (AIPG CPG-11513) is the qualified person for the Company and is responsible for reviewing and preparing the technical data presented in this release and has approved its disclosure.

小約瑟夫·安東尼·基齊斯(AIPG CPG-11513)是本公司的合格人員,負責審查和準備本新聞稿中提供的技術數據,並已批准其披露。



On behalf of the Board of Directors of Bravada Gold Corporation

代表Bravada Gold Corporation董事會

"Joseph A. Kizis, Jr."


Joseph A. Kizis, Jr., Director, President, Bravada Gold Corporation


For further information, please visit Bravada Gold Corporation's website at or contact the Company at 604.684.9384 or 775.746.3780.

欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問Bravada Gold Corporation的網站,或致電604.684.9384或775.746.3780與該公司聯繫。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This news release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. These statements are based on a number of assumptions, including, but not limited to, assumptions regarding general economic conditions, interest rates, commodity markets, regulatory and governmental approvals for the company's projects, and the availability of financing for the company's development projects on reasonable terms. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, the timing and receipt of government and regulatory approvals, and continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. Bravada Gold Corporation does not assume any obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent required by applicable law.

本新聞稿可能包含前瞻性陳述,包括但不限於有關即將到來的工作計劃、地質解釋、物業所有權的接收、潛在的礦物回收過程等的時間和內容的評論。前瞻性陳述涉及未來的事件和條件,因此涉及固有的風險和不確定性。實際結果可能與此類陳述中目前預期的結果大不相同。這些陳述基於一系列假設,包括但不限於有關一般經濟狀況、利率、大宗商品市場、監管和政府對公司項目的批准以及公司發展項目以合理條件獲得融資的假設。可能導致實際結果與前瞻性表述中的結果大相徑庭的因素包括市場價格、開採和勘探成功、政府和監管部門批准的時間和接收情況、資本和融資的持續可獲得性以及總體經濟、市場或商業狀況。除非適用法律要求,否則Bravada Gold Corporation不承擔任何因新信息、未來事件或其他原因而更新或修改其前瞻性陳述的義務。

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