
Technology Leader Michael Tessler Joins Pebble Advisory Board

Technology Leader Michael Tessler Joins Pebble Advisory Board

GlobeNewswire ·  2022/12/08 22:20

Rockville, MD, Dec. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- mPhase Technologies, Inc. (OTC Pink: XDSL) ("mPhase" or the "Company"), a leading climate technology company with services that transform how both merchants and consumers profit from sustainability-oriented commerce and lifestyle choices, is pleased to announce industry leader Michael Tessler as a member of the Company's Pebble Advisory Board. The board will consist of independent advisors with specific skills and contacts in areas of importance for the ongoing development of the Pebble suite of mobility services. As a reminder, the Company is rebranding under the Pebble name, which has replaced the mPhase and mPower brands.

馬里蘭州羅克維爾,2022 年 12 月 8 日(環球美通社)-- mPhase Technologies, Inc.(場外交易粉紅色:XDSL)(「mPhase」或「公司」)是一家領先的氣候科技公司,其服務改變了商家和消費者如何從可持續發展導向的商業和生活方式選擇中獲利的服務,很高興宣布行業領導者 Michael Tessler 擔任公司 Pebble 諮詢委員會的成員。董事會將由具備特定技能的獨立顧問組成,以及在 Pebble 行動服務套件持續發展重要領域的聯絡人。作為一個提醒,該公司正在以卵石名稱重塑品牌,該名稱取代了 mPhase 和 mPower 品牌。

Michael Tessler is a leading figure in the telecom industry, having co-founded and led NASDAQ-listed BroadSoft as CEO from its early start-up days to becoming the global market leader in Cloud Communications. Recognized as a pioneer in this industry, Michael grew the organization to almost 2,000 employees, serving customers in 80+ countries. At the time of its acquisition by Cisco in 2018 for $1.9 billion, BroadSoft had the widest reach of any open standards-based cloud calling platform, with approximately 50 million seats deployed, 19M+ business subscribers, and 600 service providers and channel partners around the world.

邁克爾·泰斯勒(Michael Tessler)是電信行業的領導者,他曾共同創立並領導納斯達克上市的 BroadSoft 擔任首席執行官,從其早期的創業時代到成為雲通信的全球市場領導者。作為該行業的先驅,Michael 將該組織擴展到近 2,000 名員工,為 80 多個國家的客戶提供服務。在 2018 年思科以 19 億美元的價格收購其時,BroadSoft 在任何基於開放標準的雲通話平台中擁有最廣泛的觸及範圍,部署了約 5000 萬個席位,19 萬名企業用戶以及 600 家服務供應商和通路合作夥伴遍佈全球。

Currently, Michael is a managing partner at True North Advisory, a firm focused on helping entrepreneurs scale their business, particularly in the Enterprise and Service Provider B2B industry. Along with his partners, Scott Hoffpauir, Jim Tholen, Andy Miller, and Dino Di Palma, Michael and the True North team utilize decades of cross-functional business experience to help technology companies in the customer experience and collaboration space with go-to-market, product strategy and business planning.

目前,Michael 是真北諮詢公司的管理合夥人,該公司致力於幫助企業家擴展業務,尤其是在企業和服務提供商 B2B 行業。除了他的合作夥伴 Scott Hoffpauir、吉姆·托倫、安迪·米勒和迪諾·帕爾馬 (Dino Di Palma),Michael 和 True North 團隊利用數十年的跨職能業務經驗,幫助科技公司在客戶體驗和協作空間中進入市場、產品策略和業務規劃。

"Mike has an enviable track record of successful business development, so it would be an understatement to say how excited we are to have him on our team," said Pebble CEO Richard Thorpe. "He is actively engaged in several large-scale international projects, with connections to major corporate partners and technology trends that can enhance our mobility services strategy. In forming our advisory board, we've set a goal to bring on industry experts who can immediately elevate our expertise in strategic technology categories, so gaining someone of Mike's stature fills several of those roles."

Pebble 首席執行官理查德·索普(Richard Shorpe)表示:「邁克在成功的業務發展方面擁有令人羨慕的往績,因此說我們有多興奮地說,我們有多麼興奮。他正積極參與多個大型國際項目,與主要企業合作夥伴和技術趨勢建立聯繫,從而加強我們的移動服務策略。在成立我們的諮詢委員會時,我們設定了一個目標,讓行業專家能夠立即提升我們在策略技術類別方面的專業知識,因此獲得 Mike 的身份可以擔任其中幾個角色。」

"Since completing the full business cycle from founding to exit at BroadSoft, I have been involved in helping companies at various stages of their own growth cycles," explained Michael Tessler. "When I was approached with Pebble's future-looking EV-centric strategy, I immediately recognized similarities to successful early-stage technology companies that utilized advanced communications to enhance both the consumer and business-to-business experience. I am looking forward to working with the Pebble team to create the kind of hybrid technology company that can better serve the changing landscapes of mobile commerce, transportation and sustainability."

Michael Tessler 解釋道:「自從 BroadSoft 成立到退出的整個業務週期以來,我一直參與幫助公司處於自己成長週期的各個階段。當我接觸 Pebble 以未來為中心的 EV 策略時,我立即認識到與成功的早期科技公司相似之處,這些公司利用先進的通訊技術來增強消費者和企業對企業的體驗。我期待與 Pebble 團隊合作,創建一家可以更好地為移動商務,運輸和可持續發展不斷變化的環境服務的混合動力技術公司。」

About mPhase Technologies/Pebble

關於mPhase 技術/鵝卵石

mPhase is a climate technology company rebranding as "Pebble" to offer a suite of cloud-based mobility and consumer engagement services that incentivize consumers for purchases and lifestyle choices that promote sustainability goals. The Pebble platform combines proprietary AI, location-awareness, tokenization, game-mechanics, EV-charger geofencing, and a Company-owned EV charging network to make personal sustainability easier and more rewarding. This ecosystem is unique in that it is tailored to each individual's tastes and needs, creating highly customizable sales opportunities for retailers, along with a scalable platform to benefit from the evolution to EV-centric travel and commerce.

mPhase 是一家氣候科技公司,更名為「Pebble」,以提供一套基於雲的移動性和消費者參與服務,激勵消費者購買和生活方式選擇以促進可持續發展目標。Pebble 平台結合了專有的 AI、定位感知、代幣化、遊戲機制、EV 充電器地理圍欄和公司擁有的電動車充電網路,使個人可持續發展變得更輕鬆、更有價值。這個生態系統的獨特之處在於它是為每個人的品味和需求量身定制的,為零售商創造了高度可定制的銷售機會,以及可擴展的平台,從發展到以 EV 為中心的旅行和商務中受益。

Additional information can be found at the mPhase website,  and at .

您可以在 mPhase 網站上找到其他資訊。

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