Press Release: EOG Resources Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2018 Results and Announces 2019 Capital Program
Press Release: EOG Resources Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2018 Results and Announces 2019 Capital Program
*DJ EOG Resources 4Q Adj EPS $1.24 >EOG
*DJ EOG Resources 4Q Adj EPS$1.24>EOG
(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires (212-416-2800)
February 26, 2019 16:16 ET (21:16 GMT)
*DJ EOG Resources 4Q EPS $1.54 >EOG
*DJ EOG Resources第四季度每股收益1.54美元>EOG
(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires (212-416-2800)
February 26, 2019 16:16 ET (21:16 GMT)
*DJ EOG Resources 4Q Net $892.8M >EOG
*DJ EOG Resources第四季度淨值8.928億美元>EOG
(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires (212-416-2800)
February 26, 2019 16:16 ET (21:16 GMT)
*DJ EOG Resources 4Q Rev $4.57B >EOG
*DJ EOG Resources第四季度修訂版$45.7億>EOG
(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires (212-416-2800)
February 26, 2019 16:16 ET (21:16 GMT)
Press Release: EOG Resources Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2018 Results and Announces 2019 Capital Program
新聞稿:EOG Resources公佈2018年第四季和全年業績,宣佈2019年資本計劃
EOG Resources Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2018 Results and Announces 2019 Capital Program
EOG Resources報告2018年第四季度和全年業績並宣佈2019年資本計劃
PR Newswire
HOUSTON, Feb. 26, 2019
HOUSTON, Feb. 26, 2019 /PRNewswire/ --
-- Earns Record Net Income in 2018 and Generates Significant Net Cash from
Operating Activities and Free Cash Flow
-- Exceeds Fourth Quarter Crude Oil and NGL Production Target Midpoints
-- Increases Proved Reserves by 16% and Replaces 238% of 2018 Production at
Sub-$10 Finding Cost
-- Targets Improved Capital Efficiency, Significant Investment in
High-Quality New Drilling Potential and 12-16% U.S. Crude Oil Volume
Growth in 2019, Funded with Net Cash from Operating Activities at $50 Oil
EOG Resources, Inc. (EOG) today reported fourth quarter 2018 net income of $893 million, or $1.54 per share. This compares to fourth quarter 2017 net income of $2.4 billion, or $4.20 per share. For the full year 2018, EOG reported a company record net income of $3.4 billion, or $5.89 per share, compared to $2.6 billion, or $4.46 per share, for the full year 2017. Net cash from operating activities for the fourth quarter and full year 2018 was $2.1 billion and $7.8 billion, respectively.
EOG Resources,Inc.(EOG)今天公佈2018年第四季度淨收入為8.93億美元,合每股1.54美元。相比之下,2017年第四季度淨收入為24億美元,合每股4.20美元。2018年全年,EOG報告公司淨收入達到創紀錄的34億美元,合每股5.89美元,而2017年全年為26億美元,合每股4.46美元。2018年第四季度和全年的運營活動淨現金分別為21億美元和78億美元。
Adjusted non-GAAP net income for the fourth quarter 2018 was $718 million, or $1.24 per share, compared to adjusted non-GAAP net income of $401 million, or $0.69 per share, for the same prior year period. Adjusted non-GAAP net income for the full year 2018 was $3.2 billion, or $5.54 per share, compared to adjusted non-GAAP net income of $648 million, or $1.12 per share, for the full year 2017. Please refer to the attached tables for the reconciliation of non-GAAP measures to GAAP measures.
Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2018 Review
EOG delivered exceptional financial and operating performance in 2018. The company generated record net income and free cash flow, while ending the year with strong improvements in well productivity and additional cost reductions. Total company crude oil volumes grew 19 percent to 399,900 barrels of oil per day (Bopd). Natural gas liquids production increased 31 percent, while natural gas volumes grew 11 percent, contributing to total company production growth of 18 percent.
In the fourth quarter 2018, EOG exceeded the high end of its target range for U.S. crude oil volumes by producing 430,300 Bopd, an increase of 17 percent compared to the same prior year period. Per-unit operating expenses declined during the fourth quarter 2018 compared to the same prior year period. Lower general and administrative expenses, transportation costs and depreciation, depletion and amortization expenses each contributed to the overall cost reduction.
EOG generated $2.1 billion of discretionary cash flow and incurred total expenditures of $1.5 billion in the fourth quarter 2018. After considering cash exploration and development expenditures, excluding acquisitions, of $1.3 billion and dividend payments of $127 million, the company generated free cash flow during the fourth quarter of $637 million. For the full year 2018 EOG generated a company record $1.7 billion of free cash flow. Please refer to the attached tables for the reconciliation of non-GAAP measures to GAAP measures.
"Our goal at EOG is to be one of the best companies in the S&P 500. Our stellar 2018 performance delivered a premium combination of high returns and double-digit production growth while generating record free cash flow," said William R. "Bill" Thomas, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "Our 2018 results show that we can be competitive with the best companies across all sectors, and we remain relentlessly focused on further improving our cost structure and operating performance."
威廉·R(William R.)表示:“我們在EOG的目標是成為標準普爾500指數(S&P500)中最好的公司之一。我們2018年的出色表現提供了高回報和兩位數產量增長的溢價組合,同時產生了創紀錄的自由現金流。”“比爾”·托馬斯,董事長兼首席執行官。我們2018年的業績表明,我們可以在所有行業與最好的公司競爭,我們仍然堅持不懈地專注於進一步改善我們的成本結構和運營業績。
2019 Capital Plan
EOG's capital plan is custom-designed each year to increase returns and capital efficiencies. In 2019, EOG is allocating more capital to opportunistic, high quality new drilling potential and somewhat less capital to drilling in established areas. The company's disciplined growth strategy emphasizes generating free cash flow while lowering well costs and per-unit operating expenses and driving improvement in well productivity. Retaining high-quality equipment and crews during the fourth quarter of 2018 positioned the company to further improve efficiencies and returns in 2019.
EOG expects to grow U.S. crude oil production by 12 to 16 percent, fund capital investment and pay the dividend with net cash from operating activities in 2019 at $50 oil. Exploration and development expenditures for 2019 are expected to range from $6.1 to $6.5 billion, including facilities and gathering, processing and other expenditures, excluding acquisitions and non-cash exchanges.
EOG expects to complete approximately 740 net wells in 2019 compared to 763 net wells in 2018. Activity will remain focused in EOG's highest rate-of-return oil assets in the Delaware Basin, Eagle Ford, Rockies, Woodford and Bakken. The company's investment in new potential areas in the United States includes spending for leasing and related infrastructure to drill wells in a number of new prospects in 2019.
EOG預計2019年將完成約740口淨井,而2018年為763口。EOG在特拉華州盆地、鷹福特(Eagle Ford)、落基山脈(Rockies)、伍德福德(Woodford)和巴肯(Bakken)的石油資產回報率最高,活動仍將集中在這些資產上。該公司在美國新的潛在領域的投資包括2019年在多個新前景鑽探油井的租賃和相關基礎設施支出。
"EOG's disciplined 2019 capital plan delivers improved capital efficiency and strong high-return growth while making investments in new organic high-quality drilling potential to improve the future performance of the company," Thomas said. "Our focus on innovation and operational execution, as well as our investment in new drilling potential, will continue to increase the quality of EOG's premium portfolio. EOG is poised to further improve its position as one of the lowest cost oil producers in the global market, able to create shareholder value through commodity price cycles."
Operating Highlights
EOG completed 262 net wells in the Delaware Basin and increased crude oil production 47% to 126,800 Bopd in 2018. The company made significant progress during 2018 in improving well productivity and reducing well costs. EOG refined spacing and development patterns, reduced drilling days and applied new completion technology designed to lower costs and improve well productivity.
EOG continues to drive growth and operating efficiencies in its premier South Texas Eagle Ford asset. In 2018, the company grew crude oil production 9% to 171,000 Bopd. Of the 304 net wells completed in 2018, EOG drilled a total of 65 wells with lateral lengths greater than 10,000 feet. These wells included the Slytherin C#3H, which, at 13,500 feet, was a company record in the Eagle Ford.
EOG繼續推動其首屈一指的南得克薩斯州鷹福特(South Texas Eagle Ford)資產的增長和運營效率。2018年,該公司原油產量增長9%,至17.1萬桶/日。在2018年完成的304口淨井中,EOG總共鑽出了65口側向長度超過1萬英尺的井。這些油井包括斯萊特林C#3H,它在13500英尺的高度,是鷹福特公司的記錄。
EOG's Powder River Basin and Wyoming DJ Basin activity both contributed to the company's 2018 crude oil production growth. In the Powder River Basin, the company brought eight wells on line during the fourth quarter targeting the Turner, Mowry and Parkman formations. The company plans to add infrastructure and further delineate the field and test additional targets in 2019 to be positioned to execute a more robust development program in the Niobrara and Mowry in 2020 and beyond. In the Wyoming DJ Basin, EOG generated further cost reductions during 2018 through efficiency improvements in drilling, completion and production operations. The company brought 20 wells to sales in the fourth quarter, all targeting the Codell formation. EOG expects further crude oil production growth from its high rate of return drilling in the DJ Basin in 2019.
EOG continued development of its premium play in the Eastern Anadarko Basin Woodford Oil Window, where it brought five wells on line in the fourth quarter. The company made significant progress in reducing well costs during 2018, and, as a result, has lowered its 2019 well cost target to $7.6 million.
In the Williston Basin, EOG realized significant operational improvements in 2018. The company drilled 20 net wells with an average treated lateral length of 9,500 feet per well. Efficient drilling performance delivered, on average, an additional 1,000 feet of lateral length per well in 2018 for the same cost as 2017. EOG's Austin 45-1113H well set a company record in the basin with a spud-to-total depth time of 8.4 days.
At year-end 2018, total company net proved reserves were 2,928 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBoe), an increase of 16 percent compared to year-end 2017. Net proved reserve additions from all sources, excluding revisions due to price, replaced 238 percent of EOG's 2018 production at a finding and development cost of $9.33 per barrel of oil equivalent. Revisions due to price increased net proved reserves by 35 MMBoe and asset divestitures decreased net proved reserves by 11 MMBoe. For more reserves detail and a reconciliation of non-GAAP measures to GAAP measures, please refer to the attached tables.
截至2018年底,公司總淨探明儲量為29.28億桶油當量(MMBoe),比2017年底增長16%。所有來源的淨探明儲量增加(不包括價格修正)取代了EOG 2018年產量的238%,發現和開發成本為每桶油當量9.33美元。由於價格的修正,淨探明儲量增加了35Mboe,資產剝離使淨探明儲量減少了11Mboe。有關準備金的更多詳細信息以及非GAAP衡量標準與GAAP衡量標準的對賬情況,請參閲所附表格。
For the 31st consecutive year, internal reserves estimates were within five percent of estimates independently prepared by DeGolyer and MacNaughton.
Financial Review
At December 31, 2018, EOG's total debt outstanding was $6.1 billion for a debt-to-total capitalization ratio of 24 percent. Considering cash on the balance sheet at the end of the fourth quarter, EOG's net debt was $4.5 billion for a net debt-to-total capitalization ratio of 19 percent. For a reconciliation of non-GAAP measures to GAAP measures, please refer to the attached tables.
EOG completed its previously announced agreement to divest all of its U.K. operations in the fourth quarter 2018. Proceeds from the U.K. divestment and other asset sales in 2018 totaled $227 million.
Fourth Quarter 2018 Results Webcast
Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 9:00 a.m. Central time (10:00 a.m. Eastern time)
Webcast will be available on EOG website for one year.
About EOG
EOG Resources, Inc. (NYSE: EOG) is one of the largest crude oil and natural gas exploration and production companies in the United States with proved reserves in the United States, Trinidad, and China. To learn more visit
EOG Resources,Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:EOG)是美國最大的原油和天然氣勘探和生產公司之一,在美國、特立尼達和中國擁有已探明儲量。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問www.eogresource。
Investor Contacts
David Streit 713-571-4902
Neel Panchal 713-571-4884
尼爾·潘查爾(Neel Panchal)電話:713-571-4884
John Wagner 713-571-4404
Media and Investor Contact
Kimberly Ehmer 713-571-4676
金伯利·埃默爾(Kimberly Ehmer)電話:713-571-4676
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February 26, 2019 16:17 ET (21:17 GMT)