
Nevada Lithium Resources Inc. - Further High Grades of Lithium Returned in Drill Core at the Bonnie Claire Lithium Project, Nevada

Nevada Lithium Resources Inc. - Further High Grades of Lithium Returned in Drill Core at the Bonnie Claire Lithium Project, Nevada

PR Newswire ·  2022/12/08 03:05

VANCOUVER, BC, Dec. 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ - Nevada Lithium Resources Inc. (CSE: NVLH) (OTCQB: NVLHF) (FSE: 87K) ("Nevada Lithium" or the "Company") and its 50% partner in the Bonnie Claire Lithium Project (the 'Project' or 'Property'), Iconic Minerals Ltd. (TSXV: ICM) (OTCQB: BVTEF) (FSE: YQGB) ("Iconic"), are pleased to provide an update on their drill program at the Property, located in Nye County, Nevada.

公元前温哥華,2022年12月7日/美通社/-內華達鋰資源公司(CSE:NVLH)(OTCQB:NVLHF)(FSE:87K)(“內華達鋰“或”公司“)及其在Bonnie Claire鋰項目(‘項目’或‘財產’)中的50%的股份,Iiconic Minerals Ltd.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ICM)(OTCQB:BVTEF)(FSE:YQGB)(”標誌性“),很高興提供他們在該酒店的演習計劃的最新情況內華達州奈縣.

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Table 1: Core assay(1) summary for drill hole BC2203C (CNW Group/Nevada Lithium Resources Inc) Figure 1: Drill hole locations at Bonnie Claire (CNW Group/Nevada Lithium Resources Inc)
表1:鑽孔BC2203C的巖心分析(1)摘要(CNW集團/內華達鋰資源公司)圖1:Bonnie Claire的鑽孔位置(CNW集團/內華達鋰資源公司)

As of November 30th, 2022, a total of 9,880 ft (3,011 m) has been completed over one (1) mud rotary drill hole and four (4) core drill holes. Core sample assays are announced herein for an additional core hole completed at Bonnie Claire – BC2203C – with preliminary1 results presented in Table 1.

截至11月30日這是,2022年,總計9880英尺(3,011 m)已完成一(1)個泥漿旋轉鑽孔和四(4)個巖心鑽孔。在此宣佈對Bonnie Claire-BC2203C完成的另一個巖心孔進行巖心樣品分析,初步1結果如表1所示。

The lithium grades of the BC2203C core hole have a very similar grade-depth profile as that of the previously reported core hole BC2201C, located approximately 0.5 miles away (see news release dated September 29th, 2022, as well as Figure 1). Both drill holes display a strong lithium grade near-surface (~900 – 1,100 ppm Li) to a depth of approximately 400 ft to 450 ft, and a lower-grade central section followed by a high-grade bottom half of the drill hole where lithium grade increases with increasing depth through to the end-of-hole at 2,000 ft (~2,100 ppm Li)1.

BC2203C巖心孔的鋰品位與之前報道的BC2201C巖心孔的品位深度剖面非常相似,後者位於大約0.5英里外(見9月29日的新聞稿這是,2022,以及圖1)。兩個鑽孔都顯示出強烈的鋰品位近地表(約900ppm至1100ppm Li),深度約為400ft至450ft,以及一個較低品位的中央部分,隨後是高品位的鑽孔下半部分,鋰品位隨着深度的增加而增加,一直到2000英尺(~2100ppm Li)的井底。1.

Nevada Lithium CEO, Stephen Rentschler, commented: "The core drilling this year at Bonnie Claire continues to demonstrate that high grades of lithium are present, both near surface and at depth. We look forward to the next set of results from our 50% partner, Iconic Minerals."

內華達鋰公司首席執行官斯蒂芬·倫切勒評論道:Bonnie Claire今年的巖心鑽探繼續表明,無論是近地表還是深部,都存在高品位的鋰。我們期待着我們50%的合作伙伴--標誌性礦物公司--的下一組結果。

Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QAQC)


A Quality Assurance / Quality Control protocol was implemented for the program by the Operator, Iconic Minerals, and included insertion of quartz blanks and standards into sample batches. Drill hole BC2203C was sampled from top to bottom with samples shipped to ALS USA Inc. in Reno, Nevada, for geochemical analysis.

運營商ICICON Minerals為該項目實施了質量保證/質量控制協議,其中包括在樣品批次中插入石英坯和標準。鑽孔BC2203C從上到下取樣,樣品於#年運往ALS美國公司內華達州里諾,用於地球化學分析。

Once received, samples were weighted, crushed to 70% passing -2 mm, riffle split to 250 g, and pulverized to 85% passing -75 micron ahead of analysis. Analysis was completed by ICP-MS following an aqua regia digestion (package ME-MS41 Ultra Traces Aqua Regia ICP-MS).


  1. The Company notes that it has relied on the internal QAQC of ALS laboratory in Reno, Nevada, for the results reported herein, and that the Project Operator has submitted check assays to a secondary lab to reaffirm. Therefore, results presented herein should be viewed as preliminary in nature.
  1. 該公司指出,它依賴於ALS實驗室在#年的內部QAQC內華達州里諾,對於本文報告的結果,項目運營者已將檢查化驗提交給二級實驗室進行確認。因此,本文提出的結果應視為初步結果。

QP Disclosure


Darren L. Smith, M.Sc., P. Geo., Vice President of Exploration of the Company, and Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the technical information in this news release.


Bonnie Claire Property

Bonnie Claire物業

The Bonnie Claire Property is located within Sarcobatus Valley, which is approximately 30 km (19 miles) long and 20 km (12 miles) wide. Quartz-rich volcanic tuffs containing anomalous amounts of lithium occur within and adjacent to the valley.  Drill results from the salt flat include 2,054 ppm Li over  67.1 m (220 ft) in drill hole BC-1601 as well as a 475 m (1560 ft) vertical intercept that averaged 1153 ppm Li. Bonnie Claire is one the largest lithium resources in North America with a current NI 43-101 inferred mineral resource 3,407 million tonnes (Mt) grading 1,013 ppm Li for 18,372 million kilograms of contained lithium carbonate equivalent, at a cut-off grade of 700 ppm Li. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves as they do not have demonstrated economic viability.

Bonnie Claire酒店位於Sarcobatus山谷內,約30公里(19英里)長,20公里(12英里)寬。富含石英的火山凝灰巖含有異常數量的鋰,產于山谷內和附近。鹽灘的鑽探成果包括在BC-1601號鑽孔超過67.1米(220英尺)的2054ppm Li以及一個475 m(1560英尺)垂直截距,平均1153ppm Li。邦妮克萊爾是北美最大的鋰資源之一,目前的NI 43-101推斷礦產資源量為34.07億噸(公噸),品位為1,013ppm Li,含鋰當量為183.72億公斤,界限品位為700ppm Li。礦產資源不是礦產儲備,因為它們沒有證明的經濟可行性。

The gravity low that characterizes the valley is approximately 20 km (12 miles) long, and the current estimates of depth to basement rocks range from 600 to 1,200 meters (2,000 to 4,000 feet).  The current claim block covers an area of 74 km2 (28.6 mi2) with potential for brine systems and further sediment resources.


About Nevada Lithium Resources Inc.


Nevada Lithium Resources Inc. is a mineral exploration and development company focused on shareholder value creation through its core asset, the Bonnie Claire Lithium Project, located in Nye County, Nevada, where it currently holds a 50% interest. A recently completed NI 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment returned attractive investment metrics and the Company is actively advancing the Project towards Prefeasibility. Learn more:

內華達鋰資源公司是一家礦產勘探和開發公司,專注於通過其核心資產邦妮·克萊爾鋰項目創造股東價值,該項目位於內華達州奈縣,目前持有該項目50%的權益。最近完成的NI 43-101初步經濟評估返回了有吸引力的投資指標,該公司正在積極推進該項目的預可行性。瞭解更多情況:



Stephen Rentschler


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The CSE does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Statement


This news release contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities legislation (collectively "forward-looking statements"). The use of any of the word "will" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the proposed exploration program, development of the Bonnie Claire Project, and advancement of the Bonnie Claire Project to pre-feasibility. Actual results achieved may vary from the information provided herein as a result of numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors. The Company believes the expectations reflected in those forward-looking statements are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct. The Company does not undertake to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law.

本新聞稿包含適用證券法規所指的某些前瞻性信息和前瞻性陳述(統稱為“前瞻性陳述”)。使用任何“將”一詞和類似的表述都是為了識別前瞻性陳述。這些表述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,可能導致實際結果或事件與這些前瞻性表述中預期的大不相同。這些前瞻性陳述包括但不限於建議的勘探計劃、Bonnie Claire項目的開發以及Bonnie Claire項目的預可行性推進。由於許多已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,實際取得的結果可能與本文提供的信息不同。公司相信這些前瞻性陳述中反映的預期是合理的,但不能保證這些預期將被證明是正確的。除非法律要求,否則公司不承諾更新這些前瞻性陳述。

SOURCE Nevada Lithium Resources Inc


