
Silver Range Resources Ltd. Forms Joint-Venture at Hannapah Project Near Tonopah, Nevada

Silver Range Resources Ltd. Forms Joint-Venture at Hannapah Project Near Tonopah, Nevada

Silver Range Resources Ltd在內華達州託諾帕附近的Hannapah項目成立合資企業
Accesswire ·  2022/12/06 21:35

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / December 6, 2022 / Silver Range Resources Ltd. [TSXV:SNG] ("Silver Range" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has formed a Joint-Venture with Mercury Nevada Exploration Inc. ("Mercury"), a private Nevada corporation, to consolidate, explore and jointly market their respective claim holdings in the Hannapah Mining District ("Hannapah Project" or "Project").

温哥華,BC/ACCESSWIRE/2022年12月6日/Silver Range Resources Ltd. [TSXV:Sng]Silver Range(以下簡稱“Silver Range”或“公司”)欣然宣佈,已與內華達州一傢俬營公司--內華達水星勘探公司(“墨丘利”)成立了一家合資公司,以整合、勘探和聯合銷售各自在Hannapah礦區持有的權益(“Hannapah項目”或“項目”)。

The Hannapah Project is located 28 km east of Tonopah near McKinney Tanks Summit. It consists of 55 Federal Lode Claims staked on U.S. Forest Service Land covering most of the historic Hannapah Mining District. Surface rock sampling by Mercury, Silver Range and former option partner Infield Minerals Corp. have returned widespread high-grade silver and lower gold assays. Best results to date include 568 g/t Ag and 1.01 g/t Au from a composite sample of dump material at the Richardson Mine; a nearby grab sample to 598 g/t Ag; and 2.42 g/t Au and 301 g/t Ag from altered rhyolite northeast of the Richardson Mine.

漢納帕項目位於託諾帕以東28公里處,靠近麥金尼坦克峯會。它由55項聯邦礦藏所有權組成,涉及美國林務局土地,覆蓋了歷史悠久的漢納帕礦區的大部分地區。水星公司、Silver Range公司和前期權合作伙伴Infield Minerals Corp.對地表巖石進行的採樣返回了廣泛的高品位銀和較低的金分析結果。迄今為止的最佳結果包括568克/噸銀和1.01克/噸的金,來自理查森礦的傾倒物質的複合樣本;附近的抓取樣本598克/噸銀;和2.42克/噸Au和301克/噸銀來自理查森礦東北方向的蝕變流紋巖。

Mineralization on the property is high-level low-sulphidation in style with highest grade mineralization located in faults and fracture-controlled veins. Silver and gold occur in quartz-limonite-goethite-clay vein material at surface and in quartz-pyrite(polybasite) vein material below 20 metres in mines on the Project.


The Hannapah Project occurs west of a terminal inflection in the Kawich-Toiyabe Lineament, an 80 kilometre-long steeply-dipping structure extending from the Reveille Range to the Monitor Range in western Nevada. The Reveille, Bellehelen, Ellendale and Hannapah Mining Districts occur along this structure and host low-sulphidation precious metal mineralization. ASTER alteration imagery and structural geology considerations indicate that there is a large horse-tail fault termination system underlying the Hannapah Project. In the immediate Project area there is a wide, poorly exposed fault network which hosts silver mineralization on and adjacent to the Project.


Silver mineralization in the Hannapah District was discovered in 1870 with reports of a small shipment in 1871. The Hannapah Mine was developed in two shafts from 1902 through 1907 and made small shipments until shut down by a fire in 1907. The Hannapah Mine was briefly reactivated in 1927-1928. The Richardson Mine was staked in 1907 and mined intermittently by the owner until his tragic death in 1935. The Silver Glance Mine at the west end of the Hannapah Project reportedly produced $300,000 in silver and gold between 1905 and 1907. It was briefly reactivated in 1930 with no recorded additional production.

漢納帕區的銀礦化是在1870年發現的,據報道,1871年有一小批銀礦化。Hannapah礦在1902年至1907年期間在兩個豎井中開發,並進行了少量運輸,直到1907年因火災而關閉。漢納帕礦曾在1927-1928年間短暫復工。理查森礦於1907年被礦主斷斷續續地開採,直到1935年不幸去世。據報道,位於Hannapah項目西端的Silver Glance礦在1905年至1907年間生產了30萬美元的白銀和黃金。它在1930年短暫地重新啟動,沒有記錄的額外產量。

Modern exploration in the district includes staking and exploration by Kinross Gold, Wolfpack Gold, Seabridge Gold and Pilot Gold. Silver Range staked claims in the district in 2017 and was joined by Mercury in 2018. In 2019, Mercury optioned Silver Range's claims and in turn optioned the entire package to Infield Minerals Corp. Infield conducted an exploration program on the Project in 2020 and terminated the option in 2021. Mercury subsequently completed an airborne total magnetic field survey on the Project and Silver Range completed a three-dimensional inversion of consolidated aeromagnetic data in October 2022.

該地區的現代勘探包括Kinross Gold、Wolfpack Gold、Seabbridge Gold和Pilot Gold的標樁和勘探。Silver Range於2017年在該地區提出了索賠要求,水星公司於2018年加入了這一行列。2019年,墨丘利收購了Silver Range的權益,進而將整個項目出售給Infield Minerals Corp.。Infield於2020年對該項目進行了勘探計劃,並於2021年終止了該選擇權。水星隨後完成了對該項目的航空總磁場調查,銀色靶場於2022年10月完成了綜合航磁數據的三維反演。

Silver Range and Mercury believe the fault network on the Hannapah Project may host significant epithermal silver-gold mineralization including potential bulk tonnage mineralization. Both companies intend to conduct frequency domain electromagnetic field surveys to map the fault network to be followed by detailed rock and soil sampling; geologic and alteration mapping; and shallow drilling. A short video technical presentation on the Hannapah Project is available on Silver Range's website at

銀嶺和水星認為,Hannapah項目上的斷裂網絡可能存在重大的淺成熱液銀-金礦化,包括潛在的大噸位礦化。兩家公司都打算進行頻域電磁場勘測,繪製斷層網絡圖,然後進行詳細的巖石和土壤採樣,繪製地質和蝕變圖,以及淺層鑽探。關於Hannapah項目的技術演示短片可在Silver Range的網站上獲得,網址為

Historical data on the Hannapah Project was obtained from the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology district files and other archival sources. This information together with sample results reported by Mercury and Infield Minerals Inc. cannot be independently confirmed by Silver Range. Technical information in this news release has been approved by Mike Power, M.Sc., CPG, President and CEO of Silver Range Resources Ltd. and a Qualified Person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101.

關於Hannapah項目的歷史數據是從內華達州礦產和地質局的地區檔案和其他檔案來源獲得的。這些信息以及水星和Infield Minerals Inc.報告的樣本結果無法由Silver Range獨立確認。本新聞稿中的技術信息已經Mike動力、M.SC、中央人民政府、總裁、銀嶺資源有限公司首席執行官和一名國家儀器43-101合格人士批准。

About Silver Range Resources Ltd.

關於Silver Range Resources Ltd.

Silver Range is a precious metals prospect generator working in Nevada and Northern Canada. It has assembled a portfolio of 43 properties, of which 11 are currently under option to others. Four other properties have been converted to royalty interests. Silver Range is actively seeking other joint venture partners to explore the high-grade precious metals targets in its portfolio.

Silver Range是一家在內華達州和加拿大北部工作的貴金屬前景生產商。它已經整合了43個物業組合,其中11個目前正在向其他公司出售。另外四處房產已被轉換為特許權使用費權益。Silver Range正在積極尋找其他合資夥伴,以探索其投資組合中的高品位貴金屬目標。



"Michael A. Power"
President and Chief Executive Officer


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Richard Drechsler
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Tel: (604) 687-2522
NA Toll-Free: (888) 688-2522


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SOURCE: Silver Range Resources Ltd.


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