
Silver Range Resources Ltd. Defines Gold-Copper Skarn Drill Targets at Sand Springs

Silver Range Resources Ltd. Defines Gold-Copper Skarn Drill Targets at Sand Springs

Silver Range Resources Ltd在Sand Springs定義金銅Skarn鑽探目標
Accesswire ·  2022/11/29 21:35

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / November 29, 2022 / Silver Range Resources Ltd. (TSXV:SNG) ("Silver Range" or the "Company") is pleased to announce results of recent airborne geophysical surveys, geological mapping and sampling at the Sand Springs Property, Churchill County, Nevada.

温哥華,BC/ACCESSWIRE/2022年11月29日/Silver Range Resources Ltd.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SNG)(“Silver Range”或“公司”)很高興宣佈最近在內華達州丘吉爾郡Sand Springs地產進行的航空地球物理調查、地質測繪和採樣的結果。

Between April and September, Silver Range completed geological mapping and rock sampling at Sand Springs. These identified widespread copper and gold mineralization, spatially associated with a Jurassic-Cretaceous granodiorite intrusion. Gold-copper skarn mineralization is found at surface, in underground workings and in drill holes within both the intrusion and surrounding Triassic-Jurassic limestone and metamorphosed clastic rocks. Pegasus Gold Corporation drilled 13 holes on the property in 1992 and 1993, returning best assays of 3.05 m @ 4.8 g/t Au and 9.15 m @ 0.77% Cu primarily from carbonate and metasedimentary exoskarn.

4月至9月,Silver Range在沙泉完成了地質測繪和巖石採樣。這些發現了廣泛的銅和金礦化,在空間上與侏羅紀-白堊紀花崗閃長巖侵入有關。金銅夕卡巖礦化在地表、地下巷道和侵入體內及其周圍的三疊系-侏羅系灰巖和變質碎屑巖中均有發現。Pegasus Gold Corporation於1992年和1993年在該礦區鑽了13個洞,最好的分析結果是3.05米@4.8克/噸Au和9.15米@0.77%銅,主要來自碳酸鹽和變質沉積表生巖漿。

To date, Silver Range has assayed surface samples up to 1.5 m @ 10.1 g/t Au from a chip sample and up to 3.5% Cu from a grab sample. Numerous samples of skarn mineralization, widely distributed in the Mesozoic rock units underlying most of the property, returned copper analyses in excess of 0.2% Cu. Gold also occurs in quartz-tourmaline veins within the northern arm of the exposed granodiorite, returning grab samples assaying up to 2.94 g/t Au.

到目前為止,Silver Range已對錶面樣品進行了分析1.5米@10.1克/噸Au從芯片樣本到最高3.5%銅從抓取的樣本中提取。大量的矽卡巖礦化樣品廣泛分佈在大多數財產下的中生代巖石單元中,返回的銅分析結果超過0.2%的銅。金也賦存於暴露的花崗閃長巖北臂內的石英-電氣石礦脈中,帶回的抓取樣品分析Au高達2.94g/t。

An airborne total magnetic field survey was completed over the property by Precision Geosurveys Inc. of Langley B.C. in September 2022. The surveys covered approximately 40 line-km on lines oriented 1600 / 3400, spaced 100 m apart, flown at an average elevation of 42 m. The data was of excellent quality and was subsequently inverted by Aurora Geosciences Ltd. of Yellowknife NT. The resulting susceptibility models constrained the thickness of overlying Tertiary volcanic rocks and identified a large body of high magnetic susceptibility between the mapped arms of the exposed intrusive rocks inferred to be the core of the intrusion at depth.

蘭利不列顛哥倫比亞省的Precision Geosurveys Inc.於2022年9月完成了對該財產的航空總磁場測量。調查覆蓋了160線上約40公里的線路0 / 3400,間隔100米,在平均海拔42米的高度飛行。數據質量很好,隨後由北卡羅來納州耶洛奈夫的Aurora Geosciences Ltd.進行了反演。由此產生的磁化率模型限制了上覆第三系火山巖的厚度,並在暴露的侵入巖的測繪臂之間發現了一大塊高磁化率的物體,推測這是深部侵入的核心。

Geological mapping delineated a northeast-plunging granodiorite intrusion with arms north and south of a central axis. Quartz tourmaline veins occur in the northern arm of the intrusion along an 800 m strike length. Skarn mineralization occurs as exoskarn in lowermost limestone and overlying metaclastic rocks and as endoskarn near the margins of the intrusion. Geological mapping, the magnetic inversion results, surface sampling results and available drill data indicate that gold mineralization occurs in four settings on the property. These are described in a short video presentation at .


Silver Range believes the project is ready for drill-testing.

Silver Range認為,該項目已經準備好進行鑽探測試。

Samples from Sand Springs were secured and transported under chain of custody to ALS Minerals facilities in Reno, Nevada for sample preparation and analysis. Rock pulps were shipped to North Vancouver for assaying and geochemical analyses. Rock samples were prepared by crushing to minus 2 mm and riffle-splitting a 1 kg sub-sample which was pulverized to 75% passing a 75 mm mesh (ALS Code Prep 31D). A 5 g aliquot was analyzed by Ultra-Trace Aqua Regia ICP-MS (ME-MS41) and a 50 g aliquot was fire assayed for gold (Au-AA26). Samples returning overlimit copper analyses were reanalyzed with a technique appropriate to ore grade concentrations (Cu-OG46).

來自Sand Springs的樣品在保管鏈的保護下被運送到位於內華達州里諾的ALS Minerals設施進行樣品準備和分析。巖漿被運往北温哥華進行化驗和地球化學分析。巖石樣品是通過粉碎到-2 mm並將1公斤的子樣品通過75 mm的篩網粉碎到75%來製備的(ALS Code Prep 31D)。用超痕量王水電感耦合等離子體質譜(ME-MS41)分析5g等分,用火試金(Au-Aa26)分析50g等分。返回超限銅分析的樣品用與礦石品位濃度相適應的技術(銅-OG46)進行了重新分析。

Technical information in this news release has been approved by Mike Power, M.Sc., CPG, President and CEO of Silver Range Resources Ltd. and a Qualified Person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101.


About Silver Range Resources Ltd.

關於Silver Range Resources Ltd.

Silver Range is a precious metals prospect generator working in Nevada and Northern Canada. It has assembled a portfolio of 45 properties, of which 12 are currently under option to others. Four other properties have been converted to royalty interests. Silver Range is actively seeking other joint venture partners to explore the high-grade precious metals targets in its portfolio.

Silver Range是一家在內華達州和加拿大北部工作的貴金屬前景生產商。它已經整合了45個物業組合,其中12個目前正在向其他公司出售。另外四處房產已被轉換為特許權使用費權益。Silver Range正在積極尋找其他合資夥伴,以探索其投資組合中的高品位貴金屬目標。



"Michael A. Power"
President and Chief Executive Officer


For further information concerning Silver Range or its exploration projects please contact:

有關Silver Range或其勘探項目的更多信息,請聯繫:

Investor Inquiries
Richard Drechsler
Vice-President, Communications
Tel: (604) 687-2522
NA Toll-Free: (888) 688-2522


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SOURCE: Silver Range Resources Ltd.


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