
UBS Group Analysts Give Zoom Video Communications (NASDAQ:ZM) a $83.00 Price Target

UBS Group Analysts Give Zoom Video Communications (NASDAQ:ZM) a $83.00 Price Target

瑞银集团分析师给出纳斯达克(Zoom Video Communications)83.00美元的目标价
Financial News Live ·  2022/11/26 17:01

UBS Group set a $83.00 target price on $Zoom Video Communications (ZM.US)$  in a research report released on Wednesday morning, Stock Target Advisor reports.

瑞银集团将目标价定为83.00美元$Zoom视频通讯 (ZM.US)$在周三上午发布的一份研究报告中,Stock Target Advisor报告称。

Several other equities analysts have also recently issued reports on ZM. The Goldman Sachs Group reduced their target price on Zoom Video Communications from $104.00 to $90.00 and set a neutral rating on the stock in a research note on Wednesday. Robert W. Baird reduced their price target on Zoom Video Communications from $125.00 to $100.00 in a research note on Friday, November 18th. JPMorgan Chase & Co. cut Zoom Video Communications from an overweight rating to a neutral rating and reduced their price target for the stock from $295.00 to $85.00 in a research note on Friday, October 7th. MKM Partners dropped their target price on Zoom Video Communications from $125.00 to $100.00 in a report on Wednesday, November 9th. Finally, Royal Bank of Canada dropped their target price on Zoom Video Communications from $150.00 to $130.00 in a report on Tuesday, August 23rd. Two research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, sixteen have issued  a hold rating and nine have issued  a buy rating to the company's stock. According to MarketBeat, the company currently has a consensus rating of Hold and a consensus target price of $115.86.

其他几位股票分析师最近也发布了关于ZM的报告。高盛夫妇在周三的一份研究报告中将他们对中创视讯的目标价从104.00美元下调至90美元,并对该股设定了中性评级。罗伯特·W·贝尔德在11月18日星期五的一份研究报告中将他们对Zoom Video Communications的目标价从125.00美元下调至100.00美元。10月7日,摩根大通在一份研究报告中将Zoom Video Communications的评级从增持下调至中性,并将该股的目标价从295.00美元下调至85美元。MKM Partners在11月9日周三的一份报告中将Zoom Video Communications的目标价从125.00美元下调至100.00美元。最终,加拿大皇家银行在8月23日周二的一份报告中将其对Zoom Video Communications的目标价从150.00美元下调至130.00美元。两名研究分析师对该股的评级为卖出,16名分析师对该公司股票给予持有评级,9名分析师对该公司股票给予买入评级。根据MarketBeat的数据,该公司目前的共识评级为持有,共识目标价为115.86美元。

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Zoom Video Communications Stock Performance


Shares of ZM stock opened at $75.40 on Wednesday. Zoom Video Communications has a fifty-two week low of $70.43 and a fifty-two week high of $235.97. The stock has a 50 day moving average price of $78.43 and a two-hundred day moving average price of $93.41. The company has a market capitalization of $22.44 billion, a P/E ratio of 33.07, a PEG ratio of 2.97 and a beta of -0.29.

ZM股票周三开盘报75.40美元。Zoom Video Communications的股价为52周低点70.43美元,52周高点为235.97美元。该股的50日移动均线价格为78.43美元,200日移动均线价格为93.41美元。该公司市值为224.4亿美元,市盈率为33.07倍,聚乙二醇率为2.97倍,贝塔系数为-0.29。

Zoom Video Communications (NASDAQ:ZM – Get Rating) last posted its earnings results on Monday, November 21st. The company reported $1.07 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.84 by $0.23. Zoom Video Communications had a return on equity of 8.80% and a net margin of 16.07%. The firm had revenue of $1.10 billion for the quarter, compared to analysts' expectations of $1.10 billion. During the same period in the previous year, the firm earned $0.72 earnings per share. The business's revenue was up 4.9% compared to the same quarter last year.  As a group, equities analysts predict that  Zoom Video Communications will post 1.32 earnings per share for the current year.

极速视讯(纳斯达克:ZM-GET Rating)上一次公布财报是在11月21日(周一)。该公司公布本季度每股收益(EPS)为1.07美元,比市场普遍预期的0.84美元高出0.23美元。Zoom Video Communications的股本回报率为8.80%,净利润率为16.07%。该公司当季营收为11.亿美元,高于分析师预期的11.亿美元。去年同期,该公司每股收益为0.72美元。与去年同期相比,该业务的收入增长了4.9%。作为一个整体,股票分析师预测,Zoom Video Communications今年的每股收益将达到1.32美元。

Insider Buying and Selling at Zoom Video Communications

Zoom Video Communications的内幕买卖

In other Zoom Video Communications news, insider Velchamy Sankarlingam sold 2,374 shares of the company's stock in a transaction dated Saturday, October 8th. The stock was sold at an average price of $71.59, for a total value of $169,954.66. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now owns 15,869 shares in the company, valued at $1,136,061.71. The sale was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which is accessible through this link. 11.24% of the stock is owned by corporate insiders.

在Zoom Video Communications的其他新闻中,内部人士Velchamy Sankarlingam在一笔日期为10月8日星期六的交易中出售了2374股该公司股票。这只股票的平均售价为71.59美元,总价值为169,954.66美元。出售完成后,这位内部人士现在拥有该公司15,869股,价值1,136,061.71美元。这笔交易是在提交给美国证券交易委员会的一份文件中披露的,该文件可通过这个环节。11.24%的股份由企业内部人士持有。

Institutional Trading of Zoom Video Communications


A number of hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently bought and sold shares of ZM. Comerica Bank increased its position in  Zoom Video Communications by 54.1% in the first quarter. Comerica Bank now owns 6,230 shares of the company's stock worth $646,000 after buying an additional 2,188 shares in the last quarter.  Venture Visionary Partners LLC purchased a new stake in  Zoom Video Communications in the first quarter worth about $381,000.  Arizona State Retirement System grew its position in shares of  Zoom Video Communications by 0.8% during the first quarter. Arizona State Retirement System now owns 59,823 shares of the company's stock worth $7,013,000 after purchasing an additional 481 shares in the last quarter.  Envestnet Asset Management Inc. grew its position in shares of  Zoom Video Communications by 12.2% during the first quarter. Envestnet Asset Management Inc. now owns 54,457 shares of the company's stock worth $6,384,000 after purchasing an additional 5,926 shares in the last quarter.  Finally, Benjamin Edwards Inc. grew its position in shares of  Zoom Video Communications by 17.6% during the first quarter. Benjamin Edwards Inc. now owns 881 shares of the company's stock worth $103,000 after purchasing an additional 132 shares in the last quarter. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own  52.86% of the company's stock.

一些对冲基金和其他机构投资者最近买卖了ZM的股票。Comerica Bank在第一季度增持Zoom Video Communications的头寸54.1%。Comerica Bank现在持有该公司6,230股股票,价值64.6万美元,上个季度又购买了2,188股。Venture Visionary Partners LLC在第一季度收购了Zoom Video Communications的新股份,价值约38.1万美元。亚利桑那州退休系统在第一季度将其在Zoom Video Communications的股票头寸增加了0.8%。亚利桑那州退休系统现在拥有59,823股该公司股票,价值7,013,000美元,上个季度又购买了481股。Envestnet Asset Management Inc.在第一季度将其在Zoom Video Communications的股票头寸增加了12.2%。Envestnet Asset Management Inc.现在持有54,457股该公司股票,价值6,384,000美元,上个季度又购买了5,926股。最后,本杰明爱德华兹公司(Benjamin Edwards Inc.)在第一季度增持了Zoom Video Communications股份17.6%。本杰明爱德华兹公司(Benjamin Edwards Inc.)现在持有881股该公司股票,价值10.3万美元,该公司在上个季度又购买了132股。对冲基金和其他机构投资者持有该公司52.86%的股票。

About Zoom Video Communications


(Get Rating)


Zoom Video Communications, Inc provides unified communications platform in the Americas, the Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The company offers Zoom Meetings that offers HD video, voice, chat, and content sharing through mobile devices, desktops, laptops, telephones, and conference room systems; Zoom Phone, an enterprise cloud phone system; and Zoom Chat enables users to share messages, images, audio files, and content in desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Zoom Video Communications,Inc.在美洲、亚太地区、欧洲、中东和非洲提供统一的通信平台。该公司提供Zoom Meetings,通过移动设备、台式机、笔记本电脑、电话和会议室系统提供高清视频、语音、聊天和内容共享;Zoom Phone是一种企业云电话系统;Zoom Chat使用户能够在台式机、笔记本电脑、平板电脑和移动设备中共享消息、图像、音频文件和内容。

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