
Tims China Announces Partnership With Alibaba’s Freshippo

Tims China Announces Partnership With Alibaba’s Freshippo

蒂姆斯中國宣佈與阿里巴巴 Freyshippo 合作
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/11/17 21:35

Tims China and Freshippo, Alibaba Group's omnichannel retail chain, are collaborating to introduce co-branded coffee products

蒂姆斯中國與阿里巴巴集團旗下全通路零售連鎖店 Freshippo 攜手推出聯名咖啡產品

Tims China Announces Partnership with Alibaba's Freshippo

蒂姆斯中國宣佈與阿里巴巴 Freshippo 合作

Tims and Freshippo Co-branded Products: Velvet Cocoa Coffee and Chestnut Latte
蒂姆斯與 Freshippo 聯名產品:絲絨可可咖啡與栗子拿鐵

Tims China Announces Partnership with Alibaba's Freshippo

蒂姆斯中國宣佈與阿里巴巴 Freshippo 合作

Freshippo Store

SHANGHAI, China, Nov. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TH International Limited, the exclusive operator of Tim Hortons coffee shops in China (Nasdaq: THCH) ("Tims China"), today announced a two-year partnership with Freshippo, Alibaba Group's (NYSE: BABA) omnichannel retail chain for groceries and fresh goods. The partners will introduce co-branded coffee products for sale exclusively through Freshippo's online channels and physical stores.

中國上海,2022 年 11 月 17 日(環球美通社)—— 中國 Tim Hortons 咖啡店(納斯達克股票代碼:THCH)的獨家運營商 TH 國際有限公司(「Tims China」)今天宣佈與阿里巴巴集團旗下(紐約證交所代碼:BABA)全渠道零售連鎖店 Freshippo 達成為期兩年的合作夥伴關係。合作夥伴將通過 Freshippo 的在線渠道和實體商店獨家推出聯名咖啡產品。

The initial co-branded coffee products, Velvet Cocoa Coffee and Chestnut Latte, will be available for sale in December. Freshippo will sell these products online through its official app and also offline through its over 300 brick-and-mortar stores located in 27 cities across China. Tims China and Freshippo will work together on research and development of the co-branded products, collaborating on product design, positioning, promotion, and pricing.

最初的聯名咖啡產品「絲絨可可咖啡」和「栗子拿鐵」將於 12 月發售。Freshippo 將通過其官方應用程序在線銷售這些產品,並通過位於中國 27 個城市的 300 多家實體店進行離線銷售。Tims China 與 Freshippo 將攜手合作研發共同品牌產品,並在產品設計、定位、推廣和定價方面進行合作。

Tims and Freshippo Co-branded Products: Velvet Cocoa Coffee and Chestnut Latte

蒂姆斯與 Freshippo 聯名產品:絲絨可可咖啡與栗子拿鐵

Freshippo Store


Yongchen Lu, CEO of Tims China, said, "We are delighted to embark upon a two-year partnership with Freshippo, Alibaba's technology-driven 'new retail' supermarket. Our co-branded products will provide Tims' excellent coffee products with the convenience of Freshippo's multiple channels to reach millions of consumers across China."

Tims China 首席執行官呂永辰表示:「我們很高興與阿里巴巴科技驅動的「新零售」超市 Freshippo 建立為期兩年的合作關係。我們的聯名產品將為 Tim's 優質咖啡產品提供 Freshippo 多種渠道的便利性,以便接觸中國數百萬消費者。」

Jiayu Zhao, Chief Merchandising Officer (CMO) of Freshippo said, "Freshippo is committed to providing a one-stop grocery shopping experience for consumers in pursuit of living a fresher life. Our collaboration with Tims China will broaden the choices we offer consumers through providing more coffee products with new experiences and flavors."

Freshippo 首席採購官(CMO)趙佳宇表示:「Freshippo 致力於為消費者提供一站式雜貨購物體驗,以追求更新鮮的生活。我們與 Tims China 的合作將通過提供更多具有新體驗和口味的咖啡產品,擴大我們為消費者提供的選擇。」

About TH International Limited


TH International Limited (Nasdaq: THCH) ("Tims China") is the parent company of the exclusive master franchisee of Tim Hortons coffee shops in China, including Hong Kong and Macau. TH International Limited was founded by Cartesian Capital Group and Tim Hortons Restaurants International, a subsidiary of Restaurant Brands International (TSX: QSR) (NYSE: QSR).

TH 國際有限公司(納斯達克股票代號:THCH)(簡稱「Tims China」)是 Tim Hortons 咖啡店在中國(包括香港和澳門)的獨家特許經營商的母公司。TH 國際有限公司由笛卡爾資本集團和泰姆·霍頓國際餐廳國際(TSX:QSR)(紐約證交所代碼:QSR)的子公司創立。

Tims China offers freshly brewed coffee, tea and other beverages, bakery & sides, and sandwiches and is an emerging coffee champion in China. The brand's philosophy is rooted in world-class execution and data-driven decision making and centered on true local relevance, continuous innovation, genuine community, and absolute convenience. For more information, please visit .

Tims China 提供現煮咖啡、茶和其他飲料、麵包和麵包和三明治,是中國新興的咖啡冠軍。該品牌的理念植根於世界一流的執行和數據驅動的決策制定,並以真正的本地相關性,持續創新,真正的社區和絕對的便利為中心。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About Freshippo


Launched in 2015, Freshippo is Alibaba Group's (NYSE: BABA) proprietary retail chain for groceries and fresh goods. Freshippo operates three different types of stores: "Freshippo Store", "Freshippo X Member Store", and "Freshippo Outlet". It exemplifies the creation of a new shopping experience through the convergence of online and offline activities by using retail stores not just to sell to consumers, but also to fulfill online orders, in addition to offering a rich and fun experience to customers who shop in-store. Freshippo's proprietary fulfillment system enables 30-minute delivery to customers. As of today, there are over 300 Freshippo stores in 27 cities, primarily located in tier-one and tier-two cities in China.

Freshippo 成立於 2015 年,是阿里巴巴集團(紐約證交所代碼:BABA)的雜貨和新鮮商品零售連鎖店。Freshippo 經營三種不同類型的商店:「FRESHIPPO 商店」,「FRESHIPPO X 會員商店」和「FRESHIPPO 奧特萊斯」。除了為店內購物的客戶提供豐富而有趣的體驗之外,它還使用零售商店不僅向消費者銷售,還可以實現在線上和線下活動的結合,創造全新的購物體驗。Freshippo 專有的履行系統可為客戶提供 30 分鐘的送貨服務。截至今天,Freshippo 在 27 個城市有超過 300 家門店,主要位於中國的一級和二線城市。



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