
Spey Resources Corp. Announces Results of Annual General and Special Meeting

Spey Resources Corp. Announces Results of Annual General and Special Meeting

Spey Resources Corp.宣佈年度股東大會和特別會議結果
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/11/11 13:05

Vancouver, British Columbia, Nov. 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Spey Resources Corp. (CSE: SPEY) (OTC: SPEYF) (FRA: 2JS) ("Spey" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce the results of voting at its annual general and special meeting of shareholders which was held on November 9, 2022, in Vancouver, British Columbia (the "Meeting"). The following matters submitted to shareholders for approval as set out in the Company's Notice of Meeting and Information Circular, dated October 13, 2022 (the "Circular"), were approved by the requisite majority of votes cast at the Meeting:

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省,2022年11月10日(Global Newswire)--Spey Resources Corp.(CSE:SPY)(場外交易代碼:SPEYF)(FRA:2J)(“斯派伊“或”公司),很高興地宣佈於2022年11月9日在不列顛哥倫比亞省温哥華舉行的年度股東大會和特別大會的投票結果。會議“)。下列事項載於本公司日期為2022年10月13日的會議通知及資料通告(”循環式“),經會議所投必要多數票通過:

  1. the election of Nader Vatanchi, Ian Graham, and Lawrence Hay as directors of the Company for the ensuing year;
  2. the appointment of Manning Elliot LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants as the Company's auditors for the ensuing year; and
  3. the re-approval of the Company's stock option plan.
  1. 選舉納德·瓦坦奇、伊恩·格雷厄姆和勞倫斯·海伊為公司下一年的董事;
  2. 委任英國特許專業會計師事務所Manning Elliot LLP為公司下一年度的核數師;及
  3. 重新批准公司的股票期權計劃。

During the Meeting, the shareholders also passed an amended motion setting the number of directors of the Company for the ensuing year at five (5).


About Spey Resources Corp.


Spey Resources is a Canadian mineral exploration company which has an 80% interest in the Candela II lithium brine project located in the Incahuasi Salar, Salta Province, Argentina. Spey also holds an option to acquire a 100% undivided interest in Pocitos II and 20% interest in the Pocitos I lithium projects. Spey also holds interests in four lithium exploration projects located in the James Bay Region of Quebec. Spey has a 100% interest in the Silver Basin Project located in the Revelstoke Mining Division of British Columbia as well as an option to acquire a 100% interest in the Kaslo Silver project, west of Kaslo, British Columbia.

Spey Resources是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,在位於阿根廷薩爾塔省因卡瓦西薩拉爾的坎德拉II鋰滷水項目中擁有80%的權益。Spey還擁有收購Pocitos II鋰項目100%不可分割權益和Pocitos I鋰項目20%權益的選擇權。Spey還在魁北克詹姆斯灣地區的四個鋰勘探項目中持有權益。斯貝擁有位於不列顛哥倫比亞省雷弗斯托克礦業事業部的銀盆地項目的100%權益,並有權收購不列顛哥倫比亞省卡斯洛以西的卡斯洛銀礦項目的100%權益。

For more information, please contact:


Nader Vatanchi,
VP of Corporate Finance, Director


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