
Vicinity Motor Corp. Secures Power Solution For U.S. Manufacturing Facility In Ferndale, Washington; Management Anticipates Production To Begin In Q1 2023

Vicinity Motor Corp. Secures Power Solution For U.S. Manufacturing Facility In Ferndale, Washington; Management Anticipates Production To Begin In Q1 2023

Vicinity Motor Corp. 爲華盛頓州芬代爾的美國製造工廠提供電力解決方案;管理層預計將於2023年第一季度開始生產
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/11/09 21:46

Ferndale Power Solution Has Been Found; Certificate of Occupancy Expected by Year-End

Ferndale 電力解決方案已找到;預計年底前將出具入住證書

Management Anticipates Production to Begin in Q1 2023; Aldergrove, BC Vehicle Production to Continue Uninterrupted Concurrent with Near-Term Ferndale Completion Efforts


The Ferndale Facility and Related Assets, Which are Expected to Represent a Free Trade Zone for Cross-Border Commerce, Are Unencumbered with an Aggregate Market Value Greater than US$15 Million


VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / November 9, 2022 / Vicinity Motor Corp. (NASDAQ:VEV)(TSXV:VMC)(FRA:6LGA) ("Vicinity" or the "Company"), a North American supplier of commercial electric vehicles, today provided a corporate update on the construction of the Company's new manufacturing facility in Ferndale, Washington.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2022 年 11 月 9 日/ 北美商用電動汽車供應商Vicinity Motor Corp.(納斯達克股票代碼:VEV)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:VMC)(FRA:6LGA)(“Vicinity” 或 “公司”)今天提供了該公司在華盛頓州芬代爾建造新制造工廠的最新情況。

As previously announced, the property is located near the Company's Aldergrove, British Columbia Canadian Headquarters with easy access to port, rail and truck shipping and receiving facilities. Operations at the facility will include vehicle assembly and upfitting, "Buy America" compliant assembly, pre-delivery inspections, research and development, as well as general technical work and servicing.

正如先前宣佈的那樣,該物業位於公司位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省奧爾德格羅夫的總部附近,可輕鬆前往港口、鐵路和卡車的運輸和接收設施。該工廠的業務將包括車輛組裝和裝配、符合 “Buy America” 標準的裝配、交付前檢查、研發以及一般技術工作和服務。

"We are pleased to report the expected procurement and installation of a power solution for our Ferndale facility by year-end - enabling us to secure our certificate of occupancy," said William Trainer, Chief Executive Officer of Vicinity Motor Corp. "The Ferndale facility is exciting as it was built to accommodate both buses and trucks, with a capacity of up to 1,000 buses per year or up to 10,000 trucks at the projected maximum production rate. We are currently in the process of certifying our 4.2 acre campus as a Free Trade Zone, allowing our vehicles to be easily exported to Canada.

Vicinity Motor Corp. 首席執行官威廉·特雷納說:“我們很高興地向大家報告,預計將在年底之前爲我們的芬代爾工廠採購和安裝電力解決方案,這使我們能夠獲得使用證書,” Vicinity Motor Corp. 首席執行官威廉·特雷納說,“芬代爾工廠令人興奮,因爲它的建造是爲了容納公共汽車和卡車,每年最多可容納1,000輛公共汽車,按預計的最大產量計算,最多可容納10,000輛卡車。我們目前正在將佔地4.2英畝的校園認證爲自由貿易區,這樣我們的車輛就可以輕鬆出口到加拿大。

"As a reminder to our investors, the Ferndale facility is a significant asset to the company, representing an unencumbered asset valued at over US$15 million, plus equipment and additional leasehold improvements - which was paid for from VMC's treasury and owned outright.


"While the electrical switch supply chain challenges have certainly pushed the expected spool-up of production at the new facility into 2023, we are encouraged by our team's solution to advance our timeline and the strong potential to bridge this production gap utilizing our Canadian manufacturing facility. We believe that our Aldergrove facility can produce approximately 50 VMC 1200 units a month as an interim solution to meet our delivery schedule. As we bring Ferndale production online in the first quarter of 2023, we will be well positioned to capture market share and harvest our significant US$150 million backlog as of September 30th, 2022. I look forward to providing our investors with continued updates on our progress in the months ahead as we strive to electrify both government and corporate fleets continent-wide, helping to create value for my fellow shareholders," concluded Trainer.

“儘管電氣開關供應鏈的挑戰無疑將新工廠的預期產量推遲到2023年,但令我們感到鼓舞的是,我們的團隊爲縮短時間表而採取的解決方案以及利用我們的加拿大製造工廠彌合這一產量缺口的巨大潛力。我們相信,作爲臨時解決方案,我們的Aldergrove工廠每月可以生產約50臺VMC 1200單元,以滿足我們的交付時間表。隨着我們在2023年第一季度將Ferndale的生產上線,我們將完全有能力在2022年9月30日之前搶佔市場份額並收穫大量的1.5億美元積壓量。我期待向我們的投資者持續提供未來幾個月的最新進展,因爲我們正在努力爲整個非洲大陸的政府和企業車隊提供電氣化,幫助我的其他股東創造價值,” Trainer總結道。

