
Gelum Completes Drilling Programme at The Eldorado Gold Project

Gelum Completes Drilling Programme at The Eldorado Gold Project

newsfile ·  2022/11/02 00:50

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 1, 2022) - Gelum Resources Ltd. (CSE: GMR) (OTCQB: GMRCF) (the "Company" or "Gelum") has completed the first three holes (800 metres) of the planned 11-hole, 3000 metre, helicopter-supported, diamond-drill programme at the Eldorado Gold project (Figures 2 and 5). Drilling intersected multiple quartz-carbonate-sulphide zones in all three holes. The mineralized zones are characterized by intense silica and carbonate alteration, quartz cemented hydrothermal breccias, crack and seal veins, open space filling (locally cockade banding) with fine-grained pyrite and arsenopyrite typical of high-grade gold-bearing structures in the district (Figure 1). A total of 252 core samples (and an additional 20 quality control samples) have been submitted to MSA Laboratories in Langley, B.C. and results are expected in 6-8 weeks.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年11月1日)-Gelum Resources Ltd.(CSE:GMR)(OTCQB:GMRCF)(“公司“或”口香糖")已經完成了Eldorado Gold項目計劃中的11孔、3000米、直升機支持的鑽石鑽探方案的前三個孔(800米)(圖2和圖5)。鑽探在所有三個孔中都交叉了多個石英-碳酸鹽-硫化物帶。礦化帶的特徵是強烈的硅酸鹽和碳酸鹽蝕變,石英膠結熱液角礫巖,裂隙和封閉脈,開闊空間充填(局部雞冠狀條帶),細粒黃鐵礦和毒砂,這是該地區高品位含金構造的典型特徵(圖1)。總共有252個核心樣本(和另外20個質量控制樣本)已經提交給位於不列顛哥倫比亞省蘭利的MSA實驗室,結果預計將在6-8周內公佈。

Gelum Resources Director Henk van Alphen stated: "Intersecting silica-carbonate-sulphide mineralization in all three drill holes confirms the intensity of the hydrothermal system and substantially increases our confidence in the gold potential at Eldorado." Mr. van Alphen added "The presence of pyrite-arsenopyrite veins, hydrothermal silica-carbonate breccias, open space vein filling, and silica healed damage zones verifies that the zones resemble gold-bearing veins in the district and confirms their potential to host high-grade gold."

Gelum Resources董事亨克·範·阿爾芬表示:所有三個鑽孔中的二氧化硅-碳酸鹽-硫化物交叉礦化證實了熱液系統的強度,並大大增強了我們對Eldorado金礦潛力的信心。“範阿爾芬先生補充説。”黃鐵礦-毒砂礦脈、熱液硅酸鹽-碳酸鹽角礫巖、空地礦脈充填和硅質癒合破壞帶的存在證實了這些帶類似於區內的含金脈,並確認了它們賦存高品位金的潛力。"

Figure 1. Quartz-silica cemented hydrothermal breccia with brecciated quartz-carbonate vein material, drusy quartz filled opens space and black, sooty pyrite with disseminated fine grained arsenopyrite (1A; ELD22-03 @ 187.20 m depth) and silica-carbonate veinlets and silica cemented hydrothermal breccia with fine grained sooty pyrite and arsenopyrite (1B; hole ELD22-03 @ 178.50m depth).


The Eldorado Gold Property is located 22 kilometres north of the Bralorne mine, and 17 kilometres north of the community of Gold Bridge (Figure 6). The 9028-hectare property covers multiple Minfile showings and two past-producing (1930s & 40s), small-scale gold mines that form the northern extent of the Bridge River-Bralorne/Pioneer orogenic gold system. Gold occurs in polymetallic sulphide veins and vein-stockworks within broad epizonal quartz-carbonate alteration in the Eldorado granodiorite stock and surrounding rocks, which are complexly juxtaposed by numerous faults associated with regional-scale structures linked to gold mineralization. For detailed maps and project photos, please download the presentations at .


The Eldorado Gold Project Drill Programme - A Good Start


In September 2022, Gelum engaged Quesnel Bros. Diamond Drilling ("Quesnel") to drill approximately 3000 metres from eleven (11) drill pads targeting gold-arsenic-antimony geochemical anomalies and their possible source structures (see Figure 2). With one exception, the areas to be tested have very shallow drilling or no previous record of drilling. Quesnel used a lightweight Hydracore 2000 drill rig and helicopter service was provided by Blackcomb Helicopters, with a base in nearby Gun Lake. Drilling went well, with some shifts achieving over 70 metres of core and an average overall recovery of 87%. A total of 795.5 metres were drilled in three holes from three widely spaced platforms (Figure 2).

2022年9月,Gelum委託Quesnel Bros.Diamond Drilling(“Quesnel”)在十一(11)個鑽臺上鑽探約3000米,目標是金-砷-銻地球化學異常及其可能的來源構造(見圖2)。除了一個例外,被測試地區的鑽探非常淺,或者之前沒有鑽探記錄。Quesnel使用了一個輕型的Hydracore 2000鑽機,直升機服務由Blackcomb直升機提供,基地設在附近的Gun Lake。鑽井進行得很順利,一些班次實現了70米以上的巖心開採,平均總體採收率為87%。在三個相距很遠的平臺上鑽了三個孔,總共鑽了795.5米(圖2)。

Figure 2: Eldorado drilling completed, planned, and historical on geology.


The first drill hole, ELD22-01, was collared at the entrance to the collapsed Northern Lights No. 1 historical adit, where in 19341a 4,643-pound sample of sulphide-vein mineralization from an adjacent historical test pit returned 1.74 ounces/ton Au (2108 kg at 54 g/t Au). In the outcrops above the drill collar, several directions of gold-bearing sulphide veins are present in addition to thick panels of gossanous quartz-carbonate-sulphide cutting the Eldorado diorite and older Bralorne greenstone units for over 1000 metres along strike. ELD22-01 intersected Eldorado diorite cut by eight quartz-carbonate-sulphide structures ranging from 0.3 to 5.7m thick, all estimated as close (70-100%) to true width based on vein to core angles (Figure 3). The hole ended in weakly pyritic diorite at 268.5m.


Figure 3: ELD22-01 core from 243m to 252m, showing typical quartz-carbonate-sulphide mineralization.


The second hole, ELD22-02, was collared 250 metres to the north of ELD22-01 (see Figure 2) and intersected very different units and mineralization. Below 10m of overburden, the hole intersected gossanous, partly silicified diorite/gabbro from 10 to 92.7m. Minor arsenopyrite is present to 34m and the interval includes 5m of gossanous massive silica with up to 1% pyrite-arsenopyrite, and a lower 10.2m intercept of quartz-carbonate breccia/stockwork with trace pyrite and chalcopyrite (Figure 4). From 92.7m to 168.6m the hole passed through feldspar porphyry with several narrow (2-10cm) silicic structures, and then entered a silicic breccia with minor disseminated pyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite to within two metres of the end of hole at 187.0m in andesite porphyry.


Figure 4: ELD22-02 core from 86.4m to 94.3m, showing silicified breccia and veining.


The third hole, ELD22-03, targeted the largest gold-arsenic-antimony talus geochemical anomaly 1500 metres to the north of ELD22-02, just north of Eldorado peak (Figure 2). The hole remained in Eldorado diorite for the entire length of 340.0m. Several quartz-carbonate-sulphide veins and poly-phase vein breccias were intersected, the most significant being a nearly continuous silicified interval, 65.2m wide, from 177.7 - 262.3m, the lower contact being a fault that juxtaposes unaltered diorite against the interval. (Figure 5).


The remaining eight holes will be drilled in 2023, as soon as conditions allow. Most will target the east-dipping quartz-carbonate-sulphide panels at greater depths, and over greater thicknesses, than the completed holes to test whether gold grades increase downward. One hole will target the north end of a highly gossanous, gold-mineralized feldspar-porphyry dike on the Robson claim, which was extensively ground-sluiced for gold by the first prospectors in the area.


Readers are cautioned that descriptions of down-hole mineralization and surface sampling results reported here should be viewed primarily as a guidance for future exploration drilling. There is no certainty that mineralized intersections will have significant metal content. Surface sampling is prone to sampling bias and is not necessarily a reliable indicator of mineralization at depth. The qualified person for this release has not done sufficient work to independently verify the historical sampling results described above.


Figure 5: ELD22-03 core from 178m to 193m, showing diorite cut by several quartz-carbonate-sulphide veins and vein breccias.


High-grade gold mineralization in similar epizonal, quartz-carbonate-sulphide structures on the southern portions of the same north-northwest, regional fault structures is being successfully targeted by Endurance Gold Corporation on their Reliance Gold project, located 14 kilometres to the southeast. Tempus Resources Ltd. is successfully targeting similar orogenic gold mineralization on the Elizabeth Gold Project, located 25 kilometres east of Eldorado, and hosted in similar geological units (Late Cretaceous diorite intruding ultramafic rocks). Talisker Resources are actively expanding resources at the Bralorne mine and exploring a wide area east and north of the Eldorado claim block (see Map 2).

耐力黃金公司在其位於東南14公里處的Reliance Gold項目中,成功地瞄準了位於同一北西北向區域斷裂構造南部的類似淺成石英碳酸鹽硫化物構造中的高品位金礦化。Tempus Resources Ltd.在位於Eldorado以東25公里處的伊麗莎白金礦項目上成功地瞄準了類似的造山金礦成礦作用,該項目賦存於類似的地質單元(晚白堊世閃長巖侵入超鎂鐵巖)中。Talisker Resources正在積極擴大Bralorne礦的資源,並勘探Eldorado索賠區塊以東和以北的大片區域(見地圖2)。

References to other mines and deposits made in this news release provide context for the Eldorado Project, which occurs in a similar geologic setting, but this is not necessarily indicative that the property hosts similar grades and tonnages of mineralization.




1 Annual Report of the Minister of Mines, British Columbia, 1935, p. 190


Figure 6. Location of other active orogenic gold projects near Eldorado


Qualified Person


John Drobe, P.Geo., a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101, has reviewed the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for this news release and has approved the disclosure herein. Mr. Drobe is not independent of the Company as he is a consultant of the Company.

John Drobe,P.Geo是NI 43-101定義的合格人員,他已經審查了構成本新聞稿基礎的科學和技術信息,並批准了本新聞稿的披露。Drobe先生並非獨立於本公司,因為他是本公司的顧問。

About Gelum Resources Ltd.

關於Gelum Resources Ltd.

Gelum Resources is a Company led by seasoned management and advisors in the mining and financial sectors. The Company currently has two objectives under management. The first is to define a multi-million-ounce economic gold deposit on the 9028-hectare Eldorado Gold Project, located within the Bralorne-Bridge River gold district, only 190 kilometres north of Vancouver and 74 km northwest of the town of Lillooet, B.C. The Bralorne mines historically exploited the largest, highest-grade, longest-producing lode-gold deposit in B.C. Management is proud to have developed an excellent working relationship with the Bridge River Indian Band (Xwísten) the project is within the traditional territory within the St'at'imc territory (Traditional Territory) in which Xwísten and its members assert, hold and exercise constitutionally protected Aboriginal Title and Rights ("Indigenous Title and Rights"). The Company plans to complete a 3000-meter drill programme this fall.

Gelum Resources是一家由採礦和金融領域經驗豐富的管理層和顧問領導的公司。該公司目前管理着兩個目標。第一個是在9028公頃的Eldorado金礦項目上定義一個數百萬盎司的經濟金礦,該項目位於Bralorne-Bridge River金礦區內,僅在温哥華以北190公里,不列顛哥倫比亞省Lilloet鎮西北74公里處。Bralorne金礦歷史上曾開採過不列顛哥倫比亞省最大、品位最高、生產時間最長的金礦。管理層很自豪地與Bridge River Indian Band(Xwísten)發展了良好的工作關係。該項目位於Xwísten及其成員聲稱的St‘at’IMC領土(傳統領土)內的傳統領土內,持有和行使受憲法保護的土著產權和權利(“土著產權和權利”)。該公司計劃在今年秋天完成一項3000米的鑽探計劃。

The second objective is to discover an alkalic porphyry and related skarn deposit within a prolific B.C. porphyry belt in the Interior Plateau region. The recently acquired ML property is accessible by 90% paved roads via Williams Lake, and the remainder by all-season dirt roads and secondary logging roads. The low to moderate relief allows year-round access and work. Airborne geophysics comprising magnetics and radiometrics was completed in early spring of 2022.


For further information about the Company and its exploration portfolio, please refer to Gelum Resources Corporate Presentation:

欲瞭解有關該公司及其勘探組合的更多信息,請參考Gelum Resources公司的公司介紹:

PowerPoint Presentation (


On Behalf of the Board of Directors


David Smith, President


For further information about Gelum, please contact:


David Smith, President
Phone: 604 484-1228
Cell: 778-834-1141


Neither the CSE nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE- Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This presentation contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and US securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein including, without limitation, statements regarding any potential increase in shareholder value through the acquisition of undervalued precious metal deposits for development, joint venture or later disposition, the potential to partner with mine developers to achieve production at any of the Company's properties (existing or future); the potential for the capital costs associated with any of the Company's existing or future properties to be low; the potential for the Company to outline resources at any of its existing or future properties, or to be able to increase any such resources in the future; concerning the economic outlook for the mining industry and the Company's expectations regarding metal prices and production and the appropriate time to acquire precious metal projects, the liquidity and capital resources and planned expenditures by the Company, the anticipated content, commencement, timing and cost of exploration programs, anticipated exploration program results and the anticipated business plans and timing of future activities of the Company, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions which may prove incorrect, including, but not limited to, assumptions about the level and volatility of the price of gold; the timing of the receipt of regulatory and governmental approvals; permits and authorizations necessary to implement and carry on the Company's planned exploration programs at its properties; future economic and market conditions; the Company's ability to attract and retain key staff; and the ongoing relations of the Company with its underlying lessors, local communities and applicable regulatory agencies.

本陳述包含符合加拿大和美國證券法的前瞻性陳述和前瞻性信息(統稱為“前瞻性陳述”)。除歷史事實陳述外,本文中包含的所有陳述,包括但不限於有關通過收購被低估的貴金屬礦藏用於開發、合資或以後處置的任何潛在股東價值增加的陳述,與礦山開發商合作在公司的任何財產(現有或未來)實現生產的潛力;與公司任何現有或未來財產相關的資本成本可能較低;公司概述其任何現有或未來財產的資源的潛力,或能夠在未來增加任何此類資源的潛力;關於採礦業的經濟前景和公司對金屬價格和產量的預期以及收購貴金屬項目的適當時間、公司的流動資金和資本資源以及計劃支出、勘探計劃的預期內容、開始、時間和成本、預期的勘探計劃結果以及公司未來活動的預期業務計劃和時間,均屬前瞻性表述。前瞻性陳述基於一些可能被證明是不正確的假設,包括但不限於, 關於黃金價格水平和波動的假設;收到監管和政府批准的時間;在其物業實施和進行公司計劃的勘探計劃所需的許可和授權;未來的經濟和市場狀況;公司吸引和留住關鍵員工的能力;以及公司與相關出租人、當地社區和適用的監管機構的持續關係。

Accordingly, the Company cautions that any forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ, and such differences may be material, from those set out in the forward-looking statements as a result of, among other factors, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located, the Company's inability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its activities, material adverse changes in economic and market conditions, changes in the regulatory environment and other government actions, fluctuations in commodity prices and exchange rates, the inability of the Company to raise the necessary capital for its ongoing operations, and business and operational risks normal in the mineral exploration, development and mining industries, as well as the risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company's most recent management discussion and analysis filed with various provincial securities commissions in Canada, available at The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this presentation or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events except as required by law. All subsequent written or oral forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or any person acting on its behalf are qualified by the cautionary statements herein.

因此,公司提醒,任何前瞻性陳述都不是對未來結果或業績的保證,實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述中陳述的結果不同,這種差異可能是實質性的,原因包括可能位於任何礦藏的性質、質量和數量的變化,公司無法獲得其活動所需的任何必要的許可、同意或授權,經濟和市場條件的重大不利變化,監管環境和其他政府行動的變化,大宗商品價格和匯率的波動,公司無法為其持續運營籌集必要的資本,礦產勘探、開發和採礦行業正常的業務和運營風險,以及公司最近提交給加拿大各省證券委員會的管理層討論和分析中披露的風險和不確定因素,可在. 除法律要求外,公司沒有義務公開更新或發佈對這些前瞻性陳述的任何修訂,以反映本陳述日期後的事件或情況,或反映意外事件的發生。可歸因於公司或代表公司行事的任何人的所有後續書面或口頭前瞻性陳述均受本聲明中警告性聲明的限制.

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