
Batero Gold Corp Announces Mineral Resource Update and Robust Preliminary Economic Assessment for the La Cumbre Project

Batero Gold Corp Announces Mineral Resource Update and Robust Preliminary Economic Assessment for the La Cumbre Project

巴特羅黃金公司宣佈La Cumre項目的礦產資源更新和強勁的初步經濟評估
newsfile ·  2022/10/07 05:51

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 6, 2022) - Batero Gold Corp. (TSXV: BAT) (FSE: 68B) (OTC Pink: BELDF) ("Batero," "The Company") today announced the results of the Mineral Resource update and the preliminary economic assessment ("PEA") of its 100% owned La Cumbre project located in the department of Risaralda, Colombia.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年10月6日)-巴特羅黃金公司 (多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:BAT)(證券交易所股票代碼:68B)(場外粉色股票代碼:BELDF) ("巴特羅," "這個 公司)今天宣佈了礦產資源更新的結果和位於哥倫比亞Risaralda省的全資擁有的La Cumre項目的初步經濟評估(“PEA”)。

Highlights include:


  • The present Mineral Resource update now include the Primary zone, which increase the resources in 113 Mt with 0.462 Au g/t and 1.7 Moz Au.

  • The project has two phases with different capital investments in order to reach the infrastructure requirements of each phase. The first phase corresponds to the mining of the ore contained in the oxide and transition zones, which will be agglomerated and processed in leach pads at a throughput of 15 ktpd. The second phase involves the mining of the primary sulfide zone that will be processed in a flotation and gravimetry plant at a throughput of 30 ktpd.

  • Stage I will have an average annual production of approximately 75.4 koz Au and 96.4 koz Ag. The second stage expands mining activities into the sulphide zone and extends the mine life to 14 years with average annual production of approximately 131.7 koz Au and 230.1 koz Ag.

  • In the first stage, 452 koz Au and 578 koz Ag will be produced. In the second stage, 1.18 Moz Au and 2.15 Moz Ag will be produced.

  • The estimate capital expenditure for phase one totals US$169.5 million of initial capital while phase two totals US$248.3 million for the expansion.

  • The total operating cost including mining, processing, site G&A, treatment and refining adds to a total of US$1,113 million. The C1 cash cost on a by-product basis over the life-of-mine totals US$684/oz of gold or US$12.90/t milled.

  • The economic analysis was performed assuming a 5% discount rate. The pre-tax NPV discounted at 5% is US$730 million; the IRR is 47.5%, and payback period is 1.9 years. On a post-tax basis, the NPV discounted at 5% is $481 million, the IRR is 32.1%, and the payback period is 2.5 years.

  • 目前的礦產資源更新現在包括主區,這將使資源增加到113Mt,0.462 Au g/t和1.7Moz Au。

  • 該項目分兩個階段,進行不同的資本投資,以達到每個階段的基礎設施要求。第一階段相當於開採氧化帶和過渡帶中的礦石,這些礦石將在浸出墊中進行凝聚和處理,日產量為15ktpd。第二階段涉及原生硫化物地帶的開採,將在浮選和重量廠進行處理,日產量為30000噸。

  • 第一階段的平均年產量約為75.4kOZ Au和96.4kOZ Ag。第二階段將採礦活動擴大到硫化物地帶,並將礦山壽命延長至14年,平均年產量約為131.7克茲金和230.1克茲銀。

  • 第一階段將生產452Koz Au和578 Koz Ag。第二階段將生產1.18Moz Au和2.15Moz Ag。

  • 第一階段的估計資本支出總額為1.695億美元的初始資本,而第二階段的擴建資本支出總額為2.483億美元。

  • 包括採礦、加工、場地G&A、處理和精煉在內的總運營成本總計11.13億美元。在礦山壽命內,按副產品計算的C1現金成本總計為每盎司黃金684美元或每噸磨礦12.90美元。

  • 經濟分析是在假設5%的貼現率的情況下進行的。以5%折現的税前淨現值為7.3億美元;內部收益率為47.5%,回收期為1.9年。在税後基礎上,以5%折現的淨現值為4.81億美元,內部收益率為32.1%,回收期為2.5年。

All dollar amounts are in US dollars, unless otherwise noted.


The valuation metrics presented in this news release are based on a preliminary economic assessment that includes an economic analysis of the potential viability of the mineral resources. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability; however, given the advanced engineering detail of the components, this could be considered as an advance estimate of potential Mineral Reserves. This preliminary economic assessment is preliminary in nature, including resources inferred in the Mineral Resources Statement that are considered too geologically speculative to apply the economic considerations that would allow them to be classified as mineral reserves. However, for the estimation of the mine life and consequent economic evaluation, all material considered as an inferred resource was considered as waste. See "Qualified Person and NI 43-101" below.

本新聞稿中提出的估值指標基於初步經濟評估,其中包括對礦產資源潛在可行性的經濟分析。不屬於礦產儲量的礦產資源不具有經濟可行性;然而,考慮到這些組成部分的先進工程細節,這可被視為對潛在礦產儲量的預先估計。這項初步經濟評估屬初步性質,包括在礦產資源聲明中推斷的資源,這些資源被認為在地質上太具投機性,無法應用經濟考慮因素,從而將其歸類為礦產儲量。然而,為了估算礦山壽命和隨後進行的經濟評估,所有被視為推斷資源的材料都被視為廢物。見下文“合格人員和NI 43-101”。

Successfully Executing an Alternative Strategy


Batero is carrying out all the processes related to activating the "proportionality test" with the Emberá Karambá indigenous community with the objective that, together with the protocolization stage carried out with the Emberá Chami group, the prior consultation process can be fulfilled with both indigenous biases, in order to file the environmental impact study (EIS).


Discovering New Mineralization on Patented Mining Claims


Three intrusive centers have been identified within the mining property: Dos Quebradas, Mandeval-Centro and La Cumbre. They are copper-poor gold porphyry-type systems in which the intermediate argillic conclusion locally overprints an early potassic assemblage and stockwork of quartz veins, where gold is found in altered dioritic intrusions and contact zones. The Dos Quebradas and Centro-Mandeval intrusives were verified with some drilling, pending their characterization and development of the filling program to determine their mining potential. Additionally, to the south of the property, epithermal-type mineralized structures and the presence of mineralized breccias have been found.

在該礦區內發現了三個侵入中心:多斯奎布拉達斯、曼德瓦爾-森特羅和拉坎佈雷。它們是貧銅的金斑巖類型的系統,其中中間的泥質結論局部覆蓋了早期的鉀質組合和石英脈的網狀結構,在蝕變閃長巖侵入體和接觸帶中發現了金。Dos Quebradas和Centro-Mandeval侵入巖通過一些鑽探進行了驗證,等待它們的特徵和填充程序的開發,以確定它們的開採潛力。此外,在該物業的南側,發現了淺成熱液型礦化構造和礦化角礫巖的存在。

Expanding Private Land Package


Batero has been acquiring surface property that is within the area of influence of the pit and mining infrastructure. To date, it has 67 properties corresponding to 250.51 Ha, which fully cover the area of influence of the pit and the area of influence of the deposit of organic and waste material located north of the pit and, partially, the areas corresponding to the stockpile and plant.


The pending properties are under evaluation of the state of titles and commercial appraisals.


Unlocking District Potential


Following the success of exploration in the mining concessions, Batero began evaluating alternative design options to generate value within this potential district. This included the reevaluation of the 2018 Mineral Resources, the incorporation of new Mineral Resources from successful exploration results and the completion of metallurgical testing, leading to a comprehensive review of the mine plan, the design of the process, mining infrastructure siting strategies, and permitting requirements for the new project.


2022 PEA Summary


The La Cumbre Project contemplates a two-phases mine plan, the first phase reflects a 6-year mine life. Phase II extends the mine life to 14 years through an expansion to the sulphide zone by gravimetry and flotation.

La Cumre項目考慮兩個階段的採礦計劃,第一階段反映了6年的礦山壽命。第二階段通過重量法和浮選擴大到硫化物帶,將礦山壽命延長到14年。

Phase I contemplates average annual production of up to 75.4 koz Au and 96.4 koz Ag over a 6-year mine life. Phase II contemplates an expansion of the processing facilities which would increase average annual production up to 131.7 koz Au and 230.1 koz Ag. over the remaining life of mine. The total operating cost including mining, processing, site G&A, treatment and refining adds to a total of US$1,113 million. The C1 cash cost on a by-product basis over the life-of-mine totals US$684/ oz of gold or US$12.90/t milled. 21. The estimate for phase one capital expenditure includes a contingency of 12.8% and totals US$169.5 million of initial capital while phase two includes a contingency of 25% and totals US$248.3 million for the expansion.

第一階段預計在6年的礦山壽命內,平均年產量最高可達75.4Koz Au和96.4Koz Ag。第二階段考慮擴大加工設施,將把平均年產量提高到131.7克茲金和230.1克茲銀。在我的餘生中。包括採礦、加工、場地G&A、處理和精煉在內的總運營成本總計11.13億美元。在礦山壽命內,按副產品計算的C1現金成本總計為每盎司黃金684美元或每噸磨礦12.90美元。21.第一階段資本支出的估計包括12.8%的意外開支,總計1.695億美元的初始資本,而第二階段包括25%的意外開支,總計2.483億美元的擴建費用。

The first stage, designed to treat the ore from the oxide and transition zones at a rate of 15,000 tons per day, has as its principal process the extraction of gold by leaching with cyanide solution in dynamic pads with estimated recovery of 85.5% in 18 days of spraying. The second stage, designed to treat 30,000 tons per day of ore from the primary zone, aims to concentrate the gold-bearing ore by gravimetric and flotation processes, with laboratory tests estimating a recovery of 84.9% between the two concentrates. Subsequently, the concentrates are leached by the CIL process, where a recovery of 95% is estimated, giving an overall recovery of 80.6% gold.


With the inclusion of phase II and assuming a gold price of $1,750 per ounce, the pre-tax net present value of the total project using a 5% discount rate is US$730 million; the IRR is 47.5%, and payback period is 1.9 years. On a post-tax basis, the NPV discounted at 5% is $481 million, the IRR is 32.1%, and the payback period is 2.5 years.


According to the tables 1 and 2 the valuation metrics are highly sensitive to the gold price and at a price of $1,925 per ounce, the post-tax net present value of LOM, using a 5% discount rate, increases to $609 million and the internal rate of return in LOM increases to 38.4%.


Table 1
1NPV 5% at Various Scenarios


Variation Gold prices (US$m) Silver prices (US$m) Opex (US$m) Initial capex (US$m) Sustaining capex (US$m)
(20%) 223 476 586 535 486
(10%) 352 478 533 508 483
Base Case 481 481 481 481 481
10% 609 483 428 453 478
20% 737 486 375 426 475
變異 金價(百萬美元) 白銀價格(百萬美元) 運營支出(百萬美元) 初始資本支出(百萬美元) 可持續資本支出(百萬美元)
(20%) 223 476 586 535 486
(10%) 352 478 533 508 483
基本情況 481 481 481 481 481
10% 609 483 428 453 478
20% 737 486 375 426 475

1.Net present value and internal rate of return are shown on a post-tax basis.


Table 2
IRR at Various Scenarios


Variation Gold prices (%) Silver prices (%) Opex (%) Initial capex (%) Sustaining capex (%)
(20%) 18.7% 31.9% 37.0% 41.8% 32.4%
(10%) 25.6% 32.0% 34.6% 36.5% 32.3%
Base Case 32.1% 32.1% 32.1% 32.1% 32.1%
10% 38.4% 32.3% 29.7% 28.5% 32.0%
20% 44.5% 32.4% 27.1% 25.5% 31.9%
變異 金價(%) 白銀價格(%) 運營支出(%) 初始資本支出(%) 可持續資本支出(%)
(20%) 18.7% 31.9% 37.0% 41.8% 32.4%
(10%) 25.6% 32.0% 34.6% 36.5% 32.3%
基本情況 32.1% 32.1% 32.1% 32.1% 32.1%
10% 38.4% 32.3% 29.7% 28.5% 32.0%
20% 44.5% 32.4% 27.1% 25.5% 31.9%

A summary of key valuation, production and cost details from the PEA can be found below in Table 3. For further details, including operating and cash flow metrics provided on an annual basis, please refer to Exhibit 1 and 2 at the end of this news release. For further details regarding the nature of the PEA and its limitations, please refer to "Qualified Person and NI 43-101" below.

PEA的主要估值、生產和成本細節的摘要可在下表3中找到。有關更多詳細信息,包括每年提供的運營和現金流指標,請參閲本新聞稿末尾的附件1和2。有關PEA的性質及其限制的更多詳細信息,請參閲下面的“合格人員和NI 43-101”。

Table 3
LoM Financial Valuation and Parameters


Item Unit Open pit
Commodity Prices (Long term)
Gold Price US$/oz $1,750
Silver Price US$/oz $22.00
LoM Mine Plan Summary
Mine Life Years 14.0
Minable resource1 kt 106,594
Gold grade g/t 0.56
Silver grade g/t 1.57
Processing Rate tpd 15,000-30,000
LoM Processing Recovery (Oxide and Transitional Materials)
Gold Recovery % 85.5%
Silver Recovery % 46.9%
LoM Revenue
Net Revenue US$M $2,905.4
LoM Operating Cost
Mining $/t processed 3.66
Processing $/t processed 6.98
Site G&A $/t processed 0.22
Treatment, Refining, Freight $/t processed 0.13
By-product credits $/t processed (0.55)
C1 Cash Operating Cost US$/oz 684.22
AISC Cost US$/oz 770.89
Operating Costs US$M $1,171.5
Royalties US$M $92.5
LoM Cash Flow
EBITDA US$M $1,641.4
Net Cash Flow
Less: Cash taxes US$M ($352.4)
Less: Change in working capital US$M $0.0
Less: Capital expenditures US$M ($466.3)
Net Cash Flow US$M $822.7
Post-Tax NPV 5% US$M $480.6
Post-Tax IRR US$M 32.1%
Payback (1st phase) Years 2.5
項目 單位 露天礦
金價 美元/盎司 $1,750
銀價 美元/盎司 $22.00
礦上生活 年份 14.0
可開採資源1 基特 106,594
黃金品級 克/噸 0.56
銀級 克/噸 1.57
加工率 TPD 15,000-30,000
黃金回收 % 85.5%
銀回收 % 46.9%
淨收入 美國:百萬美元 $2,905.4
採礦 $/t已處理 3.66
正在處理中 $/t已處理 6.98
場地G&A $/t已處理 0.22
處理、提煉、貨運 $/t已處理 0.13
副產品信用 $/t已處理 (0.55)
C1現金運營成本 美元/盎司 684.22
鞍鋼成本 美元/盎司 770.89
運營成本 美國:百萬美元 $1,171.5
版税 美國:百萬美元 $92.5
EBITDA 美國:百萬美元 $1,641.4
減去:現金税 美國:百萬美元 ($352.4)
減去:營運資本的變化 美國:百萬美元 $0.0
減去:資本支出 美國:百萬美元 ($466.3)
淨現金流 美國:百萬美元 $822.7
税後淨現值5% 美國:百萬美元 $480.6
税後內部回報率 美國:百萬美元 32.1%
投資回報(第一階段) 年份 2.5

1. Gold spot price 1575 US$/oz and silver spot price 20 US$/oz. Cut-off for leachable materials is 0.243 Au g/t and for mill process is 0.20 Au g/t

1、黃金現貨價格1575美元/盎司,白銀現貨價格20美元/盎司。可浸出原料的下限為0.243 AU g/t,磨礦工藝的截止下限為0.20au g/t

Overview of Proposed Operation


Batero Gold's La Cumbre project is planned to be a traditional open pit truck and excavator operation with a flotation sulphide gold processing plant and an oxide leach processing facility producing gold and silver doré bars.

Batero Gold的La Cumre項目計劃是一個傳統的露天卡車和挖掘機作業,擁有一個浮選硫化物黃金加工廠和一個生產金條和銀條的氧化物浸出加工設施。

The proposed ore haulage at the La Cumbre project is based on a conveyor belt system in addition to 35-tonne capacity trucks. Minera Quinchia considers that possibility of using only trucks as transportation method would increase social risks due to increased road traffic. Consequently, the ore will be transported by trucks to a temporary zone within the project area, and from there, it is being planned to use conveyor belts to transport it to the interim stockpiles in the La Perla or Matecaña sector. This re-handling is planned to be supported by load haul dump (LHD) equipment to the area assigned for final heap leaching.

La Cumre項目擬議的礦石運輸除了35噸載重卡車外,還基於傳送帶系統。Minera Quinchia認為,由於道路交通增加,只使用卡車作為運輸方式的可能性將增加社會風險。因此,礦石將用卡車運輸到項目區內的一個臨時區,並計劃從那裏使用傳送帶將其運送到La Perla或Matecaña區的臨時庫存。這種重新處理計劃由裝卸設備(LHD)支持到指定用於最終堆浸的區域。

An additional benefit of using a belt conveyor system is the potential generation of electrical energy from the operations in the favorable -549 m vertical distance over 2250 m in length. The overland belts have a descending path that allows conceptualizing their regenerative nature, resulting in a possible economic advantage estimated at -0.09 $/ton compared to truck system transport. These possibilities are still under study and have not been defined in this PEA.


The overall mining operation is expected to be a 2-phase open pit. Phase I will operate on land 100% owned by Batero Gold and will last 6 years. This phase is focused on extracting ore from the oxide and transition zones and their recovery through the leaching process. All waste and tailings will be disposed in dumps and pads located on private land owned by Batero Gold. Phase II of the Project has exploration completed and will extend the life of the mine up to 14 years, all permitting is supposed to be completed and the remaining land acquisition will be completed.

整個採礦作業預計將分兩期進行。第一階段將在Batero Gold 100%擁有的土地上運營,為期6年。這一階段的重點是從氧化物和過渡帶中提取礦石,並通過浸出過程回收礦石。所有廢物和尾礦將被處理在位於Batero Gold擁有的私人土地上的垃圾場和墊子中。該項目二期勘探已完成,將延長礦山壽命長達14年,所有許可應已完成,剩餘土地徵用將完成。

During phase I, 23% of commercial ounces will be obtained with the operation at a mining rate of 15,000 tons per day, both the ore and the waste will be transported through the overland conveyor, which has an approximate capacity of 30,000 tons per day. Phase II will operate at a rate of 30,000 tons per day, waste dumps will be located north of the pit and will be transported by mining trucks, during this phase the remaining 73% of planned ounces will be obtained.


The waste storage facilities (WSF) and tailings storage facility (TSF) for Batero are under conceptual design, in contrast to the heap leaching area which is at an advanced stage of design (can be considered as PFS).


Mineral Resource Estimate


The mineral resource estimate has an effective date of December 31, 2021, that is the cut-off date for information used in the estimate. Mineral resources that are not reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Table 4 summarizes the mineral resource estimate for the La Cumbre deposit.

礦產資源評估的生效日期為2021年12月31日,也就是評估中使用的信息的截止日期。不屬於儲量的礦產資源沒有顯示出經濟可行性。表4概述了La Cumre礦藏的礦產資源估計數。

Table 4
Total Mineral Resource Statement for All Mineral Zones - December 31, 2021:


Resource Volume Density Tonnage Au g/t Au oz Ag g/t Ag oz
Measured 49,317,902 2.624 129,421,866 0.509 2,117,649 1.52 6,336,330
Indicated 2,411,421 2.606 6,283,667 0.383 77,476 0.45 91,432
Meas. + Ind. 51,729,322 2.623 135,705,533 0.503 2,195,124 1.47 6,427,763
Inferred 356,987 2.533 904,088 0.413 12,005 1.32 38,472
資源 密度 噸位 Au g/t 金盎司 AG g/t 銀盎司
測量的 49,317,902 2.624 129,421,866 0.509 2,117,649 1.52 6,336,330
已指示 2,411,421 2.606 6,283,667 0.383 77,476 0.45 91,432
米斯。+Ind. 51,729,322 2.623 135,705,533 0.503 2,195,124 1.47 6,427,763
推論 356,987 2.533 904,088 0.413 12,005 1.32 38,472

Notes to accompany La Cumbre Mineral Resource tables:

La Cumre礦產資源表附註:

  1. Mineral Resources have an effective date of December 31, 2021. The Qualified Person for the estimate is Mr. Walter La Torre, CP and MAusIMM.
  2. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability
  3. Mineral Resources are reported within a conceptual optimized pit that uses the following input parameters: Au price: US$1,750/troy oz and US$22.0/troy oz Ag, mining cost: US$1.95/t, process cost (including G&A): US$9.08/t processed, gold selling cost: US$47.00/troy oz and overall slope angle of 38°.
  4. Gold recovery in the oxide and transitional zones was fixed at 85.5%. Gold recovery in the primary zone was fixed at 84.1%.
  5. Mineral Resources (Oxide) are reported using a 0.218 Au g/t cut off grade.
  6. Mineral Resources (Transitional) are reported using a 0.218 Au g/t cut off grade.
  7. Mineral Resources (Primary) are reported using a 0.179 Au g/t cut off grade.
  8. Totals may not sum due to rounding as required by reporting guidelines.
  1. 礦產資源的生效日期為2021年12月31日。有資格進行評估的人是Walter先生,首席執行官兼MAUSIMM。
  2. 不屬於礦產儲量的礦產資源不具有經濟可行性
  3. 礦產資源是在一個概念優化的礦坑內報告的,該礦坑使用以下輸入參數:Au價格:1,750美元/金衡盎司和22.0美元/金衡盎司Ag,採礦成本:1.95美元/噸,加工成本(包括G&A):9.08美元/噸加工,黃金銷售成本:47.00美元/金衡盎司和38°的整體傾斜角。
  4. 氧化帶和過渡帶的金回收率固定在85.5%。原生區黃金回收率固定在84.1%。
  5. 礦產資源(氧化物)報告使用0.218金克/噸的下限品位。
  6. 據報告,礦產資源(過渡性)的邊際品位為0.218金克/噸。
  7. 礦產資源(初級)報告使用0.179金克/噸的邊際品位。
  8. 根據報告指南的要求,由於四捨五入的原因,合計可能不是總和。

Qualified Persons


Mr. Walter La Torre, MAusIMM (CP), is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43 101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects of the Canadian Securities Administrators. Mr. La Torrre reviewed and approved the scientific or technical disclosure in this release and has verified the data disclosed.

Walter先生(正大)是加拿大證券管理人的《國家文件43101礦產項目披露標準》的合資格人士。La Torrre先生審查並批准了本新聞稿中的科學或技術披露,並對披露的數據進行了核實。

About Batero Gold

關於Batero Gold

Batero Gold Corp. is a precious and base metals advanced exploration company. The company's objective is to develop the La Cumbre deposit. La Cumbre is located within the Company's 100% owned Batero-Quinchia Gold Project, which sits within Colombia's emerging and prolific Mid Cauca gold and copper belt, which has measured and indicated resources of about 2.2 million ounces of gold and 6.4 million ounces of silver. In pursuing these objectives, Batero plans to leverage its secure treasury position, strong regional relationships, experienced management team, and long-term financial partners. Shares of the Vancouver-based company trade on the TSX-Venture Exchange under the symbol "BAT".

巴特羅黃金公司是一家貴金屬和賤金屬先進勘探公司。該公司的目標是開發拉坎佈雷礦藏。La Cumre位於公司全資擁有的Batero-Quinchia金礦項目範圍內,該項目位於哥倫比亞新興且多產的Mid Cauca金礦和銅礦帶內,已測量和指示的資源約為220萬盎司黃金和640萬盎司白銀。為了實現這些目標,Batero計劃利用其安全的國庫地位、強大的地區關係、經驗豐富的管理團隊和長期的財務合作伙伴。這家總部位於温哥華的公司的股票在多倫多證券交易所創業板上市,交易代碼為“BAT”。

For further information please visit the Batero Gold Resource website at or contact:


Gonzalo de Losada President and CEO Batero Gold Corporation
Tel: + 57 6046041948

電話:+57 6046041948

Exhibit 1: Mine Plan and processing schedule


Table 5
Life of Mine Plan


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 LoM
Ore Leach kt 3,844 5,400 5,400 5,400 1,293 571 193 232 492 834 550 0 0 0 24,209
Ore Mill kt 65 94 223 34 3,563 6,800 7,534 8,883 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 1,187 82,384
Waste kt 1,605 1,281 1,190 770 2,392 1,948 3,007 6,482 11,952 7,777 7,129 4,163 2,485 9 52,191
Leach Au g/t 0.61 0.81 0.77 0.70 0.52 0.60 0.50 0.42 0.39 0.33 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.68
Leach Ag g/t 1.46 1.55 1.73 1.72 1.45 1.45 1.94 1.34 1.56 1.23 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.58
Mill Au g/t 0.52 0.66 0.69 0.74 0.78 0.84 0.65 0.63 0.48 0.44 0.45 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.53
Mill Ag g/t 1.42 1.44 1.49 1.70 1.67 1.73 1.82 1.54 1.45 1.73 1.52 1.37 1.51 1.42 1.57

第1年 第2年 第三年 第四年 第五年 第6年 第7年 第8年 第9年 第10年 第11年 第12年 第13年 第14年 LOM
礦石浸出量kt 3,844 5,400 5,400 5,400 1,293 571 193 232 492 834 550 0 0 0 24,209
磨礦廠kt 65 94 223 34 3,563 6,800 7,534 8,883 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 1,187 82,384
廢舊kt 1,605 1,281 1,190 770 2,392 1,948 3,007 6,482 11,952 7,777 7,129 4,163 2,485 9 52,191
每克/噸每克 0.61 0.81 0.77 0.70 0.52 0.60 0.50 0.42 0.39 0.33 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.68
浸出量g/t 1.46 1.55 1.73 1.72 1.45 1.45 1.94 1.34 1.56 1.23 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.58
MILL AUG/T 0.52 0.66 0.69 0.74 0.78 0.84 0.65 0.63 0.48 0.44 0.45 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.53
MILL Ag g/t 1.42 1.44 1.49 1.70 1.67 1.73 1.82 1.54 1.45 1.73 1.52 1.37 1.51 1.42 1.57

Note: Leach include oxide and transitional ore. Mill is referred as Flotation-Gravimetry plant and include only primary sulfide ore.


Table 6
Processing Schedule


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14
Heap Leaching
Processing ore Mt 3.80 5.40 5.40 5.40 1.30


Au g/t 0.61 0.81 0.77 0.70 0.52


Ag g/t 1.46 1.55 1.73 1.72 1.45


Processing ore kt

4.00 6.80 7.50 8.90 10.8 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 1.20
Au g/t

0.78 0.84 0.65 0.63 0.48 0.44 0.45 0.42 0.42 0.42
Ag g/t

1.67 1.73 1.82 1.54 1.45 1.73 1.52 1.37 1.51 1.42

第1年 第2年 第三年 第四年 第五年 第6年 第7年 第8年 第9年 第10年 第11年 第12年 第13年 第14年
加工礦石山 3.80 5.40 5.40 5.40 1.30


Au g/t 0.61 0.81 0.77 0.70 0.52


AG g/t 1.46 1.55 1.73 1.72 1.45



4.00 6.80 7.50 8.90 10.8 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 1.20
Au g/t

0.78 0.84 0.65 0.63 0.48 0.44 0.45 0.42 0.42 0.42
AG g/t

1.67 1.73 1.82 1.54 1.45 1.73 1.52 1.37 1.51 1.42

Note: Processing ore include leach and sulfide ore. Leach include oxide and transitional ore. Mill is referred as Flotation-Gravimetry plant and include only primary sulfide ore. Treatment plan is a conceptual plan from the strategic mine plan at PEA level prepared by Batero's staff.


Exhibit 2: Detailed Cash Flow Model and Key Assumptions


A detailed cash flow model containing annual production and cost information is shown below. Overall assumptions for commodity prices, marketing parameters, operating costs and capital costs are also provided.


Table 7
Financial Model Summary


Item Units Year -1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year
Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year
Year 14 Total LoM
Gold price US$/oz 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750
Silver price US$/oz 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
Mining t ore kt - 3,909 5,494 5,623 5,434 4,856 7,371 7,727 9,115 11,292 11,634 11,350 10,800 10,800 1,187 - 106,594
Mining t waste rock kt - 1,605 1,281 1,190 770 2,392 1,948 3,007 6,482 11,952 7,777 7,129 4,163 2,485 9 - 52,191
Strip Ratio W:O - 0.41x 0.23x 0.21x 0.14x 0.49x 0.26x 0.39x 0.71x 1.06x 0.67x 0.63x 0.39x 0.23x 0.01x - 0.49x
Processing t ore kt - 3,844 5,400 5,400 5,400 5,273 6,800 7,534 8,883 10,800 10,800 13,672 10,800 10,800 1,187 - 106,594
Gold Grade % - 0.61 0.81 0.77 0.7 0.72 0.84 0.65 0.63 0.48 0.44 0.44 0.42 0.42 0.42 - 0.56
Silver Grade % - 1.46 1.55 1.73 1.72 1.62 1.73 1.82 1.54 1.45 1.73 1.48 1.37 1.51 1.42 - 1.57
Payable Gold koz - 64 120 114 104 102 153 131 151 140 129 161 121 122 14 - 1,627
Payable Silver koz - 82 123 137 136 135 190 222 222 253 302 321 239 264 27 - 2,651
Gold revenues US$m - 113 211 200 182 179 268 230 264 245 226 282 212 214 24 - 2,847
Silver revenues US$m - 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 5 6 1 - 58
Total Revenue US$m - 114.3 213.4 202.7 184.8 182 271.7 234.6 269.1 250.1 232.4 289.5 217 219.4 24.2 - 2,905.40
(-) Downstream costs US$m - -0.5 -0.9 -0.9 -0.8 -0.8 -1.2 -1.1 -1.2 -1.2 -1.1 -1.4 -1 -1.1 -0.1 - -13.4
Net Revenue US$m - 113.8 212.4 201.8 184 181.2 270.5 233.5 267.9 249 231.3 288.1 216 218.3 24.1 - 2,892.00
(-) Mining costs US$m - -13.6 -16.7 -16.8 -15.7 -18.8 -23.5 -26.8 -38 -55.6 -46.7 -44.6 -36.4 -32.5 -4.9 - -390.6
(-) Processing costs US$m - -31.7 -43.9 -43.9 -43.9 -37.5 -45.5 -50.2 -58.9 -71.3 -71.3 -93.8 -71.3 -71.3 -9.4 - -743.9
(-) G&A US$m - -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 - -23.6
(-) Royalties US$m - -3.6 -6.8 -6.5 -5.9 -5.8 -8.7 -7.5 -8.6 -8 -7.4 -9.2 -6.9 -7 -0.8 - -92.5
EBITDA US$m - 63 144 133 117 117 191 147 161 112 104 139 100 106 7 - 1,641
EBITDA Margin % - 55% 67% 66% 63% 64% 70% 63% 60% 45% 45% 48% 46% 48% 30% - 56%
C1 cash cost US$m - 45.5 60.3 60.1 59 55.9 67.8 75 95 124.2 114.2 134.5 105.2 100.8 15.6 - 1,113.20
AISC US$m - 49.2 67.1 76.1 64.8 61.7 88.3 82.4 103.6 143.5 121.6 143.7 112.1 107.8 16.3 15.8 1,254.20
C1 cash cost US$/oz - 707.7 501.3 527.1 567.3 546.7 443.5 571.1 629 888.8 885.2 833.1 869.6 826.2 1,152.3 - 684.2
AISC US$/oz - 764.3 557.8 667.3 624 603.4 577.9 628 685.8 1,026.4 942.6 890.3 926.7 883.5 1,209.4 - 770.9
(-) Cash taxes US$m - -13.6 -40.2 -36.9 -29.5 -27.9 -47.9 -33.8 -35.9 -18.1 -15.7 -21.9 -14.3 -16.1 -0.5 - -352.4
(-) Change in working capital US$m - -16.1 -12.9 1.3 2.3 0.5 -11.7 4.3 -5.1 1.1 2.6 -7.9 10.2 -0.1 27.9 3.7 -
(-) Capital expenditures US$m -169.5 - - -9.5 -149 -99.3 -11.9 - - -11.3 - - - - - -15.8 -466.3
Unlevered Free Cash Flow US$m -169.5 33.7 90.4 87.9 -59.2 -9.5 119.6 117.8 119.7 84.1 91.1 108.9 95.6 89.5 34.7 -12.1 822.7
Cumulative Cash Flow US$m -169.5 -135.8 -45.4 42.5 -16.7 -26.1 93.5 211.3 331 415.1 506.2 615.1 710.7 800.1 834.8 822.7
項目 單位 第一年-- 年份0 第1年 第2年 第三年 第四年 第五年 第6年 第7年

第10年 第11年 第12年
第14年 總日誌數
金價 美元/盎司 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750
銀價 美元/盎司 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
採礦t礦石 基特 - 3,909 5,494 5,623 5,434 4,856 7,371 7,727 9,115 11,292 11,634 11,350 10,800 10,800 1,187 - 106,594
開採廢石 基特 - 1,605 1,281 1,190 770 2,392 1,948 3,007 6,482 11,952 7,777 7,129 4,163 2,485 9 - 52,191
帶鋼比 W:O - 0.41x 0.23x 0.21x 0.14x 0.49x 0.26x 0.39x 0.71x 1.06x 0.67x 0.63x 0.39x 0.23x 0.01x - 0.49x
加工t礦石 基特 - 3,844 5,400 5,400 5,400 5,273 6,800 7,534 8,883 10,800 10,800 13,672 10,800 10,800 1,187 - 106,594
黃金等級 % - 0.61 0.81 0.77 0.7 0.72 0.84 0.65 0.63 0.48 0.44 0.44 0.42 0.42 0.42 - 0.56
銀級 % - 1.46 1.55 1.73 1.72 1.62 1.73 1.82 1.54 1.45 1.73 1.48 1.37 1.51 1.42 - 1.57
應付黃金 科茲 - 64 120 114 104 102 153 131 151 140 129 161 121 122 14 - 1,627
應付銀牌 科茲 - 82 123 137 136 135 190 222 222 253 302 321 239 264 27 - 2,651
黃金收入 百萬美元 - 113 211 200 182 179 268 230 264 245 226 282 212 214 24 - 2,847
白銀收入 百萬美元 - 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 5 6 1 - 58
總收入 百萬美元 - 114.3 213.4 202.7 184.8 182 271.7 234.6 269.1 250.1 232.4 289.5 217 219.4 24.2 - 2,905.40
(-)下游成本 百萬美元 - -0.5 -0.9 -0.9 -0.8 -0.8 -1.2 -1.1 -1.2 -1.2 -1.1 -1.4 -1 -1.1 -0.1 - -13.4
淨收入 百萬美元 - 113.8 212.4 201.8 184 181.2 270.5 233.5 267.9 249 231.3 288.1 216 218.3 24.1 - 2,892.00
(-)採礦成本 百萬美元 - -13.6 -16.7 -16.8 -15.7 -18.8 -23.5 -26.8 -38 -55.6 -46.7 -44.6 -36.4 -32.5 -4.9 - -390.6
(-)加工成本 百萬美元 - -31.7 -43.9 -43.9 -43.9 -37.5 -45.5 -50.2 -58.9 -71.3 -71.3 -93.8 -71.3 -71.3 -9.4 - -743.9
(-)G&A 百萬美元 - -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7 - -23.6
(-)版税 百萬美元 - -3.6 -6.8 -6.5 -5.9 -5.8 -8.7 -7.5 -8.6 -8 -7.4 -9.2 -6.9 -7 -0.8 - -92.5
EBITDA 百萬美元 - 63 144 133 117 117 191 147 161 112 104 139 100 106 7 - 1,641
EBITDA利潤率 % - 55% 67% 66% 63% 64% 70% 63% 60% 45% 45% 48% 46% 48% 30% - 56%
C1現金成本 百萬美元 - 45.5 60.3 60.1 59 55.9 67.8 75 95 124.2 114.2 134.5 105.2 100.8 15.6 - 1,113.20
鞍鋼 百萬美元 - 49.2 67.1 76.1 64.8 61.7 88.3 82.4 103.6 143.5 121.6 143.7 112.1 107.8 16.3 15.8 1,254.20
C1現金成本 美元/盎司 - 707.7 501.3 527.1 567.3 546.7 443.5 571.1 629 888.8 885.2 833.1 869.6 826.2 1,152.3 - 684.2
鞍鋼 美元/盎司 - 764.3 557.8 667.3 624 603.4 577.9 628 685.8 1,026.4 942.6 890.3 926.7 883.5 1,209.4 - 770.9
(-)現金税 百萬美元 - -13.6 -40.2 -36.9 -29.5 -27.9 -47.9 -33.8 -35.9 -18.1 -15.7 -21.9 -14.3 -16.1 -0.5 - -352.4
(-)營運資金變動 百萬美元 - -16.1 -12.9 1.3 2.3 0.5 -11.7 4.3 -5.1 1.1 2.6 -7.9 10.2 -0.1 27.9 3.7 -
(-)非經常開支 百萬美元 -169.5 - - -9.5 -149 -99.3 -11.9 - - -11.3 - - - - - -15.8 -466.3
無槓桿自由現金流 百萬美元 -169.5 33.7 90.4 87.9 -59.2 -9.5 119.6 117.8 119.7 84.1 91.1 108.9 95.6 89.5 34.7 -12.1 822.7
累計現金流 百萬美元 -169.5 -135.8 -45.4 42.5 -16.7 -26.1 93.5 211.3 331 415.1 506.2 615.1 710.7 800.1 834.8 822.7

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