
Aurora Solar Technologies Corporate Update Regarding Leadership

Aurora Solar Technologies Corporate Update Regarding Leadership

newsfile ·  2022/10/04 20:10

North Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 4, 2022) - The Board of Directors of Aurora Solar Technologies Inc. (TSXV: ACU) ("Aurora", the "Company") announced today that Gordon Deans has retired as President and CEO of the Company effective as of October 1, 2022, following 13 years as a Founder and senior executive. Gordon continues to support the commercialization of the Company's Insight platform along with the combined business product and market strategy in a consultative role. Concurrently, the Company's Board has unanimously appointed Kevin Dodds to succeed Gordon as Chief Executive Officer. Both Kevin and Gordon will remain members of the Board of Directors of the Company. Dr. Roger Buckeridge has also been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Company effective October 1, 2022. These leadership changes are the culmination of a process that involved the acquisition of BT Imaging and the needs of the combined business.

不列顛哥倫比亞省北溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2022 年 10 月 4 日)-Aurora Solar Technologies Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ACU)董事會(”奧羅拉“,”公司“)今天宣佈,戈登·迪恩斯在擔任創始人和高級管理人員13年後,已退休公司總裁兼首席執行官一職,自2022年10月1日起生效。戈登繼續以諮詢身份支持公司Insight平臺的商業化以及合併的商業產品和市場戰略。同時,公司董事會一致任命凱文·多茲接替戈登擔任首席執行官。凱文和戈登都將繼續擔任公司董事會成員。羅傑·巴克裏奇博士也被任命爲公司董事會成員,自2022年10月1日起生效。這些領導層變動是涉及收購BT Imaging和合並後業務需求的過程的高潮。

Kevin is a recognized leader with a proven track record in growing $100 million plus industrial technology companies. Kevin was the lead director that structured and negotiated the BT Imaging acquisition and has mentored and worked directly with the Company's executive team over the past year. His financial and operational expertise combined with his in depth understanding of the Company's business will support a smooth and energetic transition of the combined business.

凱文是一位公認的領導者,在發展超過1億美元的工業技術公司方面有着良好的記錄。凱文是組織和談判BT Imaging收購的首席董事,在過去的一年中,他直接指導了公司的高管團隊並與之合作。他的財務和運營專業知識加上對公司業務的深入理解,將支持合併後業務的平穩而充滿活力的過渡。

Dr. Buckeridge has been an Australian-domiciled director of BT Imaging since 2010 and is joined on the BT Imaging Board of Directors by Kevin and the Company's Chief Financial Officer, Tricia Pederson. Roger has a 37-year history as a venture capital fund manager, having raised and managed AUD $280 million. He formerly was a consultant at McKinsey & Company based in New York and Sydney and holds a PhD in Chemistry.


"On behalf of the Board, I want to thank Gordon for his leadership along with his contributions as a founder and for his commitment to continue as a director and a consultant. The Board looks forward to continuing working with Kevin who will focus on the integration of BT Imaging, bringing Insight to commercial readiness, and leading the business and capital market strategy for the Company. This focus will include both organic growth and sourcing value-enhancing transactions, all in shareholders' best interest. The Board welcomes Roger who will bring detailed knowledge of the BT Imaging's business and will support Kevin and the Board in development of the Company's business growth strategy," said David Toyoda, Chairman of the Company's Governance Committee.

“我謹代表董事會感謝戈登的領導能力以及他作爲創始人的貢獻,以及他對繼續擔任董事和顧問的承諾。董事會期待繼續與凱文合作,後者將專注於BT Imaging的整合,爲Insight做好商業準備,並領導公司的業務和資本市場戰略。這一重點將包括有機增長和尋找增值交易,所有這些都符合股東的最大利益。董事會歡迎羅傑,他將詳細瞭解英國電信影像公司的業務,並將支持凱文和董事會制定公司的業務增長戰略。” 公司治理委員會主席戴維·豐田說。

During the month of September, the Company has been focussed on the integration of the BT Imaging business which is progressing according to plan and is preparing a business acquisition report with its external auditors which is targeted to be filed on or about November 8, 2022. The Company's current Insight evaluation in China continues to progress with a focus on customer work flows, training and reporting. The Company and BT Imaging together attended and presented at the 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion conference in Milan from September 26-30, 2022 to reconnect with customers, strategic partners and suppliers including, a new customer from Italy that was recently secured by BT Imaging. The prevailing sentiment from this conference is that solar module manufacturing is expected to grow in Europe and North America with cell manufacturing to follow which should create a diversification of sales opportunity for the combined company.

在9月份,公司一直專注於英國電信影像業務的整合,該業務正在按計劃進行,並且正在與外部審計師一起準備一份業務收購報告,該報告定於2022年11月8日左右提交。公司目前在中國的Insight評估繼續取得進展,重點是客戶工作流程、培訓和報告。公司和英國電信影像共同出席了第八屆大會並發表了演講第四 世界光伏能源轉換會議將於2022年9月26日至30日在米蘭舉行,旨在與客戶、戰略合作伙伴和供應商重新建立聯繫,其中包括英國電信影像最近獲得的來自意大利的新客戶。本次會議的普遍看法是,預計歐洲和北美的太陽能組件製造將增長,隨後電池製造將爲合併後的公司創造多元化的銷售機會。

About Aurora Solar Technologies:


Aurora Solar Technologies Inc. is a leader in the development and delivery of inline process control and yield management solutions for solar cell manufacturers. We believe that solar power will be a dominant element in the renewable energy field, and our mission is to bring quality and profitability to every customer through superior control of critical processes during solar cell manufacturing. Aurora's Australian subsidiary, BT Imaging Pty Ltd, founded in 2007, has a 15-year history of servicing top tier solar cell and module manufacturers who supply the majority of the world's production, based on market leadership with its advanced photoluminescence-based quality assurance imaging tools.

Aurora Solar Technologies Inc. 是爲太陽能電池製造商開發和交付在線過程控制和產量管理解決方案的領導者。我們相信太陽能將成爲可再生能源領域的主導元素,我們的使命是通過對太陽能電池製造過程中關鍵過程的卓越控制,爲每位客戶帶來質量和盈利能力。Aurora的澳大利亞子公司BT Imaging Pty Ltd成立於2007年,憑藉其先進的基於光致發光的質量保證成像工具的市場領導地位,爲供應全球大部分產品的頂級太陽能電池和組件製造商提供服務已有15年的歷史。

Aurora's and BT Imaging's products are used by some of the world's most advanced and respected solar cell manufacturers. With headquarters near Vancouver, Canada, Aurora has operations in Sydney, Australia, Shanghai, China, and partners in all major solar manufacturing markets. Aurora is a public company, traded on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV: ACU) and is a two-time TSX-V Top 50 winner. Aurora's website is located at . BT Imaging's website is located at .

一些世界上最先進和最受尊敬的太陽能電池製造商都在使用Aurora和BT Imaging的產品。Aurora 總部位於加拿大溫哥華附近,業務遍及澳大利亞悉尼、中國上海,合作伙伴遍及所有主要太陽能製造市場。Aurora是一家上市公司,在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ACU)上市,曾兩次入選多倫多證券交易所50強。Aurora 的網站位於。BT Imaging 的網站位於。

For further information contact:


Jake Bouma
Corporate Development
Phone: +1 (604) 317-3936

電話:+1 (604) 317-3936

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