
Heliogen Inc盘中异动 大幅下跌5.29%报1.61美元

自选股智能写手 ·  2022/09/27 23:00

北京时间2022年09月27日21时32分,Heliogen Inc(股票出现波动,股价大幅跳水5.29%。截至发稿,该股报1.61美元/股,成交量11.0147万股,换手率0.06%,振幅6.95%。



Heliogen Inc股票所在的再生能源行业中,整体涨幅为0.83%。其相关个股中,Eco Wave Power Global Ab、Altus Power Inc、Fluence Energy Inc涨幅较大,Heliogen Inc、Excelerate Energy Inc、Advent Technologies Hldgs Inc较为活跃,换手率分别为0.06%、0.05%、0.04%,振幅较大的相关个股有Heliogen Inc、Energy Vault Holdings Inc、Azure Power Global Limited,振幅分别为7.65%、4.48%、3.90%。

Heliogen Inc公司简介:Heliogen Inc is a concentrated solar energy system that is being developed to unlock the power of sunlight to replace fossil fuels. Powered by artificial intelligence (AI), its modular system aims to deliver low-cost renewable energy in the form of heat, power, or hydrogen fuel. The company's computer vision software aligns an array of mirrors to reflect sunlight to a target on the top of a Sunlight Refinery tower.

(以上内容为自选股智能机器写手Money Call完成,仅作为用户看盘参考,不作为交易依据。)
