
Allied Energy Enters Into Joint Venture Agreement With River Energy Group

Allied Energy Enters Into Joint Venture Agreement With River Energy Group

GlobeNewswire ·  2022/09/23 00:35

Carrollton, Texas, Sept. 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Allied Energy Corp (OTC Pink: AGYP), a producing oil and gas company focused on the leasing and reworking of oil and gas reserves in one of the most prolific hydrocarbon area in the United States, is pleased to announce a strategic joint venture alliance with River Energy Group, LLC, a private company formed to trade and invest in the oil and gas sectors.

德克薩斯州卡羅爾頓,9月2022年2月22日(Global Newswire)--聯合能源公司(OTC Pink:AGYP)是一家生產石油和天然氣的公司,專注於租賃和改造美國最高產的碳氫化合物地區之一的石油和天然氣儲量,該公司高興地宣佈與River Energy Group LLC結成戰略合資企業聯盟,River Energy Group,LLC是一傢俬人公司,成立的目的是進行石油和天然氣行業的貿易和投資。

Collectively, the owners of River Energy Group, LLC have over 90 years of experience in the commodity, derivatives, and financial services industries. River Energy Group, LLC has entered into this joint venture agreement with Allied Energy Corporation for the purpose of locating, securing, and allocating stranded natural gas and flared natural gas resources for development into resilient and dependable stand-alone microgrids.

總的來説,River Energy Group,LLC的所有者在大宗商品、衍生品和金融服務行業擁有超過90年的經驗。河流能源集團有限責任公司與聯合能源公司簽訂了這項合資協議,目的是定位、保護和分配擱淺的天然氣和燃燒的天然氣資源,以發展成有彈性和可靠的獨立微電網。

River Energy Group Director Carl J. Boraiko explained: "With the provision of efficient, low-cost and clean energy, we will help reduce grid "congestion" and peak loads while reducing fuel use, line losses and carbon footprints within the industry. We look forward to working together to bring low-cost electricity to those industries not supported by their local power grid."


Ownership of the River Energy Group is comprised by:


Director Carl J. Boraiko
Maher Nasri, Director
Joseph R. Wilkins (Investor)


Carl Boraiko brings over 45 years of experience and expertise in the Derivatives and Financial Services Industry with heavy emphasis on physical commodity trading and hedging in multiple sectors. In addition, Mr. Boraiko has been lead consultant and strategist in multiple global projects such as Oil, Gas, and Agriculture concerns in China, Middle East, and Northern Africa. Among other endeavors. He currently serves as Managing Director of Global Trading for Raven Trading Group, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Raven Resource Group, LLC.

Carl Boraiko在衍生品和金融服務行業擁有超過45年的經驗和專業知識,非常重視多個行業的實物商品交易和套期保值。此外,Boraiko先生還擔任多個全球項目的首席顧問和策略師,例如中國、中東和北非的石油、天然氣和農業問題。在其他努力中。他目前是烏鴉資源集團的全資子公司烏鴉貿易集團的全球貿易部董事經理。

Maher Nasri has over 20 years of expertise in finance, accounting operations management, and fund management. He adds an in-depth insight into the core operations covered under the Finance Management Domain within the organization. Mr. Nasri was previously the Finance Manager for the Royal Group of Dubai, UAE, with full responsibility for the entire Finance Functions of the AL Shurfa Real Estate Investments, LLC portfolio of the Royal Group. He played a key role in providing funding, budgetary controls and effective decision making.

馬希爾·納斯里在金融、會計、運營管理和基金管理方面擁有20多年的專業經驗。他對組織內財務管理領域涵蓋的核心業務有深入的瞭解。Nasri先生之前是阿聯酋迪拜皇家集團的財務經理,全面負責皇家集團的AL Shurfa房地產投資有限責任公司的整個財務職能。他在提供資金、預算控制和有效決策方面發揮了關鍵作用。

Mr. Nasri's credentials are as follows:
BSBA in Accounting
CMA (Certified Management Accountant)
CFM (Certified Finance Manager)
CFC (Certified Financial Consultant)
CFMS (Certified Financial modeling specialist)
Certificate in Financial Control.
Certificate in Business Valuation - CBV.
Certified Project Financier (Project Finance).
Implementation and Customizing HIS & ERP Financial Software. Data analysis with MS Excel BI.
Manages monthly closing as well as maintenance of all Accounting Processes.
Languages: English, Arabic, Russian

實施和定製HIS和ERP財務軟件。使用MS Excel BI進行數據分析。

Allied CEO George Montieth commented on the news: "By entering into the joint venture agreement with River Energy Group, LLC, Allied has vastly increased its scope of what the Company can achieve within the energy sector. My vision for Allied has always been to up-list to a higher exchange once our corporate assets and potential were equal to the tier requirements. It is my firm belief that this new relationship is in the best interest of our valued stakeholders, and I look forward to revealing our plans for this partnership in the near future."

聯合能源首席執行官喬治·蒙蒂斯對這一消息發表評論説:“通過與River Energy Group,LLC簽訂合資協議,聯合能源極大地擴大了公司在能源領域所能實現的範圍。我對聯合能源的願景一直是,一旦我們的公司資產和潛力達到級別要求,就能在更高的交易所上市。我堅信,這種新的關係符合我們寶貴的利益相關者的最佳利益,我期待着在不久的將來公佈我們對這種合作伙伴關係的計劃。”

The Company invites any and all interested parties to check back regularly at and the corporate Twitter account


About AGYP: Allied Energy Corp. is an energy development and production company acquiring oil & gas reserves in some of the most prolific hydrocarbon bearing regions of the United States. The Company specializes in the business of reworking & re-completing 'existing' oil & gas wells located in the thousands of mature oil & gas producing fields across the United States. The Company applies its knowledge, experience, and effective well-remediation technologies to achieve higher production volumes, longer well life, and more efficient recovery of the proven and available oil and gas reserves in the fields/projects in which it has acquired an ownership interest. The Company will utilize updated technologies such as hydraulic fracturing ("fracking"), drilling of lateral ("horizontal") legs in productive zones, and utilizing new cased hole electric logging to locate bypassed pays, all to enhance daily rates and oil & gas recoveries. By acquiring interests in a growing number of selected projects in various regions, Allied Energy Corp. is diversifying its exposure and effectively minimizing risk as it pursues corporate growth, top line & bottom-line revenues to the benefit of all stakeholders. There are proven, recoverable reserves contained in the many aging oil & gas fields that have been bypassed by companies moving away from these fields in search of deeper, more plentiful, but more costly reserves. The Company plans to concentrate on bypassed oil and gas as there is less competition and, as mentioned above, the costs are considerably less. Additionally, the company will acquire interests in marginal wells that can be acquired at minimal cost, of which there are 420,000 wells in the U.S. Quoting Barry Russell, President of the Independent Petroleum Association of America ("IPAA") - "With approximately 20 percent of American oil production and 10 percent of American natural gas production coming from marginal wells, they are America's true strategic petroleum reserve."

關於AGYP:聯合能源公司是一家能源開發和生產公司,在美國一些最高產的含油氣地區收購石油和天然氣儲量。該公司專門從事重新加工和重新完成位於美國各地數千個成熟油氣田的現有油氣井的業務。該公司運用其知識、經驗和有效的油井修復技術,在其擁有所有權權益的油田/項目中實現更高的產量、更長的油井壽命和更有效的開採已探明和可用的石油和天然氣儲量。該公司將利用最新的技術,如水力壓裂(“水力壓裂”)、在生產區鑽橫向(“水平”)井腿,以及利用新的套管井電測井來定位旁路油層,所有這些都是為了提高日產量和石油和天然氣採收率。通過在不同地區越來越多的選定項目中收購權益,聯合能源公司正在分散其風險敞口,有效地將風險降至最低,同時追求公司增長、營收和底線收入,使所有利益相關者受益。許多老化的油氣田中藴藏着已探明的、可開採的儲量,但企業為了尋找更深、更豐富、但成本更高的儲量而放棄了這些油田。該公司計劃專注於繞過的石油和天然氣,因為競爭較少,而且如上所述,成本大大降低。此外,該公司將獲得邊際油井的權益,這些油井可以以最低成本獲得,其中美國有42萬口油井。, 美國獨立石油協會的總裁:“美國約20%的石油產量和10%的天然氣產量來自邊際油井,它們是美國真正的戰略石油儲備。”

Safe Harbor Statement: This Press Release may contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company has tried, whenever possible, to identify these forward-looking statements using words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "plans," "intends," "potential" and similar expressions. These statements reflect the Company's current beliefs and are based upon information currently available to it. Accordingly, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or advise in the event of any change, addition or alteration to the information catered in this Press Release, including such forward-looking statements.


Contact: Allied Energy Corporation
Phone: 972-632-2393


