
ZoomerMedia Announces Acquisition of Daily Hive

ZoomerMedia Announces Acquisition of Daily Hive

Zomer Media宣佈收購每日蜂巢
newsfile ·  2022/09/13 09:35

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - September 12, 2022) - ZoomerMedia Limited (TSXV: ZUM) ("ZoomerMedia") announces that it has completed the acquisition, in trust, of all the shares of Buzz Connected Media Inc. ("Buzz"), owner and publisher of Daily Hive, the leading digital source for local news, culture, and what's happening in Western Canada. Daily Hive is the dominant player in Vancouver, Edmonton and Calgary, and also publishes local content in Toronto and Montreal. The new combination of blogTO (acquired in January) and Daily Hive creates the largest Millennial and Gen Z focused media platform in Canada, and provides ZoomerMedia a national audience that is unrivaled in terms of demographic, online and social media reach and engagement. The transaction is closed in trust, pending only the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年9月12日)-中聯重科傳媒有限公司(TSXV:ZUM)(“Zomer Media”)宣佈,它已以信託方式完成了對以下公司全部股份的收購巴茲互聯媒體公司。(“嗡嗡”), 的所有者和出版商每日蜂巢,當地新聞、文化和加拿大西部正在發生的事情的領先數字來源。Daily Have是温哥華、埃德蒙頓和卡爾加里的主要參與者,也在多倫多和蒙特利爾發佈當地內容。BloomTO(於1月份收購)和Daily Have的新組合創建了加拿大最大的千禧一代和Z世代關注的媒體平臺,併為Zomer Media提供了在人口統計、在線和社交媒體覆蓋範圍和參與度方面無與倫比的全國受眾。這筆交易是以信託方式完成的,只等待多倫多證券交易所創業板的批准。

The aggregate purchase price of $16.4M is comprised of $6 million in cash, a $5 million promissory note, issuance of $3 million in ZoomerMedia preference shares at the deemed price of $0.15 per share and assumption of Buzz's $2.4 million outstanding debt obligation. The cash payment for this acquisition will be funded fully via ZoomerMedia's cash on hand, with no external financing. The purchase price is subject to standard post-closing working capital adjustments which could result in additional consideration to be paid to the vendors.

1640萬美元的總收購價包括600萬美元的現金、500萬美元的期票、以每股0.15美元的價格發行300萬美元的Zomer Media優先股以及承擔Buzz 240萬美元的未償債務。此次收購的現金支付將通過Zomer Media手頭的現金全額支付,沒有外部融資。收購價取決於完成交易後的標準週轉資金調整,這可能導致向供應商支付額外的對價。

Founded in 2008, Daily Hive is a leading local digital publisher in Canada with 24 million page views per month and 3.2 million followers across Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter.

Daily Have成立於2008年,是加拿大領先的本地數字出版商,每月頁面瀏覽量為2400萬次,Instagram、TikTok、Facebook和Twitter上的追隨者為320萬。

"In aggregate this acquisition will take us to 660 million+ page views a year, propelling us to the top spot for social media engagement in Canada," says ZoomerMedia Founder and CEO Moses Znaimer. "Stay tuned for announcements regarding new digital products."

Zomer Media創始人兼首席執行官摩西·澤奈默表示:“此次收購將使我們的年瀏覽量達到6.6億次以上,使我們成為加拿大社交媒體參與度最高的公司。”“敬請關注有關新數碼產品的公告。”

"As I said when we acquired blogTO, I'm a strong believer in the local. Zoomer Radio and Classical FM already bring local news and life to the older demos. blogTO, and now Daily Hive, do that for the younger cohorts. Combined, they make an unparalleled offering, for the public as well as the advertiser."
"When Moses shared his digital vision for Canada, I knew that joining Zoomer was the next step in Daily Hive's journey," says Karm Sumal, Co-founder and CEO of Daily Hive. "The chance to work with a Canadian legend and pioneer of local media is an opportunity we were not going to pass up. In our combined sights now are the biggest players in the country."

“就像我在收購BloomTO時所説的那樣,我非常相信本地化。Zomer Radio和Classical FM已經為老一輩的演示節目帶來了本地新聞和生活。BloomTO以及現在的《每日蜂巢》都在為年輕一代做這件事。加在一起,它們為公眾和廣告商都提供了無與倫比的服務。”

Manny Bahia, Co-founder and CRO of Daily Hive firmly believes that, "Integrating blogTO into our Sales infrastructure arms us with an industry-leading and well-served Canadian digital audience that will deliver incredible value to any prospective advertiser. Our team is eager to sell a larger suite of products and work with a wider spectrum of clients. I personally look forward to working with and learning from Dan Hamilton, CRO of ZoomerMedia."

每日蜂巢的聯合創始人兼CRO曼尼·巴伊亞堅信,將BloomTO整合到我們的銷售基礎設施中,將使我們擁有行業領先、服務良好的加拿大數字受眾,這將為任何潛在的廣告商帶來難以置信的價值。我們的團隊渴望銷售更多的產品,並與更廣泛的客户合作。我個人期待着與Zomer Media的CRO丹·漢密爾頓合作並向他學習。

Key transaction benefits for ZoomerMedia

Zomer Media的主要交易優勢

  • ZoomerMedia becomes the largest under-45, Millennial and Generation-Z, audience platform in Canada, and the go-to destination for clients and partners looking for a full spectrum of generational coverage;
  • Brings into ZoomerMedia Western Canada's largest digital publisher with leading audience market share and a demonstrated history of audience and revenue growth;
  • Adds 275 million+ page views a year onto a current base of 410 million page views; a +175% increase in page view inventory;
  • An additional 3.2 million followers added to the ZoomerMedia portfolio;
  • Daily Hive's inhouse full service branded digital content studio, Hive Labs, accelerates client executions and brings into ZoomerMedia an established sales delivery team;
  • Material revenue and cost synergies expected from audience integration, cross-selling and multi-platform offerings in online, radio, TV, print and live shows and conference products.
  • Zomer Media成為加拿大最大的45歲以下、千禧一代和Z世代的受眾平臺,也是尋求全方位覆蓋的客户和合作夥伴的首選目的地;
  • 將加拿大西部最大的數字出版商Zomer Media納入旗下,該公司擁有領先的受眾市場份額,並展示了受眾和收入增長的歷史;
  • 在目前4.1億頁面瀏覽量的基礎上,每年增加2.75億頁面瀏覽量;頁面瀏覽量庫存增加175%;
  • Zomer Media產品組合又增加了320萬名追隨者;
  • 每日蜂巢的內部全方位服務品牌數字內容工作室,蜂巢實驗室,加快了客户的執行速度,並將一支成熟的銷售交付團隊帶入Zomer Media;
  • 預計來自在線、廣播、電視、平面和現場表演以及會議產品的受眾整合、交叉銷售和多平臺產品的材料收入和成本協同效應。

Buzz Connected Media financial highlights:

Buzz Connected Media財務亮點:

  • Buzz recorded unaudited revenues of approximately $7M and $5.5M for its years-ended 2021 and 2020 respectively in its non-consolidated financial statements at June 30, 2021.
  • Buzz records internally-prepared unaudited results for the year ended June 30, 2022 which includes approximately $2.5M in total assets, $1M in total liabilities, $7.5M in total revenues, $7.3M in total expenses, resulting in approximate earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization of $625K.
  • Buzz在截至2021年6月30日的非合併財務報表中分別記錄了截至2021年和2020年的未經審計收入約700萬美元和550萬美元。
  • Buzz記錄了截至2022年6月30日的一年的內部準備的未經審計的業績,其中包括約250萬美元的總資產、100萬美元的總負債、750萬美元的總收入、730萬美元的總費用,導致扣除利息、税項、折舊和攤銷前的收益約為62.5萬美元。

Other important transaction highlights:


  • The terms of the transaction are governed by a share purchase agreement entered into today, September 12, 2022
  • The transaction is arm's length, and there will be no change of control or control person of ZoomerMedia Limited that will be created as a result, nor is the transaction subject to shareholder approval
  • The securities issued in this transaction are subject a statutory four month restricted period commencing on the date hereof
  • There are no finder's fees payable in connection with the transaction
  • 交易條款受今天(2022年9月12日)簽訂的股份購買協議管轄。
  • 這項交易是獨立進行的,不會因此而變更Zomer Media Limited的控制權或控制權人,交易也不需要股東批准
  • 本次交易中發行的證券受法定的四個月限制期的限制,自本交易之日起計算。
  • 不需要支付與交易相關的發現者手續費

About ZoomerMedia Limited (TSXV: ZUM)

關於Zomer Media Limited(多倫多證券交易所代碼:ZUM)

Founded by television and media icon Moses Znaimer in 2008, ZoomerMedia Limited is a multimedia company devoted to creating content, services and experiences for Canada's most powerful audiences: the 17.2 million people aged 45-plus aka "Zoomers", and the 13.7 million Millennials and Gen Zs, coincidentally also called "Zoomers", who follow in their footsteps.

Zomer Media Limited由電視和媒體偶像摩西·澤奈默於2008年創立,是一家多媒體公司,致力於為加拿大最有影響力的受眾創造內容、服務和體驗。這些受眾包括1720萬45歲以上的觀眾,以及1370萬千禧一代和Z世代,巧合的是,他們也被稱為“動物園人”,他們追隨着他們的腳步。

ZoomerMedia operates 5 TV, 2 Radio, 3 Print, 3 Live Event, and 15 Digital properties including the newly acquired youth-friendly local news and lifestyle digital publication blogTO. ZoomerMedia produces original TV, Radio, and Podcast programming, offers clients creative audio and video production services, and bespoke events on site at its 2.6 acre complex in Toronto's Liberty Village.

Zomer Media經營着5個電視、2個廣播、3個平面、3個現場活動和15個數字資產,其中包括新收購的適合年輕人的當地新聞和生活方式數字出版物BloTO。Zomer Media製作原創電視、廣播和播客節目,為客户提供創造性的音頻和視頻製作服務,並在其位於多倫多自由村的2.6英畝綜合體現場定製活動。

For specific ZoomerMedia property names and focus, please see below.

有關Zomer Media屬性名稱和焦點的具體信息,請參見下面的內容。

ZoomerMedia's Television properties include: VisionTV, available in 7.5 million households is Canada's home for British comedy and drama series, plus uplifting movies, music, news, and multi-cultural and multi-lingual faith programming; ONETV: The Exercise & Entertainment Channel, combines original yoga, pilates, tai chi, and cardio fitness series with British serial soaps, dramas and American movies; JoyTV in Vancouver, Victoria, Surrey and the Fraser Valley, and FAITH TV in Winnipeg are devoted to broadcasting Christian, multi-faith, and local content.

Zomer Media的電視屬性包括:VisionTV在加拿大擁有750萬家庭,是英國喜劇和電視劇的發源地,外加令人振奮的電影、音樂、新聞、多文化和多語言信仰節目;OneTV:The Exercise&Entertainment Channel,將原創瑜伽、普拉提、太極和有氧健身系列與英國連續劇、戲劇和美國電影結合在一起;温哥華、維多利亞、薩裏和弗雷澤山谷的JoyTV和温尼伯的Faith TV致力於廣播基督教、多信仰和當地內容。

ZoomerMedia's Digital properties include:, Canada's unrivalled local publisher across digital and social media platforms, bringing in 8 million monthly active users, and over 360 million page views annually; and, Canada's leading provider of online content targeting the 45-plus.

Zomer Media的數字資產包括:Bloto.com是加拿大在數字和社交媒體平臺上無與倫比的當地出版商,每月有800萬活躍用户,年瀏覽量超過3.6億;EverythingZomer.com是加拿大領先的針對45歲以上人羣的在線內容提供商。

ZoomerMedia's Radio properties include: The New Classical FM, Canada's only commercial all classical music radio station broadcasting over three frequencies in a unique regional Ontario network: 96.3FM CFMZ-FM Toronto (GTA), 103.1FM CFMX-FM Cobourg (Eastern Ontario), and 102.9FM CFMO-FM Collingwood (Southern Georgian Bay); and Zoomer Radio, The Original Greatest Hits, the biggest broadcast footprint in Canada also reaching 28 American States, and broadcasting simultaneously both in AM and FM in Toronto (740AM CFZM-AM and 96.7FM CFZM-FM).

Zomer Media的廣播屬性包括:New Classical FM是加拿大唯一的商業全古典音樂廣播電臺,在一個獨特的安大略省地區網絡中通過三個頻率廣播:96.3FM CFMZ-FM Toronto(GTA)、103.1FM CFMX-FM Cobourg(安大略省東部)和102.9FM CFMO-FM Colingwood(喬治亞灣南部);而Zomer Radio,原創的最偉大的熱門歌曲,也是加拿大廣播覆蓋面最大的,也覆蓋了28個美洲州,並在多倫多同時進行AM和FM廣播(740AM CFZM-AM和96.7FM CFZM-FM)。

ZoomerMedia's Print properties include: ZOOMER Magazine, the Company's flagship magazine and Canada's largest paid circulation magazine for the 45-plus market; On The Bay Magazine, a dominant regional lifestyle magazine published quarterly for the 20 towns and villages of Ontario's Southern Georgian Bay; and Tonic Magazine, a regional health and wellness magazine published bi-monthly and distributed across the City of Toronto.

Zomer Media的打印屬性包括:該公司的旗艦雜誌《Zomer Magazine》是公司的旗艦雜誌,也是加拿大面向45多個市場的最大付費發行量雜誌;《On The Bay Magazine》是一本主要的地區性生活方式雜誌,每季度出版一次,覆蓋安大略省南喬治亞灣的20個城鎮和村莊;地區性健康與健康雜誌Tonic Magazine每兩個月出版一次,在多倫多全市發行。

ZoomerMedia's Tradeshow and Conferences include: The ZoomerShow, annual lifestyle expos in Toronto and Vancouver, and Moses Znaimer's ideaCity conference which presents the "Smartest People with The Biggest Ideas".

Zomer Media的貿易展和會議包括:Zomer Show,在多倫多和温哥華舉行的年度生活方式博覽會,以及摩西·澤奈默的IDEACITY會議,該會議展示了“最聰明的人有最偉大的想法”。

About Buzz Media Inc.


Buzz Connected Media Inc., dba Daily Hive, is the leading digital local news source for Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto and Montreal. From its humble origins in 2008, Daily Hive has grown to be an entire generation's go-to trusted source for restaurant, sports, real estate, event and local breaking news. Across site and social, Daily Hive is one of the most trafficked and followed news brands in Canada, with over 3.1 million followers across Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter. In the month of July 2022 alone, the site generated more than 26 million page views, reached over 9.5 million users, and recorded nearly 300 million views on its content - validating its position as the dominant platform in Western Canada. Daily Hive also has a well-respected in-house branded content studio, Hive Labs. The company is based in Vancouver, with staff located in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto and Montreal.

Buzz Connected Media Inc.是温哥華、卡爾加里、埃德蒙頓、多倫多和蒙特利爾的領先數字本地新聞來源。從2008年的卑微起步,每日蜂巢已經成長為整整一代人信賴的餐廳、體育、房地產、活動和當地突發新聞的來源。在網站和社交網站上,每日蜂巢是加拿大流量最大、關注度最高的新聞品牌之一,在Instagram、TikTok、Facebook、LinkedIn和Twitter上擁有超過310萬粉絲。僅在2022年7月,該網站的頁面瀏覽量就超過2600萬次,用户超過950萬,其內容瀏覽量接近3億次-驗證了其作為加拿大西部主導平臺的地位。《每日蜂巢》還有一個備受推崇的內部品牌內容工作室--蜂巢實驗室。該公司總部設在温哥華,員工分佈在温哥華、卡爾加里、埃德蒙頓、多倫多和蒙特利爾。

Media contact:
Leanne Wright
Senior VP, Communications
ZoomerMedia Limited
+1 416-886-6873

+1 416-886-6873

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