
John Robins Joins Gelum Resources as Advisor

John Robins Joins Gelum Resources as Advisor

約翰·羅賓斯加入Gelum Resources擔任顧問
newsfile ·  2022/09/12 20:05

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 12, 2022) - Gelum Resources Ltd. (CSE: GMR) (OTCQB: GMRCF) (the "Company" or "Gelum) reports that John Robins, P.GEO. has been appointed as an advisor to the Company.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞檔案公司-2022年9月12日)- Gelum Resources 有限公司 (CSE: GMR) (OTCQB: GMRCF) (the”公司“或”Gelum) 報道說,P.GEO. 的約翰·羅賓斯已被任命爲公司顧問。

Henk van Alphen, Director, stated, "On behalf of Gelum Resources I want to welcome John Robins to the Company in his capacity as Advisor. Mr. Robins brings 35 years of technical geological, business development and opportunity recognition experience to the Company and we look forward to working with him."

董事亨克·範·阿爾芬說: “我謹代表Gelum Resources歡迎約翰·羅賓斯以顧問身份加入公司。羅賓斯先生爲公司帶來了35年的技術地質、業務發展和機會識別經驗,我們期待與他合作。”

John Robins, P.GEO.


John Robins is a professional geologist, prospector and entrepreneur with over 35 years of experience in the mining industry. In 2008 he was awarded the Spud Huestis award for his contributions to mineral exploration in British Columbia and Yukon.

約翰·羅賓斯是一位專業的地質學家、探礦者和企業家,在採礦業擁有超過35年的經驗。2008 年,他因對不列顛哥倫比亞省和育空地區礦產勘探的貢獻而被授予 Spud Huestis 獎。

Mr. Robins has been involved in several notable discoveries including the Dixie Lake Gold Deposits in Red Lake Ontario, the 5 million oz Coffee Gold deposit in Yukon, Three Bluffs gold deposit in the Committee Bay greenstone belt and the Aviat/Churchill diamond districts of Nunavut. He has been involved in over a 2.5 billion dollars in M&A activity and has generated over $500 million in direct and indirect mineral expenditures throughout Canada, Latin America and Australia.

羅賓斯先生參與了多項重大發現,包括安大略省紅湖的迪克西湖金礦、育空地區的500萬盎司咖啡金礦牀、委員會灣綠巖帶的Three Bluffs金礦牀和努納武特的阿維亞特/丘吉爾鑽石區。他參與了超過25億美元的併購活動,並在加拿大、拉丁美洲和澳大利亞創造了超過5億美元的直接和間接礦產支出。

Mr. Robins is the Founder and Co-Founder of several notable companies including Great Bear Royalties, Hunter Exploration, Kaminak Gold Corp., Stornoway Diamond Corp., Northern Empire Resources Corp., Bluestone Resources Inc. and Fireweed Zinc Corp.

羅賓斯先生是幾家知名公司的創始人和聯合創始人,包括Great Bear Royalties、Hunter Exploration、Kaminak Gold Corp.、Stornoway Diamond Corp.、北帝國資源公司、Bluestone Resources Inc.

Mr. Robins is the former Chairman of Great Bear Royalties and holds board positions with K2 Gold, Fireweed Metals and Elemental Royalties. Mr. Robins is Strategic Advisor to Prospector Metals, Kodiak Copper Corp., ValOre Metals and Baroyeca Gold and Silver Inc. and was previously an advisor to Great Bear Resources.

羅賓斯先生曾是 Great Bear Royalities 的董事長,曾在 K2 Gold、Fireweed Metals 和 Elemental Royalties羅賓斯先生是Prospector Metals、Kodiak Copper Corp.、Valore Metals和Baroyeca Gold and Silver Inc.的戰略顧問,此前曾是Great Bear Res

About Gelum Resources

關於 Gelum 資源

Gelum Resources is a Company led by seasoned management and advisors in the mining and financial sectors. The Company currently has two objectives under management. The first is to define a multi-million-ounce economic gold deposit on the 9028-hectare Eldorado Gold Project, located within the Bralorne-Bridge River gold district, only 190 kilometres north of Vancouver and 74 km northwest of the town of Lillooet, B.C. The Bralorne mines historically exploited the largest, highest-grade, longest-producing lode-gold deposit in B.C. Management is proud to have developed an excellent working relationship with the Bridge River Indian Band (Xwísten) the project is within the traditional territory within the St'at'imc territory (Traditional Territory) in which Xwísten and its members assert, hold and exercise constitutionally protected Aboriginal Title and Rights ("Indigenous Title and Rights"). The Company plans to complete a 3000m drill programme this fall.

Gelum Resources是一家由礦業和金融領域經驗豐富的管理層和顧問領導的公司。公司目前管理着兩個目標。首先是爲佔地 9028 公頃的 Eldorado 黃金項目定義一個數百萬盎司的經濟金礦牀,該項目位於布拉洛恩-布里奇河金礦區內,距溫哥華以北僅 190 公里,位於不列顛哥倫比亞省利盧埃特鎮西北 74 公里處。布拉洛恩礦歷史上開採了不列顛哥倫比亞省最大、品位最高、產量最長的礦牀。管理層很自豪能與之建立良好的合作關係 Bridge River Indian Band(Xwísten)該項目位於 St'at'imc 領土內的傳統領土內(傳統領地),Xwisten及其成員在其中主張、持有和行使受憲法保護的原住民所有權和權利(“土著產權和權利”)。該公司計劃在今年秋天完成一項3000米的鑽探計劃。

The second objective is to discover an alkalic porphyry and related skarn deposit within a prolific B.C. porphyry belt in the Interior Plateau region. The recently acquired ML property is accessible by 90% paved roads via Williams Lake, and the remainder by all-season dirt roads and secondary logging roads. The low to moderate relief allows year-round access and work. Airborne geophysics comprising magnetics and radiometrics was completed in early spring of 2022.

第二個目標是在內陸高原地區不列顛哥倫比亞省多產的斑岩帶中發現鹼性斑岩和相關的矽卡巖沉積物。最近收購的ML物業可以通過90%的鋪面道路通過威廉姆斯湖進入,其餘的則可以通過全季土路和次級伐木路進入。低至中度救濟允許全年出入和工作。包括磁學和輻射測量在內的航空地球物理學於 2022 年初春完成。

For further information about the Company and its exploration portfolio, please refer to Gelum Resources Corporate Presentation:

有關公司及其勘探投資組合的更多信息,請參閱Gelum Resources公司介紹:

PowerPoint Presentation (

PowerPoint 演示文稿 (gelumresou

On Behalf of the Board of Directors of

GELUM 資源有限公司

David Smith, President


For further information about Gelum, please contact:

有關 Gelum 的更多信息,請聯繫:

David Smith, President
Phone: 604 484-1228
Cell: 778-834-1141

電話:604 484-1228

Forward-Looking Information:


This press release may include 'forward-looking information', within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation, about the business of the Company and its plans to list on the CSE. Forward-looking information is based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by the Company's management, including future plans for the Company. Although the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking information is based are reasonable, investors should not unduly rely on the forward-looking information because the Company cannot assure that it will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements in this press release are made as of the date of this press release. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, other than as required by applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿可能包括加拿大證券立法所指的有關公司業務及其在CSE上市計劃的 “前瞻性信息”。前瞻性信息基於公司管理層做出的某些關鍵預期和假設,包括公司的未來計劃。儘管公司認爲此類前瞻性信息所依據的預期和假設是合理的,但投資者不應過分依賴前瞻性信息,因爲公司無法保證前瞻性信息會被證明是正確的。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述自本新聞稿發佈之日起作出。除適用的證券法要求外,公司不打算或有義務公開更新任何前瞻性信息,無論是由於新信息、未來事件或業績還是其他原因。

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