
Xebec Adsorption Inc. (TSE:XBC) to Post FY2024 Earnings of $0.05 Per Share, Cormark Forecasts

Xebec Adsorption Inc. (TSE:XBC) to Post FY2024 Earnings of $0.05 Per Share, Cormark Forecasts

Xebec吸附公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:XBC)将公布2024财年每股收益0.05美元,Cormark Forecast
Financial News Live ·  2022/08/17 15:41

Xebec Adsorption Inc. (TSE:XBC – Get Rating) – Equities researchers at Cormark cut their FY2024 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for Xebec Adsorption in a report issued on Friday, August 12th. Cormark analyst N. Boychuk now forecasts that the company will post earnings of $0.05 per share for the year, down from their prior forecast of $0.09. The consensus estimate for Xebec Adsorption's current full-year earnings is ($0.06) per share.

Xebec吸附公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:XBC-GET Rating)-Cormark的股票研究人员在8月12日星期五发布的一份报告中下调了对Xebec吸附公司2024财年每股收益(EPS)的预期。Cormark分析师N.Boychuk现在预测,该公司今年的每股收益将为0.05美元,低于此前预测的0.09美元。对Xebec吸附公司目前全年收益的普遍估计是每股0.06美元。

Xebec Adsorption

A number of other analysts have also issued reports on the company. Raymond James lowered their price target on Xebec Adsorption from C$2.00 to C$1.50 and set a "market perform" rating on the stock in a research note on Friday, August 12th. National Bankshares reduced their price objective on Xebec Adsorption from C$2.00 to C$1.75 and set a "sector perform" rating on the stock in a research report on Friday, August 12th. TD Securities reduced their price objective on Xebec Adsorption from C$2.25 to C$1.40 and set a "hold" rating on the stock in a research report on Friday, May 13th. Eight Capital reduced their price objective on Xebec Adsorption from C$1.50 to C$1.15 in a research report on Friday, August 12th. Finally, BMO Capital Markets reduced their price objective on Xebec Adsorption from C$1.75 to C$0.85 in a research report on Friday, August 12th. One research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, five have given a hold rating and one has given a buy rating to the company's stock. According to data from MarketBeat, Xebec Adsorption presently has an average rating of "Hold" and an average price target of C$1.59.

其他一些分析师也发布了有关该公司的报告。Raymond James将Xebec吸附的目标价从2.00加元下调至1.50加元,并在8月12日(星期五)的一份研究报告中设定了该股的“市场表现”评级。National BankShares在8月12日(星期五)的一份研究报告中将Xebec吸附的目标价从2.00加元下调至1.75加元,并对该股设定了“行业表现”评级。道明证券将Xebec吸附的目标价从2.25加元下调至1.40加元,并在5月13日星期五的一份研究报告中设定了该股的持有评级。在8月12日星期五的一份研究报告中,Eight Capital将Xebec吸附的目标价从1.50加元下调至1.15加元。最后,蒙特利尔银行资本市场在8月12日星期五的一份研究报告中将Xebec吸附的目标价从1.75加元下调至0.85加元。一位研究分析师对该股的评级为卖出,五位分析师给出了持有评级,一位分析师给出了该公司股票的买入评级。根据MarketBeat的数据,Xebec吸附目前的平均评级为“持有”,平均目标价为1.59加元。

Xebec Adsorption Stock Performance


Shares of TSE:XBC opened at C$0.76 on Monday. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 28.57, a current ratio of 1.79 and a quick ratio of 0.93. The business's 50 day moving average price is C$0.80 and its 200-day moving average price is C$1.41. The firm has a market capitalization of C$117.59 million and a PE ratio of -3.69. Xebec Adsorption has a 1 year low of C$0.57 and a 1 year high of C$4.01.

Xebec Adsorption Company Profile


(Get Rating)


Xebec Adsorption Inc designs, manufactures, and sells purification, separation, dehydration, and filtration equipment for gases and compressed air in Canada, the United States, China, Korea, Italy, France, and internationally. It operates through Systems and Support segments. The company offers on-site air dehydration under the ADX Solutions brand; biogas to renewable natural gas systems under the BGX Solutions brand; hydrogen purification systems under the H2X Solutions brand; natural gas dehydration units for refueling stations under the NGX Solutions brand; and products for the filtration and separation of air and gases under FSX Solutions brand.

Xebec吸附公司在加拿大、美国、中国、韩国、意大利、法国和国际上设计、制造和销售气体和压缩空气的净化、分离、脱水和过滤设备。它通过系统和支持部门运作。该公司提供ADX Solutions品牌的现场空气脱水;BGX Solutions品牌的可再生天然气系统的沼气;H2 X Solutions品牌的氢气净化系统;NGX Solutions品牌的加油站天然气脱水装置;以及FSX Solutions品牌的空气和气体过滤和分离产品。

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