
Taseko Mines (TSE:TKO) Price Target Cut to C$2.25 by Analysts at TD Securities

Taseko Mines (TSE:TKO) Price Target Cut to C$2.25 by Analysts at TD Securities

Taseko Mines(東京證券交易所代碼:TKO)目標價被道明證券分析師下調至2.25加元
Defense World ·  2022/08/12 15:21

Taseko Mines (TSE:TKO – Get Rating) (NYSE:TGB) had its price objective decreased by investment analysts at TD Securities from C$2.50 to C$2.25 in a note issued to investors on Wednesday, BayStreet.CA reports. The brokerage currently has a "buy" rating on the stock. TD Securities' target price points to a potential upside of 54.11% from the stock's current price.

據BayStreet.CA報道,道明證券的投資分析師週三將Taseko Mines(TSE:TKO-GET評級)(NYSE:TKO-GET)的目標價從2.50加元下調至2.25加元。該券商目前對該股的評級為“買入”。道明證券的目標價顯示,該股較當前股價有54.11%的潛在上行空間。

A number of other analysts have also recently weighed in on the stock. National Bankshares decreased their price target on shares of Taseko Mines from C$1.85 to C$1.70 and set a "sector perform" rating for the company in a research report on Tuesday, July 19th. Stifel Nicolaus decreased their price target on shares of Taseko Mines from C$3.40 to C$2.50 in a research report on Tuesday, July 19th. BMO Capital Markets decreased their price target on shares of Taseko Mines from C$2.75 to C$2.50 in a research report on Tuesday. Finally, Scotiabank decreased their price target on shares of Taseko Mines from C$2.00 to C$1.75 in a research report on Wednesday. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, one has given a hold rating and three have given a buy rating to the company. Based on data from, the company currently has a consensus rating of "Hold" and a consensus target price of C$2.35.

其他一些分析師最近也加入了對該股的看法。National BankShares在7月19日(星期二)的一份研究報告中將Taseko Mines的股票目標價從1.85加元下調至1.70加元,併為該公司設定了“行業表現”評級。Stifel Nicolaus在7月19日星期二的一份研究報告中將Taseko Mines的股票目標價從3.40加元下調至2.50加元。蒙特利爾銀行資本市場週二在一份研究報告中將Taseko Mines的目標價從2.75加元下調至2.50加元。最後,加拿大豐業銀行在週三的一份研究報告中將Taseko Mines的目標價從2.00加元下調至1.75加元。一位股票研究分析師對該股的評級為賣出,一位分析師給出了持有評級,三位分析師給出了該公司的買入評級。根據MarketBeat.com的數據,該公司目前的共識評級為持有,共識目標價為2.35加元。

Taseko Mines

Taseko Mines Trading Down 0.7 %

Taseko Mines股價下跌0.7%

TKO stock opened at C$1.46 on Wednesday. The business has a fifty day simple moving average of C$1.49 and a 200-day simple moving average of C$2.13. The company has a quick ratio of 2.33, a current ratio of 3.06 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 143.79. Taseko Mines has a 52 week low of C$1.15 and a 52 week high of C$3.00. The company has a market cap of C$417.98 million and a price-to-earnings ratio of 8.11.

週三,將軍澳股票開盤報1.46加元。該業務的50日簡單移動均線切入位為1.49加元,200日簡單移動均線切入位為2.13加元。該公司的速動比率為2.33%,流動比率為3.06%,債務權益比率為143.79。Taseko Mines的52周低點為1.15加元,52周高位為3.00加元。該公司市值為4.1798億加元,市盈率為8.11倍。

About Taseko Mines

Taseko Mines簡介

(Get Rating)

Taseko Mines Limited, a mining company, acquires, develops, and operates mineral properties. The company explores for copper, molybdenum, gold, niobium, and silver deposits. It holds 75% interest in the Gibraltar mine located in British Columbia. It also holds 100% interest in Yellowhead copper project, the Aley niobium project, and the New Prosperity gold and copper project located in British Columbia; and the Florence copper project located in Arizona.

Taseko Mines Limited是一家礦業公司,負責收購、開發和經營礦產資產。該公司勘探銅、鉬、金、鈮和銀礦。它持有位於不列顛哥倫比亞省的直布羅陀礦75%的權益。它還持有位於不列顛哥倫比亞省的耶洛黑德銅礦項目、艾利Nb項目、新繁榮金礦和銅礦項目以及位於亞利桑那州的佛羅倫薩銅礦項目的100%權益。

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