
Golden Triangle Ventures Inc. Announces Sounder Fulfillment’s Entry into the Brazilian CBD Market 

Golden Triangle Ventures Inc. Announces Sounder Fulfillment’s Entry into the Brazilian CBD Market 

金三角风险投资公司宣布Sounder Fulfment进入巴西CBD市场
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/08/10 20:41

LAS VEGAS, Aug. 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via InvestorWire -- Golden Triangle Ventures, Inc. (OTC PINK: GTVH) ("GTV" or the "Company") is pleased to announce a new milestone for Sonder Fulfilment with its successful entry into the Brazilian CBD market. Sonder Fulfillment has recently executed an initial order for a new client, Volcanic Green, which is expanding its CBD line into the nascent and burgeoning CBD market in Brazil. This initial line will consist of two tincture formulas specifically formulated for day (focus, energy alertness) and night (calming, soothing, and assistance with rest and sleep) applications, as well as general wellness gummies. Sonder Fulfillment completed production of the initial order and shipped them to Volcanic Green's fulfillment center in Miami on Friday, July 29, 2022, and the company is currently preparing all of the proper documentation to ship the items to Brazil. 

拉斯维加斯,2022年8月10日(Global Newswire)--通过InvestorWire--金三角风险投资公司(OTC PINK:GTVH)(“GTV”或“公司”)高兴地宣布,Sonder成功进入巴西CBD市场,实现了一个新的里程碑。Sonder Fulfment最近执行了一项新客户的初步订单,该客户名为Volcanal Green,该公司正在将其CBD系列扩展到巴西新兴的CBD市场。这一初始系列将包括两个专门为白天(集中精力,能量警觉)和晚上(镇静,舒缓,帮助休息和睡眠)以及一般健康胶水配制的酊剂配方。Sonder Fulfment于2022年7月29日(星期五)完成了第一批订单的生产,并将它们运往位于迈阿密的火山格林的履行中心,该公司目前正在准备所有适当的文件,以便将这些物品运往巴西。

This milestone marks a large achievement for Sonder Fulfillment as entry into the Brazilian market is complicated and highly regulated. Currently, cannabinoids can only be purchased with a prescription issued by a government-certified medical professional, and any cannabinoid-derived product must be approved by Anvisa, the country's health regulatory agency. With a cadre of several hundred doctors ready to advocate for Volcanic Green's products and plans to expand the initial line into topicals and pet products, Sonder Fulfillment feels that Volcanic Green will be a long-term and consistent client for many years to come.  

这一里程碑标志着Sonder Fulfment取得了巨大的成就,因为进入巴西市场是复杂和严格监管的。目前,大麻素只能在政府认证的医疗专业人员开具的处方下购买,任何大麻素衍生产品都必须得到该国卫生监管机构ANVISA的批准。随着数百名医生准备为火山格林的产品辩护,并计划将最初的生产线扩展到局部和宠物产品,Sonder Fulfment认为火山格林将成为未来许多年的长期和始终如一的客户。

Joshua Weaver, vice president of Sonder Fulfillment, stated, "We have worked hand-in-hand with Volcanic Green for several months to navigate the regulatory environment and get their initial line of CBD products approved in Brazil. Not only did we formulate their initial line of products, but we also designed their brand and have provided critical assistance for logistics and other items related to legally exporting their product into Brazil. I believe this partnership will be a longstanding one and I look forward to the bright future ahead in one of the newest CBD markets in the world." 

Sonder Fulfment副总裁总裁约书亚·韦弗表示:“几个月来,我们一直与绿火山携手合作,以适应监管环境,让他们的首条CBD产品线在巴西获得批准。我们不仅制定了他们的最初产品线,还设计了他们的品牌,并为他们的产品合法出口到巴西的物流和其他项目提供了关键帮助。我相信这种合作关系将是长期的,我期待着在世界上最新的CBD市场之一的光明未来。”

"Looking to the future, Sonder Fulfillment see's expansion from Brazil into other Latin American countries," Weaver continued. "Additionally, Volcanic Green is also working closely with Sonder Fulfillment to expand distribution networks for Le Pragma within Europe. Through these opportunities, Sonder Fulfillment seeks to accomplish their goal of becoming a world leader in the production and distribution of cannabinoid-driven wellness. Utilizing these new developments as a springboard, the company anticipates a strong expansion as its journey unfolds." 

韦弗继续说道:“展望未来,Sonder Fulfment See将从巴西扩展到其他拉美国家。”此外,火山绿还与Sonder Fulfment密切合作,扩大Le Pragma在欧洲的分销网络。通过这些机会,Sonder Fulfment寻求实现他们的目标,成为生产和分销大麻类药物驱动的健康的世界领先者。利用这些新的发展作为跳板,该公司预计随着其旅程的展开将进行强劲的扩张。

Details on the initial line of Volcanic Green CBD products can be found here:


About Golden Triangle Ventures, Inc. 


Golden Triangle Ventures, Inc. ("GTV") is a multifaceted consulting company pursuing ventures in the health, entertainment, technology, fulfillment, and food & beverage industries, with many additional projects being developed that provide synergistic values to these divisions. The Company aims to purchase, acquire and/or joint venture with established entities that management can assist and help develop into unique opportunities. Additionally, GTV provides a professional corporate representation service to different companies in these sectors while consulting on a variety of business development objectives. The goods and services represented are driven by innovators who have passion for and commitment to these marketplaces. The Company plans to utilize relationships and create a platform for new and existing businesses to strengthen their products and/or services.




Golden Triangle Ventures has secured a partnership with Electryone Advisors, Inc., authorizing the Company as a distributor of its green microgrid technology, which provides a superior alternative energy solution to on-grid and off-grid locations. Electryone Advisors is comprised of a team of highly qualified leaders and experts in the renewable energy sector. The company's microgrid technology was developed by NASA scientists, seasoned electrical engineers and pioneers of several advanced technologies who have a combined 50 years of experience in the industry. With 50-plus patents, as well as several revolutionary software and firmware applications, Electryone Advisors brings a first-in-its-class green energy technology to the marketplace for large-scale industrial applications: The Electryone Drive.

金三角风险投资公司与Electryone Advisors,Inc.建立了合作伙伴关系,授权该公司作为其绿色微电网技术的分销商,该技术为电网上和电网外地点提供卓越的替代能源解决方案。Electryone Advisors由一支高素质的可再生能源领域领导者和专家团队组成。该公司的微电网技术是由NASA的科学家、经验丰富的电气工程师和几项先进技术的先驱开发的,他们在该行业总共拥有50年的经验。凭借50多项专利以及多项革命性的软件和固件应用,Electryone Advisors为大规模工业应用市场带来了同类产品中首屈一指的绿色能源技术:Electryone Drive。

The Electryone Drive is a state-of-the-art smart energy system that combines several market-proven technology components to deliver an intelligent, sustainable and scalable microgrid solution. The technology is optimized to deliver the highest level of efficiency at the lowest cost per kilowatt-hour. The internal genset operates with an efficiency rating of 93% and works harmoniously with cascading components to seamlessly deliver a custom-blended source of energy inputs. This proprietary design works in tandem with the utility grid or off-grid in remote locations to offer triple redundancy and facilitate the highest level of reliable, 24/7 power delivery to meet 100% of peak demand – independent of geography, weather or grid stability. As a complete system, the Electryone Drive has been validated by three independent testing facilities and an in-field pilot project operating in the worst-case, off-grid scenario. Moreover, the individual components are proven leaders and validated in their individual markets for power delivery, management, storage and production.

Electryone Drive是一种最先进的智能能源系统,它结合了几个经过市场验证的技术组件,提供了智能、可持续和可扩展的微电网解决方案。该技术经过优化,以最低的每千瓦时成本提供最高水平的效率。内部发电机组的能效额定值为93%,并与级联组件协调工作,无缝提供定制混合能源输入。这一专有设计与偏远地区的公用事业电网或离网电网协同工作,提供三重冗余,并促进最高水平的可靠、全天候电力输送,以满足100%的高峰需求-独立于地理、天气或电网稳定性。作为一个完整的系统,Electryone Drive已经通过了三个独立的测试设施和一个现场试验项目的验证,该项目在最坏的情况下运行,离网情况下。此外,在电力输送、管理、存储和生产方面,各个组件都是公认的领导者,并在各自的市场中得到验证。



Global Health Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of Golden Triangle Ventures (operating under its Health Division). Dedicated to the promotion of well-being and natural wellness, the Company currently does business in the medical PPE space as well as the industrial hemp/CBD industry. Additionally, the Company has a vision to promote, market and generate sales for a myriad of products and services, which include a full retail line of high-end, all-natural health, wellness and beauty products created by Le Pragma, which the Company is currently working to acquire in full. To help achieve this vision, Global Health Services is in the process of further developing an extensive online portal that will support the multiple verticals under the Company and provide a one-stop shop for all of the Company's products and services. Moreover, to support overarching business goals, senior management tirelessly works on acquiring and building an array of profitable assets and projects.

全球健康服务公司是金三角风险投资公司(隶属于其健康部门)的全资子公司。该公司致力于促进健康和自然健康,目前在医用个人防护用品领域以及工业大麻/CBD行业开展业务。此外,该公司还着眼于推广、营销和创造各种产品和服务的销售额,其中包括由Le Pragma创建的高端、全天然健康、保健和美容产品的全零售系列,该公司目前正在努力全面收购这些产品和服务。为了帮助实现这一愿景,Global Health Services正在进一步开发一个广泛的在线门户网站,该门户网站将支持本公司旗下的多个垂直市场,并为本公司所有产品和服务提供一站式商店。此外,为了支持总体业务目标,高级管理层不知疲倦地收购和构建一系列有利可图的资产和项目。



Lavish Entertainment (EpicRaves) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Golden Triangle Ventures under its Entertainment Division. Operating out of Las Vegas, Nevada, the Company started doing business in 2017 and was established with a vision of becoming a nationally recognized concert production company. The Company currently has more than 30,000 national followers and nearly 100 team members who have helped the Company successfully organize some of the most exciting electronic dance music concerts in Las Vegas, with its recent accomplishment of organizing the largest music festival in Las Vegas on New Year's Eve. Lavish Entertainment is currently doing business as (dba) "EpicRaves," which will eventually become a wholly owned subsidiary of Lavish Entertainment as the Company expands its business into a variety of other forms of entertainment. The Company is building an immersive virtual reality platform to help monetize its livestreamed concerts and assist its business in expanding into markets outside of Las Vegas. The Company has also launched its own record label, called Syndicate Bass Records, to showcase some of the best bass music artists in the world and provide a platform to highlight their music. Lavish Entertainment has a partnership with Sahara Event Center, which is a 68,000-square-foot event center where the Company organizes some of its larger concerts. Management has a vision of acquiring a large-scale venue to develop the most advanced event center in the world.

Lavish Entertainment(EpicRaves)是其娱乐部门下的金三角风险投资公司的全资子公司。该公司在内华达州拉斯维加斯运营,于2017年开始运营,成立的愿景是成为全国公认的音乐会制作公司。该公司目前在全国拥有30,000多名追随者和近100名团队成员,他们帮助公司成功地在拉斯维加斯举办了一些最令人兴奋的电子舞曲音乐会,最近它还在新年前夕在拉斯维加斯举办了最大的音乐节。Lavish Entertainment目前的业务名称为《EpicRaves》(Dba),随着公司将业务扩展至多种其他娱乐形式,EpicRaves最终将成为Lavish Entertainment的全资子公司。该公司正在建立一个身临其境的虚拟现实平台,以帮助将其直播的演唱会货币化,并帮助其业务扩展到拉斯维加斯以外的市场。该公司还推出了自己的唱片公司,名为辛迪加贝斯唱片公司,展示了世界上一些最好的贝斯音乐艺术家,并提供了一个突出他们的音乐的平台。Lavish Entertainment与撒哈拉活动中心建立了合作关系,撒哈拉活动中心是一个6.8万平方英尺的活动中心,公司在这里组织一些大型音乐会。管理层的愿景是收购一个大型场馆,发展成为世界上最先进的活动中心。



HyFrontier Technologies is a wholly owned subsidiary of Golden Triangle Ventures under its Technology Division. The Company owns a patent-pending process and device technology called "HyGrO," which is a molecular hydrogen and oxygen delivery system for agriculture. Golden Triangle Ventures, Inc. is assisting HyFrontier Technologies in commercializing the HyGrO unit for farm and home use in markets across the globe. HyFrontier Technologies, Inc. has a mission to improve global crop production efficiency by producing hydrogen and oxygen directly in the water stream. This technology can be used on any species of plant life in nearly any grow medium. Additionally, the system can be retrofitted to wellheads for large-scale agricultural projects, indoor grow operations and small farms or utilized for a multitude of residential home and garden applications. In-house testing has shown evidence that hydrogen is capable of increasing crop yields by up to 25% and, in many circumstances, a much higher amount. Larger root systems and better overall plant health were also observed by watering plants with the HyGrO unit. Multiple third-party commercial farms and testing facilities are currently working to validate the HyGrO technology, and all preliminary results are extremely positive. Company headquarters have moved into a 7,800-square-foot, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility located in Florida while executing a three-year lease with an option to purchase the entire 24,000-square-foot building. 

HyFrontier Technologies是金三角风险投资公司的全资子公司,隶属其技术部。该公司拥有一项正在申请专利的工艺和设备技术,名为“Hygro”,这是一种用于农业的分子氢和氧输送系统。金三角风险投资公司正在协助HyFrontier技术公司将Hygro机组商业化,以供全球市场上的农场和家庭使用。HyFrontier Technologies,Inc.的使命是通过在水流中直接生产氢气和氧气来提高全球作物生产效率。这项技术可以在几乎任何生长介质中的任何植物物种上使用。此外,该系统可改装成用于大型农业项目、室内种植作业和小型农场的井口,或用于多种住宅、家庭和花园应用。内部测试表明,氢气能够将作物产量提高25%,在许多情况下,还能增加更多。用HYGRO装置给植物浇水,也可以观察到更大的根系和更好的整体植物健康。多个第三方商业农场和测试设施目前正在努力验证Hygro技术,所有初步结果都非常积极。公司总部已经搬进了位于佛罗里达州的一个7800平方英尺的最先进的制造设施,同时执行了一份为期三年的租约,可以选择购买整个24,000平方英尺的建筑。

Napa Wine Brands is a wholly owned subsidiary of Golden Triangle Ventures and a synergistic business with a mission of providing a world-class portfolio of unique brands that are all birthed from Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley in the heart of California's wine country. The Company is committed to manufacturing and distributing specialty wines, foods and unique items while tapping into an array of hidden markets in the food and beverage industry. With extensive resources and award-winning products, Napa Wine Brands aims to develop some of the most desirable products in today's market. Originated by some of the most profound experts in Napa Valley, the Company's vision is to broaden the horizon of a traditional food and wine company by creating a platform different than anything seen in the Northern Hemisphere. Napa Wine Brands has an array of fully developed products and services that provide value to the other divisions under Golden Triangle Ventures. The Company is now preparing the launch of several brands, products and services that are market-ready to become cash-positive businesses. Golden Triangle Ventures will provide a full support system and assist management of Napa Wine Brands in growing this company into another fun, exciting and profitable division of Golden Triangle Ventures.




Sonder Fulfillment is a wholly owned subsidiary of Golden Triangle Ventures, providing an array of synergies to the many companies and projects within GTV. Sonder Fulfillment is a leading company in the industrial hemp and CBD industry. Sonder Fulfillment has put together a powerful team of research Ph.Ds., formulary scientists and flavor compounding specialists to build advanced cannabinoid-based nutritional and homeopathic products that are designed to catalyze the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to support targeted wellness and relief. The Company's management team has built many well-known products in the natural medicine space for several decades and has coalesced that knowledge to build out superior processes and products. Sonder Fulfillment has strong and longstanding relationships with farms, extraction labs, product formulation labs and co-packaging companies, which allows Sonder Fulfillment to secure the complete supply chain from start to finish and provide its clients with the lowest cost of goods sold as possible while maintaining the highest-quality standards in the industry. Sonder Fulfillment has produced for and currently has white-label contracts for some of the largest CBD companies in the space, such as Select (a division of CURA), Amway and many others. The Company provides bulk raw CBD materials to clients in 22 countries and is now paving the way to become the first company to provide legally commercialized end-consumer CBD products in "hard-to-penetrate" markets such as Japan, Australia, South Korea and Mexico. Sonder Fulfillment has partnered with GVB Biopharma, one of the largest industrial hemp processors in the space, to undertake the extensive and rigorous process of getting active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) certification for raw products. API certification will allow Sonder Fulfillment to further expand its reach into markets where CBD can only be distributed through prescriptions as a medicinal product.

Finder Fulfment是金三角风险投资公司的全资子公司,为GTV内的许多公司和项目提供一系列协同效应。SUNDER FULFULATION是工业大麻和CBD行业的领先公司。Sonder Fulfment汇集了一支强大的研究博士、配方科学家和香料复合专家团队,开发了先进的基于大麻素的营养和顺势疗法产品,旨在催化内源性大麻素系统(ECS),以支持有针对性的健康和缓解。几十年来,该公司的管理团队在天然药物领域制造了许多知名产品,并将这些知识结合在一起,打造出卓越的工艺和产品。Sonder Fulfment与农场、提取实验室、产品配方实验室和联合包装公司有着牢固和长期的合作关系,这使得Sonder Fulfment能够自始至终确保完整的供应链,在保持行业最高质量标准的同时,为客户提供尽可能低的销售成本。Sonder Fulfment已经为该领域一些最大的CBD公司制作并目前拥有白标合同,如Select(库拉的一个部门)、安利和许多其他公司。该公司向22个国家和地区的客户提供大量CBD原材料,目前正在为成为第一家在日本、澳大利亚、韩国和墨西哥等“难以打入”的市场提供合法商业化的终端消费者CBD产品的公司铺平道路。SINDER FULFULATION已与该领域最大的工业大麻加工商之一GVB Biophma建立了合作伙伴关系, 承担原材料获得有效药物成分(API)认证的广泛而严格的过程。API认证将使Sonder Fulfment进一步扩大其在CBD只能作为医药产品通过处方分销的市场的覆盖范围。



Certain information set forth in this press release contains "forward-looking information," including "future-oriented financial information" and "financial outlook," under applicable securities laws (collectively referred to herein as forward-looking statements). Except for statements of historical fact, the information contained herein constitutes forward-looking statements and includes, but is not limited to, the (i) projected financial performance of the Company; (ii) completion of, and the use of proceeds from, the sale of the shares being offered hereunder; (iii) the expected development of the Company's business, projects and joint ventures; (iv) execution of the Company's vision and growth strategy, including with respect to future M&A activity and global growth; (v) sources and availability of third-party financing for the Company's projects; (vi) completion of the Company's projects that are currently underway, in development or otherwise under consideration; (vi) renewal of the Company's current customer, supplier and other material agreements; and (vii) future liquidity, working capital and capital requirements. Forward-looking statements are provided to give potential investors the opportunity to understand management's beliefs and opinions in respect to the future so they may use such beliefs and opinions as one factor in evaluating an investment. These statements are not guarantees of future performance, and undue reliance should not be placed on them. Such forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual performance and financial results in future periods to differ materially from any projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Although forward-looking statements contained in this presentation are based upon what management of the Company believes are reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change, except as required by applicable securities laws. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") has provided guidance to issuers regarding the use of social media to disclose material nonpublic information. In this regard, investors and others should note that we announce material financial information on our company website, , in addition to SEC filings, press releases, public conference calls and webcasts. We also use social media to communicate with the public about our company, our services and other issues. It is possible that the information we post on social media could be deemed to be material information. Therefore, in light of the SEC's guidance, we encourage investors, the media and others interested in our company to review the information we post on the following U.S. social media channels:

根据适用的证券法(本文统称为前瞻性陈述),本新闻稿中陈述的某些信息包含“前瞻性信息”,包括“面向未来的财务信息”和“财务展望”。除有关历史事实的陈述外,本新闻稿中包含的信息均为前瞻性陈述,包括但不限于:(1)公司的预期财务业绩;(2)出售股份的完成和使用;(3)公司业务、项目和合资企业的预期发展;(4)公司愿景和增长战略的执行,包括未来的并购活动和全球增长;(5)公司项目的第三方融资来源和可获得性;(Vi)完成本公司目前正在进行、正在开发或正在考虑的项目;(Vi)续签本公司现有的客户、供应商及其他重要协议;及(Vii)未来的流动资金、营运资金及资本需求。提供前瞻性陈述是为了让潜在投资者有机会了解管理层对未来的信念和意见,以便他们可以将这些信念和意见作为评估投资的一个因素。这些声明并不是对未来业绩的保证,不应过分依赖它们。这种前瞻性陈述必然涉及已知和未知的风险和不确定性。, 这可能导致未来期间的实际业绩和财务结果与此类前瞻性陈述明示或暗示的对未来业绩或结果的任何预测大不相同。虽然本陈述中包含的前瞻性陈述是基于公司管理层认为合理的假设,但不能保证前瞻性陈述将被证明是准确的,因为实际结果和未来事件可能与此类陈述中预期的大不相同。除非适用的证券法要求,否则如果情况或管理层的估计或意见发生变化,公司不承担更新前瞻性陈述的义务。告诫读者不要过度依赖前瞻性陈述。美国证券交易委员会(“美国证券交易委员会”)已就使用社交媒体披露重大非公开信息向发行人提供指导。在这方面,投资者和其他人应该注意到,除了美国证券交易委员会备案、新闻稿、公开电话会议和网络广播外,我们还会在公司网站上公布重要的财务信息。我们还使用社交媒体与公众交流我们的公司、我们的服务和其他问题。我们在社交媒体上发布的信息可能被认为是实质性信息。因此,根据美国证券交易委员会的指导,我们鼓励投资者、媒体和其他对我们公司感兴趣的人审查我们在以下美国社交媒体渠道上发布的信息:



Golden Triangle Ventures, Inc.
3035 E Patrick Ln. #15
Las Vegas, NV 89120
Corporate Communications
InvestorBrandNetwork (IBN)
Los Angeles, California

3035 E Patrick Ln.#15
拉斯维加斯,NV 89120

