
DJ Mitcham Industries Inc, Inst Holders, 3Q 2018 (MIND)

DJ Mitcham Industries Inc, Inst Holders, 3Q 2018 (MIND)

DJ Mitcham Industries Inc.,Inst Holders,2018年第三季度(注意)
道琼斯 ·  2018/10/19 15:28

DJ Mitcham Industries Inc, Inst Holders, 3Q 2018 (MIND)

DJ Mitcham Industries Inc.,Inst Holders,2018年第三季度(注意)

The following table shows the largest shareholders in MITCHAM INDUSTRIES INC COM (MIND) for the quarter ended September 30, 2018, listed by holding size. The list represents up to 50 of the largest holders in the company.

下表顯示了截至2018年9月30日的季度,Mitcham Industries Inc.(Mind)的最大股東,按持股規模列出。這份名單代表了該公司多達50名最大的持有者。

Note: Unless otherwise mentioned the reporting date is 09/30/2018


Institution Shares Shares % Last
Held Changed Held Report

Ariel Investments LLC 2,954,868 11,936 24.382 06/30
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP 933,672 (12,775) 7.704 06/30
Aegis Financial Corp. 680,893 (95,101) 5.618 06/30
Boston Partners Global Investo 449,827 1,100 3.712 06/30
BlackRock Fund Advisors 325,484 4,367 2.686 06/30
First Wilshire Securities Mana 324,169 (17,005) 2.675 06/30
Raffles Capital Management LLC 315,700 315,700 2.605 06/30
Bridgeway Capital Management 311,745 0 2.572 06/30
Renaissance Technologies LLC 308,200 31,300 2.543 06/30
The Vanguard Group Inc. 252,496 (152,211) 2.083 06/30
Manatuck Hill Partners LLC 242,455 242,455 2.001 06/30
New York State Common Retireme 208,400 0 1.720 06/30
Ancora Advisors LLC 194,903 33,171 1.608 06/30
ARS Investment Partners LLC 172,164 172,164 1.421 06/30
White Pine Capital LLC 169,400 169,400 1.398 06/30
RBF Capital LLC 159,592 0 1.317 06/30
Perritt Capital Management In 157,275 23,575 1.298 06/30
Teton Advisors Inc. (Investme 140,069 26,000 1.156 06/30
VNBTrust NA 111,316 (22) 0.919 06/30
Geode Capital Management LLC 70,654 0 0.583 06/30
PGIM Inc. 49,300 0 0.407 06/30
Shepherd Kaplan Krochuk LLC 36,582 (22,294) 0.302 06/30
The California Public Employee 33,200 0 0.274 06/30
Northern Trust Investments In 28,120 (2,437) 0.232 06/30
Wells Fargo Clearing Services 18,501 18,500 0.153 06/30
DWS Investment GmbH 18,200 8,800 0.150 06/30
The Bank of New York Mellon Co 16,736 0 0.138 06/30
Raymond James Financial Servic 12,028 0 0.099 06/30
Pinnacle Associates Ltd. 10,800 0 0.089 06/30
Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. (Wealt 10,000 10,000 0.083 06/30
Federated MDTA LLC 2,273 (105) 0.019 06/30
Macquarie Funds Management Hon 2,256 (6,274) 0.019 06/30
UBS Securities LLC 2,117 (124) 0.017 06/30
BlackRock Investment Managemen 1,968 0 0.016 06/30
PanAgora Asset Management Inc 1,614 (11,713) 0.013 06/30
EARNEST Partners LLC 1,100 0 0.009 06/30
Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Co. 1,062 (3,538) 0.009 06/30
US Bancorp Asset Management I 662 0 0.005 06/30
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LL 333 (800) 0.003 06/30
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner 200 0 0.002 06/30
SSN Advisory Inc. 100 0 0.001 06/30
The Northwestern Mutual Life I 88 88 0.001 06/30
Versant Capital Management In 30 0 0.000 09/30
22NW LP 0 (324,123) 0.000 06/30
Ascend Capital LLC 0 (18,659) 0.000 06/30
Shufro Rose & Co. LLC 0 (21,200) 0.000 06/30
Stratos Wealth Partners Ltd. 0 (7,200) 0.000 06/30
BNY Mellon Asset Management No 0 (4,047) 0.000 06/30
Tower Research Capital LLC 0 (833) 0.000 06/30
Algert Global LLC 0 (19,535) 0.000 06/30

13F data provided by: Factset Research Systems Inc.;
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機構股票上一次百分比已保留更改的已保留報告Ariel Investments LLC 2,954,868 11,936 24.382 06/30維基基金顧問公司LP 933,672(12,775)7.704 06/30宙斯盾金融公司680,893(95,101)5.618 06/30波士頓合夥人全球投資449,827 1,100 3.712 06/30貝萊德基金顧問325,484 4,367 2.686 06/30First Wilshire Securities Mana 324,169(17,005)2.675 06/30萊佛士資本管理有限公司315,700 315,700 2.605 06/30布里奇韋資本管理公司311,745 0 2.572 06/30復興科技有限責任公司308,200 31,300 2.543 06/30先鋒集團(Vanguard Group Inc.)252,496(152,211)2.083 06/30馬納塔克山合夥公司242,455 242,455 2.001 06/30紐約州普通救濟金208,400 0 1.720 06/30Ancora Advisors LLC 194,903 33,171 1.608 06/30ARS Investment Partners LLC 172,164 172,164 1.421 06/30白松資本有限責任公司169,400 169,400 1.398 06/30RBF Capital LLC 159,592 0 1.317 06/30佩裏特資本管理公司(PERRITT Capital Management)在157,27523,575 1.298 06/30Teton Advisors Inc.(投資140,069 26,000 1.156 06/30VNBTrust NA 111,316(22)0.919 06/30Geode Capital Management LLC 70,654 0 0.583 06/30PGIM Inc.49,300 0 0.407 06/30牧羊人Kaplan Krochuk LLC 36,582(22,294)0.302 06/30加州公職人員33,200 0 0.274 06/30北方信託投資28,120(2,437)0.232 06/30富國銀行結算服務18,501 18,500 0.153 06/30DWS Investment GmbH 18,200 8,800 0.150 06/30紐約梅隆銀行16,736 0 0.138 06/30雷蒙德·詹姆斯金融服務公司12,028 0 0.099 06/30頂峯聯合有限公司10,800 0 0.089 06/30奧本海默公司(Weal 10,000,000 0.083 06/30聯合MDTA LLC 2,273(0.019)0.019 06/30麥格理基金管理公司韓元2256(6274)0.019 06/30瑞銀證券有限公司2,117(0.017)0.017 06/30貝萊德投資經理1,968 0 0.016 06/30Panagora資產管理公司1,614(11,713)0.013 06/30誠摯合夥人有限責任公司1,100 0 0.009 06/30先鋒信託公司1,062(3,538)0.009 06/30US Bancorp Asset Management I 662 0 0.005 06/30摩根士丹利美邦LL 333(800)0.003 06/30美林皮爾斯·芬納200 0 0.002 06/30SSN諮詢公司100 0 0.001 06/30西北互助人壽I 88 88 0.001 06/30Versant資本管理30 0 0.000 09/3022西北地區LP 0(324,123)0.000 06/30Ascend Capital LLC 0(18,659)0.000 06/30Shufro Rose&Co.LLC 0(21,200)0.000 06/30Stratos Wealth Partners Ltd.0(7,200)0.000 06/30紐約梅隆銀行資產管理編號0(4,047)0.000 06/30塔樓研究資本有限責任公司0(833)0.000 06/30阿爾伯特全球有限責任公司0(19,535)0.000 06/3013F數據由:FactSet Research Systems Inc.提供;請將問題發送到。版權所有,FactSet Research Systems,2018年。版權所有。

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


October 19, 2018 03:28 ET (07:28 GMT)


