
WildSky Resources Launched Its Exploration Program in Nigeria

WildSky Resources Launched Its Exploration Program in Nigeria

WildSky Resources在尼日利亞啟動探索計劃
newsfile ·  2022/07/15 05:40

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 14, 2022) - WildSky Resources (TSXV: WSK) ("WildSky" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company launched its exploration program in Nigeria on 3 Niobium-Tantalum exploration licences at the end of February after the COVID-19 restrictions were lifted.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年7月14日)-WildSky Resources(TSXV:WSK)(《WildSky》或者是“公司“)我很高興地宣佈,在新冠肺炎限制取消後,公司於2月底啟動了其在尼日利亞的3個Nb-Tantalum勘探許可證的勘探項目。

Figure 1


Mapping, prospecting, and geochemical surveys have been conducted at the South-East part of License EL 29626, where the regional Niobium-Tantalum mineralization trend passes. The outcrop or soil sampling was done at 50 metre spacings along grid lines spaced 200 meters apart. The lines were oriented at 330°. One Portable Olympus Vanta VCR Geochemical Analyzer (XRF) was purchased in Vancouver and shipped to Nigeria to support this exploration program. The exploration team was divided into two groups, with one group using the XRF to analyze the sample in the field, and the other collecting samples and taking them to the camp for analyzing purposes. The XRF's detection limit is 5-7 ppm for both Niobium and Tantalum, and 4ppm for Thorium. 10 standard Nb-Ta samples were purchased from Vancouver and South Africa to control the XRF detection quality. The field team frequently used the XRF to analyze the standard samples and compared the results, indicating that the Niobium and Thorium detection errors are less than 20%. However, the Ta results are more variable.

在El 29626許可證的東南部進行了測繪、探礦和地球化學調查,區域Nb-Tantum礦化趨勢通過了該地區。露頭或土壤的採樣是沿着間隔200米的網格線以50米的間隔進行的。這些線的方向為330°。在温哥華購買了一臺便攜式奧林巴斯VANTA VCR地化分析儀(XRF),並運往尼日利亞,以支持這一勘探計劃。探險隊分為兩組,一組在野外使用XRF對樣品進行分析,另一組採集樣品帶到營地進行分析。XRF對Nb和Ta的檢出限為5-7ppm,對釷的檢出限為4ppm。為控制XRF檢測質量,從温哥華和南非購買了10個Nb-Ta標準樣品。野外團隊頻繁使用XRF對標準樣品進行分析,並將結果進行比對,表明Nb和Th的檢測誤差在20%以內。然而,Ta結果的變數更大。

Figure 2


Figure 3


By the end of June, the Company completed 19.8 square kilometers of mapping and geochemical surveys. In addition, 1297 rock samples and 491 soil samples have been analyzed. Obvious Niobium-Thorium anomalies have been delineated at the Southern end and the North-Eastern corner of EL 29624, which are coincident with the regional Thorium anomalies where the Kenyang Nb-Ta open-pit mine is located in.

截至6月底,該公司完成了19.8平方公里的測繪和化探調查。此外,還對1297個巖石樣品和491個土壤樣品進行了分析。在El 29624的南端和東北角圈定了明顯的Nb-Th異常,這與墾陽Nb-Ta露天礦所在的區域Th異常相吻合。

The younger grey-white, fine-grained granite stocks outcropped in the South and North-East Niobium-Thorium anomalies area. This younger granite was thought an important mineralization caused intrusion in the Kenyang Niobium-Tantalum mine.


The Company proposed to drill five (5) shallow holes (100m each) to test the Niobium-Thorium anomalies, 1 in North-East and 4 in South Nb-Th anomaly, and drilling of hole BH05 is currently underway.


Figure 4


In addition, the Company's technical team is also investigating new Lithium and Tantalum projects in Africa for potential acquisition by the Company.


The technical disclosure in this news release was reviewed and approved by Wenhong Jin, P.Geo., the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.


About WildSky Resources Inc.

關於WildSky Resources Inc.

WildSky Resources Inc. is a Canadian based exploration and development company with an office located in Vancouver, B.C. The Company's goal is to create value for shareholders through continuously exploring and developing its current properties in Nigeria, and at the same time looking for new properties to acquire through its international connections.

WildSky Resources Inc.是一家總部位於加拿大的勘探和開發公司,在不列顛哥倫比亞省温哥華設有辦事處。該公司的目標是通過不斷勘探和開發其在尼日利亞的現有物業,同時尋找通過其國際關係收購的新物業,為股東創造價值。

For more information on WildSky Resources, please contact the Company at (778) 889-4966, or visit the Company's website at .

欲瞭解更多有關WildSky Resources的信息,請致電(778)889-4966與公司聯繫,或訪問公司網站:。



"signed by Wenhong Jin"


Wenhong Jin
President and CEO


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