
Wood Mackenzie and Ball Corporation introduce new tool that tracks global LNG liquefaction train statuses in near real-time

Wood Mackenzie and Ball Corporation introduce new tool that tracks global LNG liquefaction train statuses in near real-time

Wood Mackenzie和Ball Corporation推出新工具,近乎實時地跟蹤全球LNG液化列車狀態
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/07/13 20:35

Global LNG Liquefaction Monitoring


Wood Mackenzie, A Verisk Business

LONDON/HOUSTON/WESTMINSTER, Colo., July 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wood Mackenzie, Inc. a Verisk business (Nasdaq: VRSK), and Ball Corporation (NYSE: BALL) today announced the launch of Global LNG Liquefaction Monitoring – the first product arising from their strategic agreement to accelerate the development of advanced analytics for energy markets.   

倫敦/休斯頓/科羅拉多州威斯敏斯特,2022年7月13日(Global Newswire)--威瑞斯克公司(納斯達克:VRSK)旗下的Wood Mackenzie公司和鮑爾公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:Ball)今天宣佈推出全球液化天然氣液化監測系統,這是雙方為加快能源市場高級分析開發而達成的戰略協議產生的首個產品。

The Global LNG Liquefaction Monitoring product provides near real-time market intelligence on liquefaction train statuses. The tool is a powerful combination of Ball's satellite expertise and remote sensing data analytics capabilities and Wood Mackenzie's proprietary ground-based monitoring of U.S. liquefaction sites.

全球液化天然氣液化監測產品提供有關液化列車狀態的近乎實時的市場情報。該工具是Ball的衞星專業知識和遙感數據分析能力與Wood Mackenzie對美國液化場地的專有地面監測的強大結合。

Lucas Schmitt, Principal Analyst - Global LNG Liquefaction Monitoring for Wood Mackenzie said: "The number of liquefaction plant outages has increased significantly in recent years – and these events impact market prices. With LNG cargoes trading at record high prices, having access to timely and accurate data is critical."

Wood Mackenzie全球液化監測首席分析師盧卡斯·施密特表示:“近年來液化工廠停運的數量大幅增加--這些事件影響了市場價格。由於液化天然氣的交易價格處於創紀錄高位,獲得及時和準確的數據至關重要。”

Wood Mackenzie's proprietary dataset alerts users to train outages and restarts before other indicators, such as vessel tracking. For example, Wood Mackenzie's algorithms detected maintenance on two Qatari trains in early February 2022 with a 7-day lead time before any other indicators.

Wood Mackenzie的專有數據集在船隻跟蹤等其他指標之前提醒用户列車中斷和重啟。例如,Wood Mackenzie的算法在2022年2月初檢測到兩列卡塔爾列車的維護,其提前期比任何其他指標都要早7天。

"Our alerts flag disruptions so customers can react quickly and identify potential trading opportunities. Additionally, the high granularity of the data allows clients to understand train-level dynamics to derive valuable insight on companies involved in these assets." Schmitt added.


Kendall Ackerman, director of Ball's commercial-facing satellite analytics business, commented: "Through our collaboration with Wood Mackenzie, we are identifying new and exciting applications for our proprietary satellite analytics. The opportunity to provide the industry with time-critical data that will help drive decisions in the global LNG markets is ground-breaking."


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About Wood Mackenzie Global LNG Liquefaction monitoring tool – near real-time market intelligence across global LNG markets in collaboration with Ball Aerospace – read more here on and download a brochure here.

關於Wood Mackenzie全球液化天然氣監測工具-與鮑爾航空航天公司合作,提供全球液化天然氣市場的近乎實時的市場情報-在wood mac.com上閲讀更多內容,並在此處下載小冊子。

Further reading
News release: Wood Mackenzie and Ball Corporation announce satellite data analytics collaboration, 11 November 2021

新聞稿:Wood Mackenzie和Ball Corporation宣佈開展衞星數據分析合作,2021年11月11日

About Wood Mackenzie
Wood Mackenzie, a Verisk Analytics business, is a trusted source of commercial intelligence for the world's natural resources sector. We empower clients to make better strategic decisions, providing objective analysis and advice on assets, companies and markets. For more information, visit: or follow us on Twitter @WoodMackenzie

關於Wood Mackenzie
威瑞克分析公司旗下的Wood Mackenzie公司是全球自然資源行業值得信賴的商業情報來源。我們使客户能夠做出更好的戰略決策,提供關於資產、公司和市場的客觀分析和建議。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問:或在Twitter@WoodMackenzie上關注我們

WOOD MACKENZIE is a trademark of Wood Mackenzie Limited and is the subject of trademark registrations and/or applications in the European Community, the USA and other countries around the world.

Wood Mackenzie是Wood Mackenzie Limited的商標,是歐洲共同體、美國和世界其他國家/地區的商標註冊和/或申請的對象。

About Ball Corporation 
Ball Corporation supplies innovative, sustainable aluminum packaging solutions for beverage, personal care and household products for customers, as well as aerospace and other technologies and services primarily for the U.S. government. Ball Corporation and its subsidiaries employ 24,300 people worldwide and reported 2021 net sales of $13.8 billion. For more information, visit , or connect with us on Facebook or Twitter.  

Ball Corporation為客户提供飲料、個人護理和家居產品的創新、可持續的鋁包裝解決方案,以及主要為美國政府提供航空航天和其他技術和服務。Ball Corporation及其子公司在全球擁有24,300名員工,2021年淨銷售額為138億美元。有關更多信息,請訪問我們,或在Facebook或Twitter上與我們聯繫。

About Verisk
Verisk (Nasdaq: VRSK) provides data-driven analytic insights and solutions for the insurance and energy industries. Through advanced data analytics, software, scientific research and deep industry knowledge, Verisk empowers customers to strengthen operating efficiency, improve underwriting and claims outcomes, combat fraud and make informed decisions about global issues, including climate change and extreme events as well as political and ESG topics. With offices in more than 30 countries, Verisk consistently earns certification by Great Place to Work and fosters an inclusive culture where all team members feel they belong. For more, visit and the Verisk Newsroom.

威瑞斯克(納斯達克:VRSK)為保險和能源行業提供數據驅動的分析洞察和解決方案。通過先進的數據分析、軟件、科學研究和深厚的行業知識,Verisk使客户能夠提高運營效率,改善承保和索賠結果,打擊欺詐,並就全球問題(包括氣候變化和極端事件以及政治和ESG主題)做出明智的決定。Verisk在30多個國家設有辦事處,不斷獲得Great Place to Work的認證,並培養一種包容的文化,讓所有團隊成員都感到自己屬於自己。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問Verisk.com和Verisk新聞編輯室。



  • Global LNG Liquefaction Monitoring
  • 全球液化天然氣液化監測
CONTACT: For further information, please contact: Sonia Kerr, Director – Head of Internal Communications & PR for Wood Mackenzie  T: +44 330 174 7267, E:   Media contact: Joanna Climer, (303) 939-7041,; Investor Relations: Ann Scott, (303) 460-3537,

