
Jane Street Global Sues London Metal Exchange Related For Canceled Nickel Trades: Reuters

Jane Street Global Sues London Metal Exchange Related For Canceled Nickel Trades: Reuters

路透社:Jane Street Global起訴與取消鎳交易有關的倫敦金屬交易所
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/06/07 19:40

London Metal Exchange faces its second lawsuit in a week for $15.3 million from U.S.-based Jane Street Global Trading, following the cancellation of nickel trades in March, reported Reuters.

路透社報道,繼3月份取消鎳交易之後,倫敦金屬交易所面臨來自美國Jane Street Global Trading的1,530萬美元一週內的第二起訴訟。

A Jane Street representative stated that canceling nickel trades "at a period of heightened volatility severely undermines the integrity of the markets and sets a dangerous precedent that calls future contracts into question."

Jane Street的一位代表表示,“在波動加劇的時期,取消鎳交易,嚴重破壞了市場的完整性,並開創了一個危險的先例,使未來的合約受到質疑。”

Related: Elliott Management Files Lawsuit Against London Metal Exchange Over Canceled Nickel Trades: WSJ


In a statement, the Hong Kong bourse said that the allegation by the US quantitative fund and market maker was "without merit, and the LME will vigorously contest it."

香港交易所在一份聲明中表示,這家美國量化基金和做市商的指控 “毫無根據,倫敦金屬交易所將對此提出激烈的質疑。”

