
DJ South Africa, the Next Emerging-Market Domino, May Not Fall --

DJ South Africa, the Next Emerging-Market Domino, May Not Fall --

道琼斯 ·  2018/09/07 23:03

DJ South Africa, the Next Emerging-Market Domino, May Not Fall --


By Craig Mellow

克雷格·梅洛(Craig Mello)著

A few short weeks ago, emerging market analysts insisted that Argentina and Turkey were "idiosyncratic" stories whose financial woes would not affect the broader asset class. Now the word of the day is contagion, as investors fret over which country's currency and equities will pitch into free-fall next.


South Africa is a prime candidate. Its current-account and budget deficits are in amber, if not red-alert territory, at 3.3% and 4.3% of gross domestic product, respectively. Economic growth is deteriorating from snail's-pace to negative as prices sink for the country's metals exports. President Cyril Ramaphosa, whose within-the-party ouster of corruption-tarred Jacob Zuma was hailed as a reformist breakthrough last December, seems bogged down in a revived debate over land redistribution--a subject sure to jangle investors' nerves. South Africa's investment-grade credit rating is in imminent peril. Moody's, the only global agency maintaining it at one notch above junk, will review it next month.

南非是主要候選國。它的經常賬户赤字和預算赤字即使不是紅色警戒線,也處於琥珀色區域,分別佔國內生產總值(GDP)的3.3%和4.3%。隨着該國金屬出口的價格下跌,經濟增長正在從蝸牛般的速度惡化到負增長。總統西里爾·拉馬福薩(Cyril Ramaphosa)去年12月在黨內罷免了腐敗纏身的雅各布·祖馬(Jacob Zuma),被譽為改革派的突破,但他似乎陷入了一場關於土地再分配的新辯論--這個話題肯定會刺激投資者的神經。南非的投資級信用評級處於迫在眉睫的危險之中。穆迪(Moody‘s)是唯一一家將其維持在比垃圾級別高一個檔次的全球機構,將於下月對其進行評估。

Investors have reacted accordingly. The iShares MSCI South Africa exchange-traded fund (ticker, EZA) has dropped by 13% since Aug. 27, while the national currency, the rand, shed 7% against the dollar. "South Africa is between a rock and a hard place," says Uday Patnaik, head of emerging markets debt at Legal and General Investment Management. "They have to cut spending to be credible for Moody's, but that will be still more anti-growth."

投資者做出了相應的反應。IShares MSCI南非交易所交易基金(ETF)自8月27日以來下跌了13%,而南非國家貨幣蘭特兑美元匯率下跌了7%。法律與一般投資管理公司(Legal And General Investment Management)新興市場債務主管烏代·帕特奈克(Uday Patnaik)表示:“南非正處於進退兩難的境地。”“他們必須削減開支,才能令穆迪信服,但這將更加有損於增長.”

Yet there are reasons for the South Africa domino not to fall, too. Unlike Turkey and Argentina, both the government and private sector have been conservative about taking on hard-currency debt. About half of Turkey's financial flows are dollar-based, estimates Ricardo Adrogue, chief of emerging markets at Barings. South Africa has a small fraction of that exposure. So a devaluing rand does more good than harm by stimulating the country's all-important exports, he argues.

然而,南非多米諾骨牌也有理由不倒下。與土耳其和阿根廷不同的是,政府和私營部門對承擔硬通貨債務都持保守態度。霸菱新興市場首席執行官裏卡多·阿德羅格(Ricardo Adrogue)估計,土耳其大約一半的資金流是以美元為基礎的。南非的風險敞口只有一小部分。因此,他認為,蘭特貶值對刺激該國至關重要的出口利大於弊。

South Africa also maintained an independent and competent central bank through the darkest days of Zuma-ism. Benefits include a manageable inflation rate around 5% and a comfortable stash of foreign reserves. "South Africa doesn't have a funding problem," says Gorky Urquieta, co-head of emerging markets debt at Neuberger Berman. "If they did a dollar bond tomorrow, there would be buyers."

在祖馬主義最黑暗的日子裏,南非也保持了一個獨立而稱職的中央銀行。好處包括5%左右的可控通貨膨脹率和充足的外匯儲備。紐伯格伯曼(Neuberger Berman)新興市場債務聯席主管高爾基·烏爾奎塔(Gorky Urquieta)表示:“南非不存在資金問題。”“如果他們明天發行美元債券,就會有買家。”

Investors are still inclined to see Ramaphosa as doing his best in a challenging situation. He needs to hold the fractious African National Congress together until elections next year, and balance voters' demands for income equality with policies that placate business and markets. "The leadership is far superior to what was in place," Urquieta says. Not to mention far superior to Ramaphosa's opposite number in Turkey, Recep Erdogan.

投資者仍傾向於認為拉馬福薩在充滿挑戰的情況下盡了最大努力。他需要將難以駕馭的非洲人國民大會(African National Congress)團結在一起,直到明年的選舉,並在選民對收入平等的要求與安撫企業和市場的政策之間取得平衡。烏爾奎塔説:“領導層的地位比過去高得多。”更不用説比拉馬福薩在土耳其的對手雷傑普·埃爾多安(Recep Erdogan)高得多的人了。

It would take a brave soul to plunge into South African securities right now, even with stocks close to a 30-month low and sovereign bonds yielding more than 9% in rand. Investors need to see the country pass the Moody's gauntlet first. In the political arena, all eyes are on the Economic Freedom Fighters, the ex-ANC renegades who are pushing hard for land expropriation and nationalization of various productive assets.

現在投資南非證券需要一個勇敢的靈魂,即使股市接近30個月低點,主權債券收益率超過9%的蘭特。投資者需要看到這個國家首先通過穆迪的挑戰。在政治舞台上,所有人的目光都集中在經濟自由鬥士(Economic Freedom Fighters)身上,這些前非國大叛徒正在努力推動徵地和將各種生產性資產國有化。

An export-led economy with a freely traded currency will remain highly vulnerable to external ructions from the usual suspects: Federal Reserve tightening, U.S.-initiated trade tensions, and a Chinese slowdown. "In this kind of environment, anything is possible, and the microscope is plainly on South Africa," says Brian Giuliano, a fixed-income portfolio manager at Brandywine Global Investment Management. Yet if Ramaphosa & Co. can stave off disaster, that might turn the tide for emerging markets everywhere.

一個擁有自由貿易貨幣的出口導向型經濟體仍將極易受到來自常見嫌疑人的外部動盪的影響:美聯儲(Fed)收緊政策,美國發起的貿易緊張局勢,以及中國經濟放緩。Brandywin Global Investment Management的固定收益投資組合經理布萊恩·朱利亞諾(Brian Giuliano)表示:“在這種環境下,一切皆有可能,而顯微鏡顯然就在南非。”然而,如果Ramaphosa&Co.能夠避免災難,可能會扭轉世界各地新興市場的局面。

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


September 07, 2018 11:03 ET (15:03 GMT)


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