
JD Logistics Built a Carbon-Neutral Industrial Park

JD Logistics Built a Carbon-Neutral Industrial Park

CapitalWatch ·  2022/06/01 09:15

(CapitalWatch, March 14, Hong Kong) The supply chain solutions provider JD Logistics (HKEX:2618) has completed its goal to create the first carbon-neutral intelligent industrial park for China's logistics industry.


In its first Environmental, Social and Governance Report since its Hong Kong listing, the company reported that the JD Logistics Asia No. 1 Xi'an Intelligent Logistics Park is certified as the first "zero carbon" logistics park in China. 


The company said it was able to develop the campus by focusing on "green infrastructure + carbon reduction technology innovation." In the next three years, the company said its photovoltaic power generation systems will have the capacity to provide green energy for 85% of intelligent logistics parks.


Its Asia No. 1 Intelligent Logistics Park in Suqian also started undergoing a carbon neutralization renovation.


JD Logistics is also working to reduce carbon in other aspects of its business as well. The company said that in 2021, it put 20,000 new energy vehicles into use across China which could help reduce around 400,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually. It also said it's looking at various electric vehicle technologies with the goal of having all new energy vehicles in its fleet by 2030. 


The company's push for carbon reduction is part of China's nationwide campaign to reduce emissions and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. 


According to recent policy recommendations from China's Ministry of Finance, the country plans to create a framework for financial policy to support low-carbon development by 2030. 


The ministry said the guidelines are aiming to create a taxation policy system that promotes the efficient use of resources as well as low-carbon development. According to the policy recommendations, the tax would be adjusted to encourage water and energy conservation and reduce emissions.


New tools will also be given to the transportation sector for promoting new energy vehicles, recycling, and efficient use of resources.


