
DJ How Healthy Eating is Killing Sugar Prices --

DJ How Healthy Eating is Killing Sugar Prices --

道琼斯 ·  2018/08/24 00:15

DJ How Healthy Eating is Killing Sugar Prices --


By Myra P. Saefong

瑪拉·P·賽豐(Myra P.Saefong)著

Sugar prices have fallen to their lowest levels in a decade and are likely to drop further as record worldwide production collides with healthier eating.


Raw sugar futures traded on the ICE Futures U.S. exchange settled at 10.1 cents a pound on Monday, the lowest finish for a front-month contract since June 10, 2008, according to Dow Jones Market Data. Year to date, prices have lost more than 33% -- the biggest percentage decline so far among major commodities.

根據道瓊斯市場(Dow Jones Market)的數據,洲際交易所(ICE Futures)美國交易所交易的原糖期貨週一結算價為每磅10.1美分,為2008年6月10日以來近月合約的最低收盤點位。今年到目前為止,價格已經下跌了33%以上,是迄今為止主要大宗商品中跌幅最大的。

"The world has gone from supply deficit to supply surplus in the past year and a half," says Sal Gilbertie, president and chief investment officer at Teucrium Trading. "This year, both India, the world's second-largest producer of sugar, and Thailand, the world's fourth-largest sugar producer, are having record production years, which has ballooned the surplus."

Teucrium Trading總裁兼首席投資官薩爾·吉爾伯蒂(Sal Gilbertie)表示:“過去一年半,世界已經從供應短缺轉為供應過剩。”“今年,無論是全球第二大糖生產國印度,還是全球第四大糖生產國泰國,都出現了創紀錄的生產年份,這使得過剩不斷膨脹.”

World sugar production is forecast to reach a record level of 187.6 million metric tons in the 2017-18 marketing year, according to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization, or FAO. That would mark an increase of just over 11% from the previous session.


"The substantial expected expansion in world sugar output means that production is set to surpass utilization by as much as 17 million [metric tons], the largest production surplus in history, leading to significant accumulated inventories, in both importing and exporting countries," the FAO wrote in a biannual report published in July.


Robin Shaw, a sugar analyst at brokerage Marex Spectron, explains that sugar cane production doesn't decline significantly as prices fall because the crop, which is classified as a species of grass, can be cut back for five or six years in a row, meaning that it is seldom dug up to plant another crop.

經紀商Marex Spectron的糖業分析師Robin Shaw解釋説,甘蔗產量不會隨着價格下跌而大幅下降,因為這種被歸類為禾本植物的作物可以連續五六年減產,這意味着它很少被挖掘出來種植另一種作物。

He also points out that sugar is "protected all around the world by high import duties and export subsidies." The Indian government -- and, to a lesser extent, Pakistan -- have been "keeping cane prices artificially high in order to win farmers' votes, leading to massive surges in production."


Against that backdrop, uncertainty surrounds sugar demand.


Demand is "stationary" or even declining in the European Union, the U.S. and Australia, says Shaw, as consumers opt for healthier alternatives. The U.S. Department of Agriculture forecasts total domestic sugar use for the 2018-19 fiscal year at 11.33 million metric tons, little changed from the 11.27 million expected for the current fiscal year. However, in the rest of the world, sugar demand is "almost certainly still rising" due to population growth, if nothing else, he says.


In China, sugar consumption for the 2018-19 marketing year is forecast to stand unchanged at 15.7 million tons, with growth "limited by increasing health concerns and competition from sugar and sweetener replacements," according to the FAO.


Overall, emerging markets are "experiencing turmoil, and we see expectations of lower demand going forward," says Darren Kottle, portfolio manager of the Catalyst Multi-Strategy managed-futures fund.

Catalyst Multi-Strategy Managed-Futures基金的投資組合經理達倫·科特爾(Darren Kottle)表示,整體而言,新興市場“正在經歷動盪,我們預計未來需求將會下降。”

Strength in the U.S. dollar has also contributed to the drop in sugar prices, as well as an overall decline in the Bloomberg Commodity Index, which has lost roughly 5.2% this year as of Wednesday. "A stronger U.S. dollar versus the [Brazilian] real and [Indian] rupee increases Brazilian and Indian producers' profits in their local currency, perhaps spurring them to increase production," says Jeff Klearman, portfolio manager at exchange-traded-fund issuer GraniteShares. A stronger greenback also tends to lower commodity prices, including those for sugar, he adds.

美元走強也是糖價下跌以及彭博大宗商品指數(Bloomberg Commodity Index)整體下跌的原因之一。截至週三,彭博大宗商品指數今年已下跌約5.2%。“美元兑美元匯率走強[巴西人]實數和實數[印地安人]交易所交易基金(ETF)發行商GraniteShares的投資組合經理傑夫·克利爾曼(Jeff Klearman)表示:“盧比增加了巴西和印度生產商以本幣計算的利潤,或許會刺激它們增產。”他補充稱,美元走強也往往會壓低大宗商品價格,包括糖的價格。

Longer-term, sugar's supply surplus will eventually push prices so low that production takes a hit.


Sugar prices may see a rise to around 15 cents "sometime in 2020," says Shaw, who estimates that the cost of production for efficient producers such as Brazil and Thailand stands at roughly 12 cents to 14 cents a pound, above the current price of 10 cents. "Prices will, of course, go up as producers go bankrupt, but that is a very slow process," he says.


Investors appear to be "dipping their toes in the water" given inflows into sugar-based exchange-traded products, says Gilbertie, whose company sponsors the Teucrium Sugar fund (ticker: CANE), which offers unleveraged direct exposure to sugar. The inflows suggest that investors are "taking a view that sugar prices could be at or near a multiyear cyclical bottom," he says.

吉爾伯蒂説,考慮到流入糖類交易所交易產品的資金,投資者似乎在“試水”。吉爾伯蒂的公司是Teucrium Sugar基金(代碼:CANE)的發起人,該基金提供對糖的非槓桿化直接敞口。他説,資金流入表明,投資者“認為糖價可能處於或接近多年的週期性底部”。

Meanwhile, sugar prices are likely to decline even further. "I don't see anything in the near term that suggests an inevitable reversal of sugar's drop," says Kottle, adding that some analysts expect to see eight cents a pound. That would be the lowest in roughly 14 years.


Myra P. Saefong writes about commodities for MarketWatch.

邁拉·P·賽豐(Myra P.Saefong)為MarketWatch撰寫有關大宗商品的文章。

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


August 23, 2018 12:15 ET (16:15 GMT)


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