Novamind To Offer Ketamine Treatment To Frontline Workers Who Suffer Pandemic-Related Distress
Novamind To Offer Ketamine Treatment To Frontline Workers Who Suffer Pandemic-Related Distress
After a period of clinical pilot, Novamind Inc. (OTCQB:NVMDF) will offer Frontline KAP, group-based ketamine-assisted psychotherapy or KAP, for frontline workers, at some of its clinics.
The company piloted the program along with Wholeness Center over a nine-month period to investigate group KAP for frontline workers. For the moment, the service is offered at Novamind's Murray Clinic.
Due to the pandemic, healthcare workers have shown signs of anxiety, depression, burnout and PTSD. Reports reflect that 93% of workers experience stress, 86% suffer from anxiety and 76% experience exhaustion and burnout. Frontline KAP now also welcomes professionals who experience work-related stress like firefighters, paramedics and the police.
The program offers group treatment for up to six people to build a community and reduce feelings of isolation. As part of the treatment, three ketamine dosing sessions are administrated by a licensed psychotherapist together with a prescriber. Participants of the six-week program have expressed feelings of conformity and recovery.
The chief medical officer of the company, Reid Robinson said: "The pandemic continues to destabilize and impact so many people and especially those in helping professions. It is critical that frontline line workers receive access to effective mental health treatment to support their ability to remain engaged and effective in their work".
The world of ketamine clinics has been showing signs of movement, with industry giant Irwin Naturals (OTCQB:IWINF) looking to garner greater importance in the space. Also, Delic Holding's (OTCQB:DELCF) Ketamine Wellness Center recently started offering treatment to veterans at no out-of-pocket costs.
經過一段時間的臨床試點 諾華明股份有限公司 (OTCQB: NVMDF) 將提供 前線 KAP, 基於團體的氯胺酮輔助心理治療或 KAP, 為一線工人, 在其一些診所.
該公司試行程序一起 瓦勒尼斯中心 為前線工人調查小組 KAP 超過九個月的時間。目前,該服務在以下位置提供: 諾瓦明默里診所。
由於大流行,醫護人員出現焦慮,抑鬱,倦怠和創傷後應激障礙的跡象。報告反映 93% 的工人經歷壓力,86% 患有焦慮和 76% 的經驗疲憊和倦怠。前線 KAP 現在也歡迎遇到與工作有關壓力的專業人士,例如消防員,護理人員和警察。
該計劃為多達六人提供團體治療,以建立一個社區並減少孤立感。 作為治療的一部分,三次氯胺酮給藥時段由持牌心理治療師和處方者一起管理。為期六週的計劃的參與者表達了一致性和恢復感。
該公司的首席醫療官, 里德·羅賓遜 說:「大流行繼續不穩定,影響了許多人,尤其是那些幫助職業的人。至關重要的是,前線工作人員必須獲得有效的心理健康治療,以支持他們保持參與和工作效率的能力。」
氯胺酮診所的世界一直顯示出移動的跡象,業界巨頭 Irwin Naturals(OTCQB:IWINF)希望在該領域獲得更大的重要性。還有 迪利克控股's (OTCQB: 德爾 CF) 氯胺酮健康中心最近開始為退伍軍人提供治療 在沒有外自付費用.
Photo: Courtesy of CDC on Unsplash