
Golden Goliath Starts Exploration of High Priority Targets on Wish Ore Property

Golden Goliath Starts Exploration of High Priority Targets on Wish Ore Property

黃金巨人開始勘探Wish Ore地產的高優先級目標
newsfile ·  2022/05/16 21:39

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 16, 2022) - Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. (TSXV:  GNG) (OTC Pink: GGTHF) (FSE: GGZ). Golden Goliath Resources is pleased to report that the Company is commencing its next phase of exploration on the Wish Ore property this week. The Golden Goliath exploration team arrived on site today to start the 2022 program. The Company holds 100% ownership of the Wish Ore property, located in the Batchewana Bay area between Sault Ste Marie and Wawa Ontario.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年5月16日)-金巨人資源有限公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GNG)(場外粉色股票代碼:GGTHF)(證券交易所代碼:GGZ)。Golden Goliath Resources高興地報告,本公司將於本週開始對Wish Ore礦產進行下一階段的勘探。金巨人探險隊今天抵達現場,開始2022年計劃。該公司擁有Wish Ore礦產的100%所有權,該礦產位於蘇聖瑪麗和安大略省瓦瓦之間的Batchewana Bay地區。

Figure 1: Regional Overview of GNG Wishore Property

圖1:GNG Wishore物業區域概覽

The 2021 exploration work on Wish Ore included an airborne Mag and VLF-EM survey. Interpretation of that data by Peter DiOrio, P.Geo. of GeophysicsOne Inc. identified 19 priority targets with VLF and mag anomalies within the Batchewana Greenstone belt. The anomalies occur within the Carp River fault system and adjacent to it on the south side within a broad zone of high strain that is associated with the previously discovered showings.

2021年對Wish Ore的勘探工作包括機載MAG和VLF-EM調查。彼得·迪奧裏奧,P.Geo對這些數據的解釋。在Batchewana綠巖帶內,確定了19個VLF和MAG異常的優先目標。這些異常發生在鯉魚河斷層系統內,並在南側與之相鄰的大範圍高應變區內,這與之前發現的顯示有關。

The current program team includes geologist G. MacKay P Geo., a structural geologist and a seasoned propospector. This team will map and sample the 19 Areas of Interest (AOIʻs). While all of the anomalies look very encouraging, perhaps the most exciting of them are AOI 4 and AOI 8 which are located adjacent to known gold mineralization on the property at the Trench zone and the New Zone. AOI 1 and AOI 15 show large-scale potential as they appear to be associated with a 700 meter zone of interpreted flexure along the deep seated Carp River fault and the intersection of a northwest trending structure. AOI 13 is also an anomaly near the junction of the Carp River Fault and a northwest trending structure.

目前的項目團隊包括地質學家G.麥凱·P·Geo、構造地質學家和經驗豐富的勘探者。該團隊將繪製並採樣19個感興趣的區域(AOIʻ)。雖然所有的異常看起來都非常令人鼓舞,但其中最令人興奮的可能是AOI4和AOI8,它們位於海溝區和新區的已知金礦牀附近。AOI 1和AOI 15顯示出大規模的潛力,因為它們似乎與沿着鯉魚河深斷裂的700米解釋撓曲帶和北西向構造的交匯處有關。AOI 13也是鯉魚河斷裂與北西向構造交界處的異常。

At Wish Ore, gold values up to 25 gpt have been returned from altered volcanic and meta sediments along the mineralized trend for over 6 kilometers. Prospecting in 2019 identified large angular mineralized boulders 200 meters down ice southwest of this anomaly. In the underexplored southwest end of the property lies AOI 7, which consists of an anomalous northwest trending mag low which cuts three east west trending mag highs. The area of the mag low is associated with VLF conductors and interpreted structures. This is interpreted to represent an area of alteration where magnetic minerals were destroyed by the alteration similar to what is seen in the areas of intense quartz carbonate alteration elsewhere on the property.

在Wish Ore,沿着礦化趨勢的蝕變火山和變質沉積物已返回了高達25gpt的金價超過6公里。在2019年的勘探中,在這一異常西南方向冰下200米處發現了大型角狀礦化巨石。AOI 7位於未被勘探的地塊西南端,它由一個異常的西北方向的MAG低壓組成,它切割了三個東西方向的MAG高壓。磁通低壓的區域與甚低頻導體和解釋構造有關。這被解釋為代表一個蝕變區域,其中磁性礦物被蝕變破壞,類似於在該地產其他地方的強烈石英碳酸鹽蝕變區域看到的情況。

Figure 2: Geophysical Interpretation of Areas of Interest


Golden Goliath CEO Paul Sorbara PGeo comments: " The Wish Ore property hosts widespread surface gold mineralization hosted in a very large carbonate alteration zone. The current program is designed to add to our knowledge of this underexplored property and generate targets for follow up work including IP and drilling".

Golden Goliath首席執行官Paul Sorbara PGeo評論道:“Wish Ore礦藏在一個非常大的碳酸鹽蝕變帶中藴藏着廣泛的地表金礦化。目前的計劃旨在增加我們對這一未被勘探的礦藏的瞭解,併為後續工作生成目標,包括IP和鑽探。”

This news release has been reviewed by Gordon MacKay, P.Geo. who is acting as QP under the NI 43-101 requirements.

本新聞稿已由P.Geo戈登·麥凱審閲。世衞組織根據NI 43-101要求擔任QP。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Paul Sorbara, MSc, PGeo

Paul Sorbara,理科碩士,PGeo

CEO, Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.


About Golden Goliath


Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. is a junior exploration company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (symbol GNG). The Company is focused on exploring and developing the gold and silver potential of properties in the Red Lake District of Ontario. The Company also holds a 100% interest in the San Timoteo property, located in the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains of northwestern Mexico, as well as NSR royalties on several other nearby properties.

金巨人資源有限公司是一家在多倫多證券交易所創業板(代碼:GNG)上市的初級勘探公司。該公司專注於勘探和開發安大略省紅湖區物業的金銀潛力。該公司還持有位於墨西哥西北部馬德雷山脈的San Timoteo地產的100%權益,以及附近其他幾處物業的NSR特許權使用費。

To find out more about Golden Goliath visit our website at .


Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.
J. Paul Sorbara, M.Sc., P.Geo
President & CEO
Phone: +1(604) 682-2950 Email:

J.Paul Sorbara,M.Sc,P.Geo

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Certain statements included herein may constitute "forward-looking statements". All statements included in this press release that address future events, conditions or results, including in connection with exploration activity, future acquisitions and any financing, are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "may", "must", "plan", "believe", "expect", "estimate", "think", "continue", "should", "will", "could", "intend", "anticipate" or "future" or the negative forms thereof or similar variations. These forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by management in light of their experiences and their perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors they believe are appropriate in the circumstances. These statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including those mentioned in the Company's continuous disclosure documents, which can be found under its profile on SEDAR (). Many of such risks and uncertainties are outside the control of the Company and could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In making such forward-looking statements, management has relied upon a number of material factors and assumptions, on the basis of currently available information, for which there is no insurance that such information will prove accurate. All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements set forth above. The Company is under no obligation, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable law.


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