
Bausch & Lomb analyst ratings

Bausch & Lomb analyst ratings

Benzinga Analyst Ratings ·  2022/05/11 21:43
Date Upside/Downside Analyst Firm Price Target Change Rating Change Previous / Current Rating
05/11/2022 96.19% Cowen & Co. → $35 Initiates Coverage On → Outperform
日期 上行/下行 分析公司 目标价格变化 评级变化 上一次/当前评级
05/11/2022 96.19% 考恩公司 → $35 开始承保 →跑赢大盘
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Bausch & Lomb Questions & Answers


What is the target price for Bausch & Lomb (BLCO)?

The latest price target for Bausch & Lomb (NYSE: BLCO) was reported by Cowen & Co. on May 11, 2022. The analyst firm set a price target for $35.00 expecting BLCO to rise to within 12 months (a possible 96.19% upside). 1 analyst firms have reported ratings in the last year.


What is the most recent analyst rating for Bausch & Lomb (BLCO)?

The latest analyst rating for Bausch & Lomb (NYSE: BLCO) was provided by Cowen & Co., and Bausch & Lomb initiated their outperform rating.


When is the next analyst rating going to be posted or updated for Bausch & Lomb (BLCO)?

Analysts arrive at stock ratings after doing extensive research, which includes going through public financial statements, talking to executives and customers of Bausch & Lomb, and listening in to earnings conference calls. Most analysts do this every three months, so you should get 4 ratings per company per firm each year. The last rating for Bausch & Lomb was filed on May 11, 2022 so you should expect the next rating to be made available sometime around May 11, 2023.


Is the Analyst Rating Bausch & Lomb (BLCO) correct?

While ratings are subjective and will change, the latest Bausch & Lomb (BLCO) rating was a initiated with a price target of $0.00 to $35.00. The current price Bausch & Lomb (BLCO) is trading at is $17.84, which is within the analyst's predicted range.


