
8i Acquisition 2 Corp. to Combine with EUDA Health Limited to Bring a Leading Digital Health Platform Servicing Southeast Asia to the Public Market

8i Acquisition 2 Corp. to Combine with EUDA Health Limited to Bring a Leading Digital Health Platform Servicing Southeast Asia to the Public Market

8i 收購 2 Corp 將與歐盟健康有限公司合作,將服務東南亞的領先數碼健康平臺帶入公共市場
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/04/12 20:12
  • EUDA Health is disrupting the multi-trillion-dollar Southeast Asia healthcare industry with its proprietary unified AI platform that makes healthcare affordable, accessible, and personalized across Southeast Asia— one of the fastest growing healthcare technology markets in the world
  • EUDA Health正在通過其專有的統一AI平臺顛覆價值數萬億美元的東南亞醫療行業,該平臺使整個東南亞地區的醫療保健負擔得起、可訪問和個性化-東南亞是世界上增長最快的醫療保健技術市場之一
  • Pro forma enterprise value of the combined company is expected to be approximately $580 million with cash on hand of approximately $90 million, assuming no redemptions
  • 合併後公司的形式企業價值預計約為$580百萬美元,手頭現金約為$90百萬,假設沒有贖回

Singapore, April 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EUDA Health Limited, a Singapore-based digital health platform that aims to make healthcare more affordable, accessible, and improve the patient experience by delivering improved outcomes through personalized healthcare, and 8i Acquisition 2 Corp. (8i) (NASDAQ: LAX), a publicly traded special purpose acquisition company, announced today that they have entered into a definitive business combination agreement that will result in EUDA Health Limited becoming a publicly listed company.

新加坡,2022年4月12日(環球社)--總部位於新加坡的數字健康平臺EUDA Health Limited與上市的特殊用途收購公司8i Acquisition 2 Corp.(8i)(納斯達克:LAX)今天宣佈,雙方已達成最終業務合併協議,EUDA Health Limited將成為上市公司。

Upon the close of the transaction, LAX will be renamed EUDA Health Limited (EUDA Health) and is expected to remain listed on NASDAQ under the new ticker symbol "EUDA".

交易完成後,LAX將更名為EUDA Health Limited(EUDA Health),預計將繼續在納斯達克上市,新股票代碼為EUDA".

EUDA Health operates a first-of-its-kind Southeast Asian healthcare analytics platform dedicated to customer-centric solutions that increase access to quality care, improve patient outcomes, and reduce costs. The company's ecosystem-based approach serves a full spectrum of healthcare needs, including wellness and prevention, urgent care and emergencies, pre-existing conditions, and after care services. Leveraging its end-to-end expertise in healthcare management, EUDA Health's proprietary unified AI platform connects patients, insurers, and medical professionals to the necessary data to triage conditions and digitally connect with medical professionals for personalized treatment protocols that optimize patient outcomes and ongoing care.

EUDA Health運營着首屈一指的東南亞醫療保健分析平臺,致力於以客户為中心的解決方案,以增加獲得優質醫療服務的機會,改善患者結局,並降低成本。該公司基於生態系統的方法服務於全方位的醫療需求,包括健康和預防、緊急護理和緊急情況、預先存在的疾病和售後服務。利用其在醫療保健管理方面的端到端專業知識,EUDA Health的專有統一人工智能平臺將患者、保險公司和醫療專業人員連接到必要的數據,以對病情進行分類,並與醫療專業人員進行數字連接,以實現個性化治療方案,以優化患者結果和持續護理。

EUDA Health is poised to disrupt the multi-trillion dollar Southeast Asia healthcare industry where healthcare expenditures continually outpace GDP growth and efficient access to comprehensive care is uncertain. Southeast Asia has seen accelerated adoption of healthcare IT, with usage increasing by 400% in 2020 alone. EUDA Health aims to be an industry leader throughout this transition. Where patients once waited hours to see a doctor for ten minutes, EUDA Health's platform strives to connect patient members to medical experts within five minutes on average, alleviating an overburdened system and enhancing the patient experience.

EUDA Health準備顛覆價值數萬億美元的東南亞醫療行業,在這個行業,醫療支出持續超過GDP增長,有效地獲得全面醫療服務是不確定的。東南亞加快了對醫療保健IT的採用,僅2020年使用量就增長了400%。EUDA Health的目標是在整個過渡期間成為行業領先者。在患者曾經等待數小時才能看醫生10分鐘的地方,EUDA Health的平臺努力在平均5分鐘內將患者成員與醫療專家聯繫起來,緩解了系統負擔過重的狀況,並增強了患者體驗。

Since its founding in 2019, EUDA Health has grown tremendously and is expected to operate across five countries— Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, India and Indonesia— by the end of 2022. Through its innovative and dynamic solutions, EUDA Health has developed a diversified revenue stream and gained clear line-of-sight into sustainable growth through both geographic expansion and enhanced service offerings.

自2019年成立以來,EUDA Health取得了巨大的發展,預計到2022年底將在新加坡、馬來西亞、越南、印度和印度尼西亞等五個國家開展業務。通過其創新和動態的解決方案,EUDA Health開發了多樣化的收入來源,並通過地理擴張和增強的服務提供獲得了對可持續增長的清晰視角。

"EUDA Health's mission is to make healthcare more affordable and accessible, while improving the patient experience and healthcare outcomes through personalized healthcare," said EUDA Health Founder & CEO Dr. Kelvin Chen. "Our platform creates an ecosystem that accomplishes this through comprehensive, end-to-end care. We have assembled a team of experts from every corner of the industry who are passionate about transforming how patients are cared for."

EUDA Health創始人兼首席執行官凱爾文·陳博士説:“EUDA Health的使命是讓人們更容易負擔得起醫療保健,同時通過個性化的醫療保健改善患者體驗和醫療保健結果。我們的平臺創建了一個生態系統,通過全面的端到端護理實現這一點。我們聚集了一支來自行業各個角落的專家團隊,他們熱衷於改變患者的護理方式。

James Meng Dong Tan, CEO & Director of 8i Acquisition 2 Corp., commented: "By executing this stock purchase agreement with EUDA Health we are entering into the future of healthcare services. Through its differentiated AI platform and commitment to providing the highest level of patient outcomes, EUDA Health has attracted the partnerships of internationally recognized blue-chip organizations. In a short period, the management team has built a truly unique platform and gained a meaningful foothold into the Asia Pacific region. We are excited to be partnering with EUDA Health on this landmark opportunity."

8i Acquisition 2 Corp.首席執行官兼董事首席執行官孟棟樑評論説:“通過與EUDA Health執行這份股票購買協議,我們正在進入醫療服務的未來。通過其差異化的人工智能平臺和提供最高水平的患者結果的承諾,EUDA Health已經吸引了國際公認的藍籌組織的合作伙伴關係。在短時間內,管理團隊已經建立了一個真正獨特的平臺,並在亞太地區獲得了有意義的立足點。我們很高興能與EUDA Health合作抓住這個里程碑式的機會。”

Transaction Overview


The combined company will have an estimated post-transaction enterprise value of $583 million, consisting of an estimated equity value of $673 million and $90 million in net cash, assuming no redemptions of 8i public stockholders. Cash proceeds raised will consist of 8i's approximately $86.3 million of cash in trust (before redemptions). Additional earnouts in the form of 9 million total shares will be awarded post-transaction close if EUDA's share price reaches $15, $20 and $25 over three years.


Proceeds from the trust account (assuming no redemptions) is expected to be used for product development and other AI technology research, business expansion and potential strategic investment and acquisition opportunities. EUDA's growth strategy is expected to generate estimated revenue and adjusted EBITDA of $200 million and $43 million, respectively, in 2023.


The transaction with EUDA Health is a related party transaction. Mr. Tan, LAX's CEO and Chairman of the Board, is a 10% shareholder of Watermark Developments Limited ("Watermark"), the sole shareholder of EUDA Health. Watermark will roll 100% of its equity into the combined company and will own approximately 82% of the combined company's outstanding ordinary shares on a pro forma basis (assuming no redemptions) immediately after the closing. EverEdge Global has been engaged to render a fairness opinion on the fairness of the transaction to LAX from a financial point of view.

與EUDA Health的交易是關聯方交易。洛杉磯國際機場首席執行官兼董事會主席Mr.Tan是歐達健康的唯一股東--沃特馬克發展有限公司(“沃特馬克”)的10%股東。沃特馬克公司將把其100%的股本轉入合併後的公司,並在交易結束後立即在形式基礎上(假設沒有贖回)擁有合併後公司約82%的已發行普通股。Everedge Global已受聘從財務角度向洛杉磯國際機場就交易的公平性提出公平意見。

The business combination has been unanimously approved by the boards of directors of both EUDA Health and LAX and is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2022, subject to regulatory and shareholder approvals, and other customer closing conditions.

這項業務合併已得到EUDA Health和LAX董事會的一致批准,預計將在2022年第四季度完成,具體取決於監管機構和股東的批准,以及其他客户關閉條件。

For a summary of the material terms of the proposed transaction, as well as a supplemental investor presentation, please see the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by LAX with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). Additional information about the proposed transaction will be described in LAX's proxy statement relating to the business combination, which will be filed with the SEC.

有關擬議交易的重要條款摘要以及補充投資者介紹,請參閲LAX提交給美國證券交易委員會(“美國證券交易委員會”)的當前Form 8-K報告。有關擬議交易的更多信息將在LAX提交給美國證券交易委員會的與業務合併相關的委託書中描述。



Loeb and Loeb LLP is acting as legal counsel to LAX. Kaufman & Canoles, P.C. is acting as legal counsel to EUDA Health.

Loeb and Loeb LLP將擔任洛杉磯國際機場的法律顧問。Kaufman&Canoles,P.C.擔任EUDA Health的法律顧問。

About EUDA Health Limited

關於EUDA Health Limited

EUDA Health Limited, is a Singapore-based health technology company that operates a first-of-its-kind Southeast Asian digital healthcare ecosystem aimed at making healthcare affordable and accessible, and improving the patient experience by delivering better outcomes through personalized healthcare. The company's proprietary unified AI platform quickly assesses a patient's medical history, triages a condition, digitally connects patients with clinicians, and predicts optimal treatment outcomes. EUDA Health's holistic approach supports patients throughout all stages of care, including wellness & prevention, urgent care & emergencies, pre-existing conditions, and aftercare services. The company is expected to operate in five countries throughout Southeast Asia by the end of 2022.

EUDA Health Limited是一家總部位於新加坡的醫療技術公司,運營着首個東南亞數字醫療生態系統,旨在使醫療保健負擔得起和可獲得,並通過個性化醫療保健提供更好的結果來改善患者體驗。該公司專有的統一人工智能平臺可以快速評估患者的病史,對病情進行分類,以數字方式將患者與臨牀醫生連接起來,並預測最佳治療結果。EUDA Health的整體方法在護理的所有階段為患者提供支持,包括健康和預防、緊急護理和緊急情況、預先存在的疾病和後續護理服務。預計到2022年底,該公司將在東南亞的五個國家開展業務。

About 8i Acquisition 2 Corp.


8i Acquisition 2 Corp. is a British Virgin Islands company incorporated in January 2021 as a blank check company for the purpose of entering into a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, recapitalization, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses or entities. LAX's efforts to identify a prospective target business will not be limited to a particular industry or geographic region, although the Company intends to focus on targets located in Asia.

8I Acquisition 2 Corp.是一家英屬維爾京羣島公司,成立於2021年1月,是一家空白支票公司,目的是與一個或多個企業或實體進行合併、換股、資產收購、股份購買、資本重組、重組或類似的業務合併。LAX確定潛在目標業務的努力將不限於特定行業或地理區域,儘管該公司打算將重點放在位於亞洲的目標上。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release includes forward looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts. Such forward-looking statements, including the identification of a target business and potential business combination or other such transaction, are subject to risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ from the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those factors described in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in the prospectus filed by LAX in connection with its initial public offering on November 22, 2021. Important factors, among others, that may affect actual results or outcomes include: the inability to complete the proposed transaction; the inability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the proposed transaction, which may be affected by, among other things, the amount of cash available following any redemptions by LAX shareholders; the ability to meet Nasdaq's listing standards following the consummation of the proposed transaction; and costs related to the proposed transaction. Important factors that could cause the combined company's actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements include: EUDA Health's limited operating history and history of net losses; EUDA Health's ability to manage growth; EUDA Health's ability to execute its business plan; EUDA Health's estimates of the size of the markets for its products; the rate and degree of market acceptance of EUDA Health's products; EUDA Health's ability to identify and integrate acquisitions; potential litigation involving the Company or EUDA Health or the validity or enforceability of EUDA Health's intellectual property; general economic and market conditions impacting demand for EUDA Health's products and services; and such other risks and uncertainties as are discussed in the Company's prospectus filed in connection with its initial public offering and the proxy statement to be filed relating to the business combination. Other factors include the possibility that the proposed business combination does not close, including due to the failure to receive required security holder approvals, or the failure of other closing conditions.

本新聞稿包括涉及風險和不確定性的前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述是指非歷史事實的陳述。此類前瞻性表述,包括確定目標業務和潛在業務合併或其他此類交易,會受到風險和不確定性的影響,這可能會導致實際結果與前瞻性表述不同。這些風險和不確定性包括但不限於LAX在2021年11月22日首次公開募股時提交的招股説明書中題為“風險因素”一節中描述的那些因素。除其他外,可能影響實際結果或結果的重要因素包括:無法完成擬議的交易;無法認識到擬議的交易的預期效益,除其他外,可能受到以下因素的影響, LAX股東贖回後的可用現金金額;擬議交易完成後達到納斯達克上市標準的能力;以及與擬議交易相關的成本。可能導致合併後的公司的實際結果或結果與前瞻性陳述中討論的那些大不相同的重要因素包括:EUDA Health有限的經營歷史和淨虧損歷史;EUDA Health管理增長的能力;EUDA Health執行其業務計劃的能力;EUDA Health對其產品市場規模的估計;市場對EUDA Health產品的接受率和程度;EUDA Health識別和整合收購的能力;涉及公司或EUDA Health的潛在訴訟或EUDA Health的知識產權的有效性或可執行性;影響對EUDA Health產品和服務需求的一般經濟和市場條件;以及公司在提交給首次公開募股的招股説明書和即將提交的與業務合併有關的委託書中討論的其他風險和不確定性。其他因素包括擬議的業務合併可能不會結束,包括由於未能獲得所需的證券持有人批准,或其他關閉條件的失敗。

LAX expressly disclaims any obligations or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in LAX's expectations with respect thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any statement is based.


Additional Information about the Transaction and Where to Find It


The proposed transaction has been approved by the board of directors of both companies and the shareholders of EUDA Health and will be submitted to shareholders of LAX for their approval. In connection with that approval, LAX intends to file with the SEC a proxy statement containing information about the proposed transaction and the respective businesses of EUDA Health and LAX. LAX will mail a definitive proxy statement and other relevant documents to its shareholders. LAX shareholders are urged to read the preliminary proxy statement and any amendments thereto and the definitive proxy statement in connection with LAX's solicitation of proxies for the special meeting to be held to approve the proposed transaction. The definitive proxy statement will be mailed to shareholders of LAX as of a record date to be established for voting on the proposed transaction. Shareholders will also be able to obtain a free copy of the proxy statement, as well as other filings containing information about LAX, without charge, at the SEC's website ( or by calling 1-800-SEC-0330.

擬議的交易已經得到兩家公司的董事會和EUDA Health的股東的批准,並將提交給LAX的股東批准。與這一批准相關的是,LAX打算向美國證券交易委員會提交一份委託書,其中包含有關擬議中的交易以及EUDA Health和LAX各自業務的信息。Lax將向其股東郵寄最終的委託書和其他相關文件。本公司促請Lax股東閲讀初步委託書及其任何修訂,以及與LAX為批准建議交易而舉行的特別會議徵集委託書有關的最終委託書。最終的委託書將郵寄給LAX的股東,截止日期為就擬議的交易進行投票的創紀錄日期。股東還可以在美國證券交易委員會的網站(上免費獲得委託書的副本,以及包含洛杉磯國際機場信息的其他文件,或致電1-800-美國證券交易委員會-0330。

Participants in the Solicitation


LAX and its directors and executive officers and other persons may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from LAX's shareholders with respect to the proposed transaction. Information regarding LAX's directors and executive officers is available in its prospectus filed in connection with its initial public offering on November 22, 2021. Additional information regarding the participants in the proxy solicitation relating to the proposed transaction and a description of their direct and indirect interests will be contained in the proxy statement when it becomes available.


EUDA Health and its directors and executive officers may also be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from the shareholders of LAX in connection with the proposed transaction. A list of the names of such directors and executive officers and information regarding their interests in the proposed transaction will be included in the proxy statement for the proposed transaction when available.

EUDA Health及其董事和高管也可被視為與擬議交易有關的向LAX股東徵集委託書的參與者。這些董事和高管的名單以及他們在擬議交易中的利益信息將包括在擬議交易的委託書中。

For investor and media inquiries, please contact:
Gateway Group
IR: Cody Slach or Matthew Hausch
PR: Zach Kadletz or Catherine Adcock
Phone: (949) 574-3860
E-mail :

IR:Cody Slach或Matthew Hausch

