
DSG Global, Inc. Announces Full Year 2021 Financial Results Including Revenue Growth of 132%

DSG Global, Inc. Announces Full Year 2021 Financial Results Including Revenue Growth of 132%

DSG Global,Inc.宣佈2021年全年財務業績,包括收入增長132%
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/04/01 21:08

SURREY, British Columbia, April 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DSG Global, Inc. (OTCQB: DSGT) ("DSGT" or the "Company"), an emerging leader in the Electric Vehicle and Golf Car markets, announced today full-year 2021 financial results which included record quarterly and yearly revenues.

不列顛哥倫比亞省薩裏,2022年4月1日(環球網)--DSG Global,Inc.(場外交易市場代碼:DSGT)(以下簡稱“DSGT”或“公司”)今天公佈了2021年全年的財務業績,其中包括創紀錄的季度和年度收入。

Q4 2021 Financial Highlights:


  • Revenue increased to $712,495 from $292,154 during the same period in 2020, an increase of 144%, primarily the result of increase in sales of Infinity Touch Screens and Low Speed Electric Vehicles
  • Gross Profit increased to $160,095 versus $129,223 in Q4 2020.
  • Loss From Operations decreased from $2,473,727 in Q4 2020 to $1,648,643 during Q4 2021.
  • 收入從2020年同期的292,154美元增加到712,495美元,增長144%,主要是Infinity觸摸屏和低速電動汽車銷售增加的結果
  • 毛利潤從2020年第四季度的129,223美元增加到160,095美元。
  • 運營虧損從2020年第四季度的2,473,727美元下降到2021年第四季度的1,648,643美元。

Full Year 2021 Financial Highlights:


  • Revenue increased 132.4% to $2,092,819 from $900,482 during 2020, a result of revenue increases across all product categories including Electric Vehicles.
  • Gross profit increased to $982,121 from $490,689, an increase of 100%.
  • Total Assets increased to $2,612,240 compared to $2,103,562 at the end of 2020, primarily a result of an increase in inventory and lease receivables
  • Total Liabilities increased to $4,265,983 versus $2,912,745 at the end of 2020.
  • Loss from operations increased to $5,953,513 from $5,069,696 in 2020. This was mostly due to increased expenses for trade shows and costs associated with bringing electric vehicles to market.
  • Net loss increased from $6,177,099 in 2020 to $6,384,655 in 2021.
  • 2020年收入增長132.4%,從900,482美元增至2,092,819美元,這是包括電動汽車在內的所有產品類別收入增長的結果。
  • 毛利由490,689美元增至982,121美元,增幅達100%。
  • 總資產增至2612240美元,而2020年底為2103562美元,主要原因是存貨和應收租賃款項增加
  • 總負債從2020年底的2,912,745美元增至4,265,983美元。
  • 運營虧損從2020年的5,069,696美元增加到5,953,513美元。這主要是因為貿易展會的費用增加,以及將電動汽車推向市場的相關成本。
  • 淨虧損從2020年的6,177,099美元增加到2021年的6,384,655美元。

For additional information, please visit for full filing.


Operational Highlights:


  • Hired Industry veteran Christian Dubois as President of Imperium Motors Canada. Christian was an executive at BMW and Mercedes Benz and most recently was director of operations and director of acquisitions and dealer development with Dilawri Group, Canada's largest automotive group with over 4,000 employees and seventy-six franchised dealerships representing thirty-five distinct brands
  • Expanded dealer network throughout our EV and Golf Cart division in North America
  • Expanded Electric vehicle product line to include Rumble Motors products Skywell's electric buses
  • Attended multiple automobile shows including Montreal, Quebec, and L.A. Auto show
  • Received over 1,200 fully refundable deposits on the SEV
  • Signed Distributorship with Ignition Brandery to provide Electric Vehicles, Shelby, and Vantage Golf Carts to 25 Caribbean Islands
  • Added features and functionality to SEV's and Electric Buses which are both going through homologation at this time
  • Carroll Shelby Licensing, Inc. signed worldwide partnership that allows DSG Global to use intellectual properties controlled by CSL to manufacture, sell and/or distribution of specific licensed merchandise in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
  • DSG subsidiary Vantage Tag attended the PGA Show January 2022 and showcased a new first ever line of Vantage golf and fleet carts, single rider Marshal cart, DSG Shelby licensed golf carts and the upgraded Infinity fleet management system. The PGA show provided an abundance of opportunities for Vantage to sign up new retail dealerships in North America. The company has signed distributors in NA and still seeking distributors worldwide. Vantage tag will be starting delivery in July 2022 to golf courses.
  • DSG hired Dalie Mariette as Communication Specialist for DSG group of Companies. She has been involved in Social Media management as well as Trade Show managements in multiple fields, E-commerce, photographer, and videographer.
  • DSG Subsidiary Imperium Motor will attend the Montreal and Quebec auto show in April 2022. Imperium will show case our Flagship SEV and electric Bus at the shows.
  • DSG has moved to a 100,000 sq ft headquarters in Milpitas CA in the Silicon Valley for assembly and showcase our product line up
  • DSG Global Announces MOU Toward Acquisition of Golf Equipment Specialty Finance Business
  • DSG Global's Imperium Skywell EV Model Scores High Marks on Popular 'Munro Live' Video Podcast
  • 聘請業內資深人士克里斯蒂安·杜布瓦擔任帝國汽車加拿大公司總裁。克里斯蒂安曾在寶馬和梅賽德斯-奔馳擔任高管,最近擔任董事運營總監,負責董事對加拿大最大汽車集團迪拉沃裏集團的收購和經銷商開發。迪拉沃裏集團擁有4,000多名員工和76家特許經銷商,代表35個不同的品牌
  • 我們在北美的電動汽車和高爾夫球車部門擴大了經銷商網絡
  • 擴大電動汽車產品線,包括Rumble Motors產品Skywell的電動公交車
  • 參加了多個車展,包括蒙特利爾、魁北克和洛杉磯車展
  • 在SEV上獲得了超過1,200筆可全額退還的押金
  • 與Ignition Brandery簽署經銷商協議,向25個加勒比海島嶼提供電動汽車、謝爾比和Vantage高爾夫球車
  • 為目前正在通過認證的SEV和電動公交車添加了特性和功能
  • 卡羅爾·謝爾比授權公司簽署了全球合作伙伴關係,允許DSG全球公司根據協議條款使用CSL控制的知識產權來製造、銷售和/或分銷特定的授權商品。
  • DSG子公司Vantage Tag出席了2022年1月的PGA Show,展示了有史以來第一個全新的Vantage高爾夫和車隊手推車系列、單人Marshal手推車、DSG Shelby許可的高爾夫球車以及升級後的Infinity車隊管理系統。PGA展會為Vantage在北美簽約新的零售經銷商提供了大量機會。該公司已經與北卡羅來納州的經銷商簽約,並仍在尋找全球經銷商。Vantage Tag將於2022年7月開始在高爾夫球場交付。
  • DSG聘請Dalie Mariette擔任DSG集團公司的溝通專家。她曾參與社交媒體管理以及多個領域的展會管理,包括電子商務、攝影師和錄像師。
  • DSG子公司Imperium Motor將參加2022年4月的蒙特利爾和魁北克車展。帝王將在車展上展示我們的旗艦車型SEV和電動巴士。
  • DSG已遷往位於硅谷加州米爾皮塔斯的一個10萬平方英尺的總部進行組裝並展示我們的產品線
  • DSG Global宣佈關於收購高爾夫設備專業金融業務的諒解備忘錄
  • DSG Global的Imperium Skywell EV Model在流行的《Munro Live》視頻播客中獲得高分

About DSG Global

關於DSG Global

DSG Global is an emerging global technology company with an array of interconnecting businesses in some of the fastest-growing market sectors. With roots in the golf industry, in which it specializes in fleet management with patented analytics, mobile touch screen engagement and electric golf carts under the Vantage Tag Systems (VTS) brand, the Company is moving quickly with road-ready electric vehicles through its Imperium Motor Company subsidiary.

DSG Global是一家新興的全球科技公司,在一些增長最快的市場領域擁有一系列相互關聯的業務。該公司植根於高爾夫行業,專門從事車隊管理,擁有專利分析、移動觸摸屏參與和Vantage Tag Systems(VTS)品牌的電動高爾夫球車,通過其帝國汽車公司的子公司,該公司正在迅速推出可上路的電動汽車。

About Vantage Tag Systems

關於Vantage Tag Systems

Vantage Tag Systems (VTS) provides patented electronic tracking systems and fleet management solutions to golf courses and other venues that allow for remote management of the course's fleet of golf carts, turf equipment and utility vehicles. Its clients use VTS' unique technology to significantly reduce operational costs, improve the efficiency plus profitability of their fleet operations, increase safety and enhance customer satisfaction. VTS has grown to become a leader in the category of fleet management in the golf industry, with their technology installed in vehicles worldwide. VTS is now branching into several new streams of revenue through programmatic advertising, licensing, and distribution, as well as expanding into commercial fleet management, Marshal single rider golf carts, Vantage Golf Cart line up and agricultural applications.

Vantage Tag Systems(VTS)為高爾夫球場和其他場館提供專利電子跟蹤系統和車隊管理解決方案,允許遠程管理球場的高爾夫球車、草坪設備和多功能車車隊。其客户使用VTS的獨特技術來顯著降低運營成本,提高其車隊運營的效率和盈利能力,增加安全性並提高客户滿意度。VTS已經成長為高爾夫行業車隊管理類別的領導者,他們的技術安裝在世界各地的車輛上。VTS現在正在通過程序化的廣告、許可和分銷進入幾個新的收入來源,並擴展到商業車隊管理、Marshal單人高爾夫球車、Vantage高爾夫球車隊列和農業應用。

Additional information is available at 






This news release contains forward-looking information. Such forward-looking statements or information are provided for the purpose of providing information about management's current expectations and plans relating to the future. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Any such forward-looking information may be identified by words such as "anticipated," "proposed," "expects," "intends," "may," "will" and similar expressions. Forward-looking information contained or referred to in this news release includes but is not limited to the Company's ability to secure manufacturing facilities and supply chains, the benefits the Company expects to derive from existing and planned products, and the Company's ability to achieve production and sales targets, generally.


Forward-looking statements or information are based on several factors and assumptions, which have been used to develop such statements and information, but which may prove to be incorrect. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements or information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements because the Company can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to negative cash flow and future financing requirements to sustain operations; dilution; limited history of operations and revenues and no history of earnings or dividends; competition; economic changes; delays in the Company's expansion plans; regulatory changes; and the impact of and risks associated with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, including the risk of disruption at the Company's facilities or in its supply and distribution channels. The forward-looking information in this news release reflects the current expectations, assumptions and/or beliefs of the Company based on information currently available to the Company.


Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by our forward-looking statements are described under the captions "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year 2020 and our subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current Reports on Form 8-K, all filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this release, and we expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to update forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements or information contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

其他可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述預期的結果大不相同的因素在我們提交給證券交易委員會的2020財年Form 10-K年度報告和隨後的Form 10-Q季度報告以及目前的Form 8-K報告中的“風險因素”和“管理層對財務狀況和經營結果的討論和分析”的標題下進行了描述。前瞻性陳述是在本新聞稿發佈之日作出的,我們明確表示不承擔任何義務或承諾更新前瞻性陳述。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述或信息明確受本警示聲明的限制。

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