
Canada's Largest Cannabis Retailer, High Tide, Welcomes Gov's Decision On White Label Products

Canada's Largest Cannabis Retailer, High Tide, Welcomes Gov's Decision On White Label Products

加拿大最大的大麻零售商High Tide欢迎政府关于白标产品的决定
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/03/29 06:06

High Tide Inc. (NASDAQ:HITI), Canada's largest cannabis retailer, welcomed the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario's decision "to permit retail cannabis licensees to enter into agreements with licensed producers related to store brand or white label cannabis products." 

High Tide Inc. (纳斯达克股票代码:HITI),加拿大最大的大麻零售商,对 酒精和博彩委员会 安大略省决定 “允许零售大麻被许可人与持牌生产商签订与商店品牌有关的协议” 或 白标大麻产品。” 

"The change comes after extensive consultation with industry stakeholders and was supported by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce," stated High Tide in a press release.

“这一变化是在与行业利益相关者进行广泛磋商后做出的,并得到了行业的支持 安大略省商会,” High Tide 在一份新闻稿中说。

"Today's revisions to the Registrar's Standards will mean that when it comes to white label products and store brands, Ontario's cannabis retailers will be treated on par with other retail sectors, both regulated and unregulated. The new Standard will also facilitate retailers both large and small, in differentiating their products, brands, and stores," said Raj Grover, president, and CEO of High Tide.

“今天对注册商标准的修订将意味着,在白标产品和商店品牌方面,安大略省的大麻零售商将受到与其他受监管和不受监管的零售行业同等的待遇。新标准还将促进大型和小型零售商差异化其产品、品牌和门店。” 拉吉·格罗弗,High Tide 总裁兼首席执行官。

In 2021, High Tide announced it has entered into two white label partnerships with Heritage Cannabis Holdings (OTC:CANN)(OTC:HERTF) and cannabis edibles manufacturer Loosh Inc. which is doing business as Loosh Brands. Under the terms of the agreements, both Heritage and Loosh opted to manufacture High Tide's "Cabana Cannabis Co." branded shatter and THC gummies, respectively, for distribution in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.

2021年,High Tide宣布已与Heritage Cannabis Holdings(场外交易代码:CANN)(场外交易代码:HERTF)和大麻零嘴制造商建立了两项白标合作伙伴关系 Loosh Inc. 这是做生意的 奢侈品牌。根据协议条款,Heritage和Loosh都选择生产 “High Tide”卡巴纳大麻公司“分别在安大略省、曼尼托巴省、萨斯喀彻温省和艾伯塔省分销品牌 shatter 和 THC 软糖。

High Tide is not the only company signing white-label agreements in Canada. White-label deals are becoming increasingly popular as the industry diversifies and cannabis businesses specialize in certain market segments. 

High Tide 不是唯一一家签署白标协议的公司 在加拿大。随着行业的多元化以及大麻企业专注于某些细分市场,白标交易变得越来越受欢迎。

BevCanna Enterprises Inc. (OTC:BVNNF) announced it has entered into an agreement to manufacture and distribute white label cannabis beverages with the Vancouver-based company, Averi Health Products. Averi agreed to launch a portfolio of cannabis-infused beverages into the Canadian market by employing BevCanna's white label partnership model, which allows non-licensed partners to enter the cannabis market in the country seamlessly and compliantly.

bevCanna 企业公司 场外交易代码:BVNNF)宣布已与这家总部位于温哥华的公司签订了生产和分销白标大麻饮料的协议, Averi 健康产品。Averi同意采用BevCanna的白标合作模式,向加拿大市场推出注入大麻的饮料产品组合,该模式允许无牌合作伙伴无缝且合规地进入加拿大的大麻市场。

Averi Health is the sixth client that BevCanna added to its growing roster of high-profile, white-label-infused cannabis clients.

Averi Health是BevCanna在其不断增长的备受瞩目、注入白标的大麻客户名单中增加的第六家客户。

According to MediPharm's CFO, Greg Hunter, the growth of the manufacturing and white label business encourage the revenue of the company. MediPharm teamed up with Sunco Green Pharmaceutical Pty Ltd to supply the Australian medical cannabis market and New Zealand with GMP-certified cannabis products. The two-year white-label agreement was MediPharm's 12th deal to supply Australia with cannabis.

根据MediPharm首席财务官的说法, 格雷格亨特,制造业和白标业务的增长鼓励了公司的收入。 MediPharm 联手了 Sunco Green Pharmical 向澳大利亚医用大麻市场和新西兰提供经GMP认证的大麻产品。这份为期两年的白标协议是MediPharm向澳大利亚提供大麻的第12份协议。

The Valens Company Inc. (NASDAQ:VLNS) confirmed a white label partnership with cannabis retailer Fire & Flower Holdings Corp. (NYSE:FAF)(OTC:FFLWF) last October. Under the deal, Valens will manufacture Fire & Flower's Revity CBD oil for distribution in Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan with the potential to expand into additional provincial markets.

Valens Company Inc. 纳斯达克股票代码:VLNS)证实了与大麻零售商的白标合作伙伴关系 Fire & Flower 控股公司 (纽约证券交易所代码:FAF)(场外交易代码:FFLWF)去年10月。根据该协议,瓦伦斯将生产 Fire & Flower's Revity CBD 石油将在安大略省、曼尼托巴省和萨斯喀彻温省分销,有可能扩展到其他省级市场。

Photo by Yalın Kaya on Unsplash. 

照片由 Yalin Kaya 在 Unsplash 上拍摄。

