
Canadian Securities Exchange Reports January 2022 Performance Figures

Canadian Securities Exchange Reports January 2022 Performance Figures

加拿大證券交易所報告 2022 年 1 月業績數
Newsfile Corp. ·  2022/02/16 05:06

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - February 15, 2022) - The Canadian Securities Exchange ("CSE" or "the Exchange") today announced its market statistics for the month of January 2022, as well as continuing progress in the proposed revision of its listing policies.

安大略省多倫多 —-(新聞檔-2022 年 2 月 15 日)-加拿大證券交易所 (「CSE」或「聯交所」) 今天公佈 2022 年 1 月份的市場統計數據,以及建議修訂其上市政策的持續進展。

January 2022 Operating Statistics


  • Trading volume of CSE-listed securities totaled 2.0 billion shares;
  • Trading value of CSE-listed securities was $1.3 billion;
  • CSE issuers completed 73 financings that raised an aggregate $209 million;
  • The CSE listed the securities of 14 new companies, bringing total listed securities to 757 as at January 31, 2022.
  • 中交所上市證券交易量共 20 億股;
  • 中交所上市證券的交易價值 13 億美元;
  • CSE 發行人完成 73 項融資,籌集了總計 2.09 億美元;
  • CSE 為 14 家新公司的證券上市,截至 2022 年 1 月 31 日,令上市證券總數達到 757 宗。

"Following a record year in 2021, the Canadian Securities Exchange is off to a solid start in 2022, with continued strength in trading and financing activity," said Richard Carleton, CSE Chief Executive Officer. "In addition, the comment period on the proposed revision of our listing policies was highly productive. We received detailed feedback as we move forward with our plan to create a senior tier on the Exchange, implement important amendments to issuer regulation on the exchange and enable the listing of ETFs and SPACs. We believe these measures will significantly benefit our issuers and the entire investment community."

CSE 首席執行官 Richard Carleton 表示:「繼 2021 年創紀錄的一年之後,加拿大證券交易所在 2022 年開始穩健,在交易和融資活動方面持續實力。他說:「此外,建議修訂我們的上市政策的意見期具有很高的生產力。隨著我們計劃在聯交所成立高層級別,實施重要修訂發行人規例,以及啟用 ETF 和 SPAC 的上市計劃,我們收到了詳細的反饋意見。我們相信這些措施將為我們的發行人及整個投資界帶來極大的裨益。」

Conclusion of Comment Period


The 60-day comment period on the CSE's proposal to materially revise its listing policies concluded on February 7, 2021. The CSE is grateful to all market participants that submitted constructive recommendations to the Ontario Securities Commission and British Columbia Securities Commission regarding the proposed revisions. The submissions are being posted here.

關於 CSE 重大修訂其上市政策建議的 60 天意見期已於 2021 年 2 月 7 日結束。CSE 非常感謝所有向安大略省證券委員會和不列顛哥倫比亞省證券委員會就擬議修訂提出建設性建議的市場參與者。提交的內容正在此處發布。

The CSE is reviewing the submissions carefully and is working with regulators to optimize the proposed revisions. For more information on the proposal, please view the CSE's December 9, 2021 news release.

CSE 正在仔細審查提交的意見書,並正與監管機構合作,以優化擬議的修訂。有關提案的更多資訊,請參閱 CSE 2021 年 12 月 9 日的新聞稿。

What's On At the CSE

CSE 上有什麼

The CSE recently served as a lead sponsor for the Empire Club of Canada's Psychedelics 101 virtual event, which took place on February 8. The event featured conversations with leading experts focused on the therapeutic benefits of psychedelics, including the CEOs of the CSE-listed companies PharmAla Biotech Holdings Inc. (MDMA) and Revitalist Lifestyle and Wellness Ltd. (CALM).

CSE 最近擔任加拿大帝國俱樂部的主要贊助商 迷幻藥 虛擬事件,這發生在 2 月 8 日。該活動的特色是與領先專家的對話,集中在迷幻藥的治療效益,包括 CSE 上市公司 Pharmala 生物技術控股公司(MDMA)和復興生活方式與健康有限公司(CALM)的首席執行官。

The CSE is pleased to be sponsoring and attending ROTH Capital Partners' 34th Annual ROTH Conference, being held in Dana Point, California on March 13-15. The event features meetings and presentations with senior management from approximately 400 public and private companies in a variety of high-growth sectors. More information on the conference is available here.

CSE 很高興能夠贊助和出席羅斯資本合作夥伴 34 年度羅斯會議, 3 月 13-15 日在加利福尼亞州的達納點舉行。該活動包括與來自各種高成長行業約 400 家上市和私營公司的高級管理人員的會議和演講。有關會議的更多信息,請點擊這裡。.

New Listings in January 2022


Nova Net Lease REIT (NNL.U)
Mijem Newcomm Tech Inc. (MJEM)
StrategX Elements Corp. (STGX)
PharmAla Biotech Holdings Inc. (MDMA)
Planet Based Foods Global Inc. (PBF)
CULT Food Science Corp. (CULT)
Prisma Exploration Inc. (PMS)
Forte Minerals Corp. (CUAU)
Kings Entertainment Group Inc. (JKPT)
Caprock Mining Corp. (CAPR)
Pursuit Gold Corp. (PUGS)
Prosperity Exploration Corp. (PROP)
Hi-View Resources Inc. (HVW)
Way of Will Inc. (WAY)

諾華淨租賃房地產投資信託基金 (NNL.U)
美捷新通科技股份有限公司 (MJEM)
策略元素股份有限公司 (STGX)
藥美生物科技控股有限公司 (MDMA)
复泰矿业股份有限公司 (CUAU)
國王娛樂集團股份有限公司 (JKPT)
凱普羅礦業股份有限公司 (CAPR)
卓越黃金股份有限公司 (哈巴狗)
繁榮勘探有限公司 (PROP)
高景資源股份有限公司 (HVW)

About the Canadian Securities Exchange:


The Canadian Securities Exchange is a rapidly growing stock exchange focused on working with entrepreneurs to access the public capital markets in Canada and internationally. The Exchange's efficient operating model, advanced technology and low fee structure help companies of all sizes minimize their cost of capital and maximize access to liquidity.


The CSE offers investors in Canada and abroad access to a multi-sector collection of growth companies through a liquid, reliable and highly regulated trading platform. The Exchange is dedicated to entrepreneurship and has established itself as a leading hub for discourse in the entrepreneurial community.

CSE 為加拿大和國外的投資者提供了通過流動性,可靠和高度監管的交易平台,訪問多個部門的成長型公司。聯交所致力於創業精神,並已成為創業社群中領先的話語中心。

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Richard Carleton, CEO


To view the source version of this press release, please visit


