
Pacton to Commence 10,000 m Drill Program at Red Lake Gold Project, Ontario

Pacton to Commence 10,000 m Drill Program at Red Lake Gold Project, Ontario

Accesswire ·  2022/02/15 21:06

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / February 15, 2022 / Pacton Gold Inc. (TSXV:PAC) (OTC PINK:PACXF) (FSE:2NKN) (the "Company" or "Pacton") is pleased to announce details and targets for the upcoming 10,000 m drill program at its Red Lake Gold Project in Ontario. Drilling will focus on advanced targets in the Boyden West, Carricona, Claremont, and Keg target areas (Figure 1). The program is scheduled to begin late February and follows recently completed surface exploration (see Pacton news release dated February 3, 2022). Drilling will consist of an anticipated 22 holes and will continue through to the end of summer 2022 using one diamond drill rig.

温哥華,BC/ACCESSWIRE/2022年2月15日/Pacton Gold Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:PAC)(場外交易代碼:PINK:PACXF)(證券交易所代碼:2NKN)(“公司“或”Pacton“)很高興宣佈即將在安大略省紅湖黃金項目進行的10000米鑽探計劃的細節和目標。鑽探將集中在博伊登西部、卡里科納、克萊蒙特和Keg目標區(圖1)。該計劃計劃於2月下旬開始,在此之前最近完成了地表探測(見帕克頓2022年2月3日的新聞稿)。鑽探將包括預計的22個孔,並將使用一個鑽石鑽機持續到2022年夏季結束。

Drill Target Areas


Boyden West (5 holes): Pacton has previously identified significant gold in soil and magnetic anomalies at Boyden West (Figure 2). The drilling will test the linear trend of the anomaly and follow up positive results from historic drilling and historic outcrop sampling of 3.1 g/t Au. This target area is 1 km west of the Boyden showing where Pacton grab samples returned values up to 126.5 g/t Au.

博伊登·韋斯特(5洞):Pacton此前在Boyden West(BW.N:行情)的土壤和磁異常中發現了重要的金.圖2)。這次鑽探將檢驗異常的線性趨勢,並跟蹤歷史鑽探和3.1g/t Au的歷史露頭採樣的積極結果。這個目標區位於博伊登以西1公里處,顯示了帕克頓抓取樣品返回值高達126.5克/噸金的地方。

Carricona (7 holes): Drilling at Carricona East (Figure 3) will test a northeast trending soil and geophysical target, along with secondary associated structures. The drilling will target felsic and mafic volcanic rocks and interpreted D2 structures that are coincident with AI generated targets. D2 structures are controls for gold mineralization in the Red Lake region, including Evolution Mining's Red Lake Gold Mine.

卡里科納(7洞):在Carricona East鑽探(圖3)將測試東北方向的土壤和地球物理目標,以及次級相關結構。鑽探將瞄準長英質和鎂鐵質火山巖,並解釋與人工智能產生的目標一致的D2構造。D2構造是紅湖地區金礦成礦的控制因素,其中包括演進礦業的紅湖金礦。

Claremont (5 holes): Drilling at Claremont (Figure 4) will focus on intersecting the mineralized trend investigated by successful outcrop stripping and prospecting in 2021. Drilling will also investigate historic drilling which intersected 2.4 g/t Au over 1.6 m.


Keg (5 holes): The Keg area hosts targets identified through a combination of historic samples, including 5.9 g/t Au over 0.3 m in drilling and 3.7 g/t Au in outcrop, along with gold in soil and magnetic anomalies discovered by Pacton.


Additional sampling intervals have been identified at several of Pacton's prospects and will be completed in February, 2022. Sampling locations include Carricona, Boyden, and the Faulkenham Gold trend where drilling from the previous campaign discovered widespread, near surface mineralization over a 600 m strike length (see Pacton news release dated September 12, 2021). Subsequent drilling at these locations will also be considered.

帕克頓的幾個潛在客户已經確定了額外的採樣間隔,將於2022年2月完成。採樣地點包括Carricona、Boyden和Faulkenham Gold Trend,在前一次活動中的鑽探發現了600米範圍內廣泛的近地表礦化(見Pacton於2021年9月12日發佈的新聞稿)。隨後在這些地點進行的鑽探也將被考慮。

The Pacton 2022 drill campaign is results driven and will be adapted using field observations and assay data. Additional targets from recent sampling and mapping campaigns have been prioritized for aggressive prospecting, outcrop stripping, and infill soil sampling during the 2022 spring/summer season.

Pacton 2022演習活動以結果為導向,將利用現場觀察和化驗數據進行調整。最近採樣和測繪活動的其他目標已被優先考慮,以便在2022年春夏季節進行積極勘探、露頭剝離和填充土壤採樣。

Nav Dhaliwal, Interim President and CEO for Pacton, commented, "Following an intense period of sampling, mapping, and data analysis, Pacton has identified a large number of high priority targets grouped in four distinct areas at our Red Lake Gold Project. We are excited by the quality of our 22 drill targets and look forward to commencing drilling later this month."

Pacton的臨時總裁兼首席執行官NAV Dhaliwal評論説:“經過一段時間的密集採樣、測繪和數據分析,Pacton在我們的紅湖黃金項目中確定了大量高優先級目標,這些目標分成四個不同的區域。我們對我們22個鑽探目標的質量感到興奮,並期待着本月晚些時候開始鑽探。“

Figure 1. Pacton's Red Lake property with prioritized and developing targets for the 2022 exploration campaign.

圖1. 帕克頓的紅湖地產,為2022年勘探活動確定了優先事項和發展目標。

Figure 2. The Boyden West target area has been prioritized for drilling in the upcoming drill program. Drilling will test gold in soil and magnetic anomalies overlapping with historical gold values.


Figure 3. The Carricona East target area has been prioritized for drilling in the upcoming drill program. Drilling to test northeast trending soil and geophysical anomalies, along with associated secondary structures.


Figure 4. The Claremont target area has been prioritized for drilling in the upcoming drill program. Drilling to focus on intersecting the mineralized trend investigated by outcrop stripping and prospecting in 2021.

圖4。這個在即將到來的鑽探計劃中,克萊蒙特目標區已被列為優先鑽探區域。鑽探以聚焦 論2021年露頭剝離找礦調查礦化趨勢的交匯點

About the Red Lake Gold Project


The Red Lake Gold Project, located in Red Lake, Ontario, comprises 28,000 ha. The Project is adjacent and proximal to past, current, and near-term production mines and is also adjacent and on trend to Great Bear's Dixie discovery. Exploration to date includes successful first pass sampling, geophysical surveys, and drilling. High-grade surface samples include 126.5 g/t Au and 23.3 g/t Au. First pass reconnaissance drilling has hit 17.5 g/t Au over a 0.5 m interval. The Project also includes regional properties, such as Gullrock, Pakwash, Dixie, Golden Loon, and Swain.


About Pacton Gold

關於Pacton Gold

Pacton Gold is a Canadian exploration company with key strategic partners focused on the exploration and development of high-grade gold properties located in the Red Lake gold rush in Ontario, Canada. The Company also owns a strategic portfolio of prospective projects in the district-scale Pilbara gold rush in Western Australia.

Pacton Gold是一家加拿大勘探公司,擁有主要戰略合作伙伴,專注於勘探和開發位於加拿大安大略省紅湖淘金熱的高品位金礦。該公司還擁有西澳大利亞州皮爾巴拉淘金熱地區規模的潛在項目的戰略投資組合。

The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dale Ginn, P.Geo., Executive Chairman and a director, and Karly Oliver, P.Geo., Vice President Exploration and a director of the Company, who are both Qualified Persons pursuant to National Instrument 43-101.


On Behalf of the Board of Pacton Gold Inc.

我代表Pacton Gold Inc.董事會。

Nav Dhaliwal

NAV Dhaliwal

Interim President and CEO


This news release may contain or refer to forward-looking information based on current expectations, including, but not limited to the Company achieving success in exploring its properties and the impact on the Company of these events, including the effect on its share price. Forward-looking information is subject to significant risks and uncertainties, as actual results may differ materially from forecasted results. Forward-looking information is provided as of the date hereof and we assume no responsibility to update or revise such information to reflect new events or circumstances. References to other issuers with nearby projects is for information purposes only and there are no assurances the Company will achieve similar results.


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SOURCE: Pacton Gold

資料來源:Pacton Gold

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