
Enerkon Solar International (OTC: ENKS) announces Corporate Updates

Enerkon Solar International (OTC: ENKS) announces Corporate Updates

Enerkon Solar International(场外交易代码:ENKS)宣布公司最新情况
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/02/09 05:02

New York, Feb. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enerkon Solar International (OTC: ENKS) announces today the details on the status of the company – compliance issues – corporate actions in the benefit of long-term shareholder value and future shareholder prosperity.

纽约,2022年2月8日(Global Newswire)--Enerkon Solar International(场外交易代码:EKS)今天宣布了有关公司现状的细节-合规问题-有利于长期股东价值和未来股东繁荣的公司行动。

Today, the Chairman Mr. Benjamin Ballout States that:


Enerkon Solar International (OTC: ENKS) has agreed to Accept International Investors Purchase of the Chairman's control shares in exchange the purchasers secured promissory note in an amount market to market and in accordance with the Securities Rules and Regulations

Enerkon Solar International(场外交易代码:ENKS)已同意接受国际投资者购买董事长的控制权股份,以交换购买者根据证券规则和法规以市价计价的有担保本票

Mr. Ballout holds control shares of ENKS and started the company from its private company status in 2016 registering as a public entity in 2017 growing the firm over the last 5 years and selling NO shares whatsoever from his holdings and disallowing former owners from selling any shares via his federal action against them in the State of Nevada last year asking the court to cancel 14.5 M shares of their holdings that the company feel was not legitimately held.


The chairman embarked upon many non-dilutive actions such as cancelling 25 million shares of his common stock converting them to restricted preferred shares last year  (100:1 exchange) reducing the total OS shares by a very large percentage, and last week Mr. Ballout Cancelled an additional 7 Million shares in conversion to preferred in a preparation to execute the sale of his holdings in restricted form to new international investors who are in the High Tech / Research and Scientific Business.


In compliance with FINRA regulations the company will infirm 10 days in advance of any RECORD DATE for final execution of the share transfer and sale/Change of effective Control of ENKS to the new owners – This notice is expected to be delivered early this week with the proper forms and fees paid for review and other administrative actions


New owners will submit New Name Change and New CUSIP symbol Change form and request to FINRA/OTC as well as inform the Transfer agent – DTC - Attorneys and other outsource, such as Auditors or any service providers such as OTCIQ subscription service.


The chairman states that after detailed analysis of the Renewable Energy Market in the USA it is more valuable to accept a sale in addition to control shares – all additional assets related to renewable energy similar holdings to become a private enterprise again and list in the early future in the UK AIM market instead of the USA OTC (ARS) – therefore the Investors will purchase from the company these assets on legitimately discounted market value including MOUs contracts and other considerations on the same time as change of control shares are purchased from the Chairman.


The New owners agree to lock box and non-dilution policy for any shares purchased and will not resell into the market and will at all times protect the shareholder value in the same way the Chairman has done over the past 5 years


In addition to the actions mentioned herein which will conclude within the 10-day notice record date rule of FINRA for change of control – the company has decided to Cancel the Coviklear purchase and return all shares – further cancelling the $5 M USD Note – due to a breach of corporate governance at Coviklear Holdings (UK) being a lack of productive, fiduciary duty, supportive of orders and sales, as initially envisioned, by the transaction participants and as presented by the parties – therefore the Coviklear transaction and its debt burden to ENKS is cancelled today

除了本文提到的将在FINRA关于控制权变更的10天通知记录日期规则内完成的行动-公司已决定取消Coviklear的购买并退还所有股票-进一步取消500万美元票据-原因是Coviklear Holdings(英国)违反了公司治理,缺乏交易参与者最初设想的和各方提出的对订单和销售的支持-因此Coviklear交易及其对Enks的债务负担今天被取消

Further the New owners will reorganize the company into a high-tech – scientific, research and development company holding valuable intellectual property rights related to compression technology, encryption and other technology connected to Defense, Bio-Tech, Agri-Tech, Geno-Tech, Artificial Intelligence and related disciplines – supported by their team of scientists and experts – according to their initial talks which we expect to conclude with final agreements in this week – for which the same will be published in detail


The Chairman will continue to cooperate with the SEC in their inquire related to Mansfield Mining and other Microcap Companies – and will continue to prosecute former owners when the company was called CHOD under the above-mentioned action in Nevada as an amicus curie (friend of the court) – The Chairman will further consult where needed to guarantee a smooth transaction to the new ownership for the enhanced value and protection of shareholder value where needed and as long as needed.


The Chairman Message to ENKS shareholders today is March on to Success and Prosperity under new ownership for which we have conducted diligence and are very sure are the best choice for the enhanced – guaranteed value and protection of ENKS shareholders going forward and the new Legal personality and ownership, business direction and commercial altitude is absolutely beneficial and positive for the future in the view of the Chairman who has worked diligently for shareholders over these 5 years with a flawless record of protecting shareholder value and increasing shareholder value


The Chairman stated today that he is certain that shareholders will benefit greatly from their new company owners and the new business model and activities, and he is very pleased to be a part of this great and positive transition.


The foregoing statements are forward-looking statements, and as such, they may or may not reflect the results which could transpire in the future which should be negative or not transpire at all due to circumstances or other reasons and investors, shareholders, or others should not rely on these forward-looking statements to ascertain any value if any of ENKS or to make any investment decisions and to take note that this is not an offer to buy or sell securities or an endorsement of ENKS for investment purposes as all investment carry a risk of loss sometimes a total loss of your investment in Micro cap shares markets or any market and therefore such statements or plans should not be relied upon for any business decisions of any kind - Approval and permissions required by federal regulations may or may not be approved and if not approved may result in the loss of all value and all investments in products requiring such regulatory permissions to market and sell. These statements are made as forward-looking statements for educational purposes only in accordance with the rules and regulations which pertain to the same – the Company trades on the Expert Market under the OTC CE designation and Market Makers nor Broker Dealers may publish unsolicited quotes pursuant to rules 15 c 2 11 and accordingly until the company reached the current information status back to Pink Current classification these restrictions remain.

前述陈述为前瞻性陈述,因此,它们可能反映也可能不反映未来可能发生的结果,这些结果应该是负面的,或者由于情况或其他原因以及投资者、股东、或其他人不应依赖这些前瞻性声明来确定任何Enk的价值,或做出任何投资决定,并注意这不是买卖证券的要约或为投资目的背书Enk,因为所有投资都存在亏损风险,有时会导致您在Micro Cap股票市场或任何市场的投资完全亏损,因此不应依赖此类声明或计划做出任何类型的商业决策-联邦法规要求的批准和许可可能会或可能不会获得批准,如果不批准,可能会导致所有价值损失以及对需要此类监管许可才能上市和销售的产品的所有投资。这些陈述仅作为前瞻性陈述用于教育目的,仅根据与此相关的规则和法规-公司在场外交易CE指定下在专家市场交易,做市商和经纪交易商不得根据规则15 c 2 11发布主动报价,因此,在公司达到当前信息状态Back to Pink Current分类之前,这些限制仍然存在。

Enerkon Solar International Inc.
6th Floor - #6834
477 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022 USA

纽约,NY 10022美国

Tel. +1 (877) 573-7797
Tel. +1 (718) 709-7889



