
This Week's Scheduled IPOs

This Week's Scheduled IPOs

Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/02/07 01:06

With the start of a new week comes the excitement surrounding a new set of companies looking to make an impact through their public offerings. According to Benzinga Pro, these enticing companies are scheduled to trade publicly this week.

隨著新的一周的開始,圍繞著一組希望通過其公開發行產生影響力的新公司的興奮。根據 Beninga Pro 的說法,這些誘人的公司計劃在本週公開交易。

  • The trū Shrimp Companies, Inc (NASDAQ:BTRU) becomes publicly listed starting on 2022-02-11. The company has a price range set between $9.0 and $11.0 with a 180-day lockup period. The trū Shrimp Companies, Inc will be offering 1,500,000.00 shares at a per-share value of $10.0.
  • Cariloha, Inc (NASDAQ:ALOHA) will be trading publicly starting on 2022-02-11. The company's price band is set between $12.0 and $14.0 with an insider lock-up period of 180 days. Cariloha, Inc will be offering 2,300,000.00 shares at a per-share value of $13.0.
  • Roman DBDR Tech Acquisition Corp. II (NASDAQ:RDTXU) will be trading publicly starting on 2022-02-07. Roman DBDR Tech Acquisition Corp. II will be offering 25,000,000.00 shares at a per-share value of $10.0 with an insider lock-up period of 180 days.
  • Roman DBDR Tech Acquisition Corp. II (NASDAQ:RDTX) will be trading publicly starting on 2022-02-07. Roman DBDR Tech Acquisition Corp. II will be offering 25,000,000.00 shares at a per-share value of $10.0 with an insider lock-up period of 180 days.
  • 三蝦公司股份有限公司 (納斯達克代碼:BTRU) 於 2022-02 月 11 日起成為公開上市。該公司的價格範圍設置在 9.0 美元和 11.0 美元之間,鎖定期為 180 天。該蝦公司, 公司將以每股價值 10.0 美元提供 1,500,000.00 股份.
  • 卡里洛哈公司 (納斯達克:阿羅哈) 將於 2022-02-11 開始公開交易。該公司的價格範圍設置在 12.0 美元和 14.0 之間,內部鎖定期為 180 天。卡里洛哈公司將以每股價值 13.0 美元提供 2,300,000.00 股份。
  • 羅曼 DBDR 科技收購股份有限公司 II (納斯達克:RDTXU)將於 2022-02 月 07 日開始公開交易。羅馬 DBDR 科技收購公司二期將以每股價值 10.0 美元提供 25,000,000.00 股,內部鎖定期為 180 天。
  • 羅曼 DBDR 科技收購股份有限公司 II (納斯達克:RDTX)將在 2022-02 年 07 月 7 日開始公開交易。羅馬 DBDR 科技收購公司二期將以每股價值 10.0 美元提供 25,000,000.00 股,內部鎖定期為 180 天。

Breaking Down IPOs


An initial public offering, or IPO, is the transitional process of a private company deciding to go public and offer shares to investors on an exchange. Typically, IPOs offer companies the ability to build capital. Before a company becomes publicly listed, it must meet SEC requirements and work with investment banks through audits to determine pricing, offering date, and other important data points before the offering.

首次公開招股(IPO)是私人公司決定在交易所上市並向投資者發售股票的過渡過程。通常情況下,首次公開招股為公司提供建立資金的能力。在公司上市之前,公司必須滿足 SEC 的要求,並通過審計與投資銀行合作,以確定價格,發售日期和其他重要數據點在發售之前。

Companies and investment banks will work to establish a price range that the stock is expected to sell between. This is known as an offering range. Once a company goes public, its stock comes with an opening price. The insider lock-up period is usually a set number of days after an IPO where company insiders, or employees with a 10% or higher stake in their company, cannot sell shares.

公司和投資銀行將努力建立股票預計在兩者之間出售的價格範圍。這稱為提供項目範圍。一旦公司上市,其股票就會帶有開盤價。內幕鎖定期通常是首次公開募股後的特定天數,即公司內部人員或擁有 10% 以上股份的員工無法出售股票。

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