
Vicinity Motor Corp. Receives Order For 50 VMC 1200 EV Trucks From Skydome Auto And Truck Centre; Financial Terms Not Disclosed

Vicinity Motor Corp. Receives Order For 50 VMC 1200 EV Trucks From Skydome Auto And Truck Centre; Financial Terms Not Disclosed

附近汽車公司收到來自Skydome汽車和卡車中心的50輛VMC 1200電動卡車的訂單;財務條款未披露
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/02/01 21:40

Skydome to Act as Vicinity's Exclusive Dealer in Brampton, Ontario


VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / February 1, 2022 / Vicinity Motor Corp. (NASDAQ:VEV)(TSXV:VMC)(FRA:6LGA) ("Vicinity" or the "Company"), a North American supplier of commercial electric vehicles, today announced that it has signed a sales and marketing agreement with Skydome Auto and Truck Centre Inc. ("Skydome"), an automotive dealer and service center in the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario, Canada, including an initial order for 50 VMC 1200 Class 3 electric trucks. Skydome has also been appointed to act as Vicinity's exclusive dealer in the City of Brampton, a part of the Greater Toronto region in Ontario, Canada.


The Skydome family of companies have over 25 years of professional auto and truck sales and service experience, currently operating from three locations in Brampton. Skydome's Truck & Fleet and Truck & Coach Centers provide a variety of repair services for fleets, including transit, coaches, trucks, ambulances, school buses and commercial vehicles. The VMC 1200 deliveries are expected to begin with five in the second quarter of 2022.

Skydome系列公司擁有超過25年的專業汽車和卡車銷售和服務經驗,目前在布蘭普頓的三個地點運營。Skydome的卡車和車隊以及卡車和教練中心為車隊提供各種維修服務,包括公交、客車、卡車、救護車、校車和商用車。VMC 1200預計將在2022年第二季度開始交付5架。

"We are excited to begin offering the VMC 1200 in the Toronto market alongside our new sales partner, Skydome," said William Trainer, Founder and CEO of Vicinity Motor Corp. "Skydome has decades of experience serving and maintaining fleets in the region across a wide variety of vehicle types, and we believe the VMC 1200 as well as our expanding line of all-electric vehicles will be of strong interest to their large base of customers."

鄰近汽車公司創始人兼首席執行官威廉·特雷納説:“我們很高興能與我們的新銷售夥伴Skydome一起開始在多倫多市場提供VMC 1200。Skydome在服務和維護該地區各種車輛類型的車隊方面擁有數十年的經驗,我們相信VMC 1200以及我們不斷擴大的全電動汽車系列將引起他們龐大的客户羣的濃厚興趣。“

"The VMC 1200 continues to attract early attention from dealers and customers seeking a fully electric class 3 truck for ultra-quiet operation in urban environments while aligning with clean fleet goals. In Toronto alone, the city is undertaking a major expansion of its EV charging infrastructure to enable and support accelerated transition of city fleets to electric vehicles, and to further spur adoption of EVs in the greater Toronto region. We believe our ongoing dealer agreement will position us to be the premier providers in this segment," concluded Trainer.

Traer總結道:“VMC 1200繼續吸引經銷商和客户的早期關注,他們尋求一種全電動3級卡車,以便在城市環境中超靜音運行,同時與清潔車隊的目標保持一致。僅在多倫多,該市就正在進行電動汽車充電基礎設施的重大擴張,以支持和支持城市車隊加速向電動汽車的過渡,並進一步推動電動汽車在大多倫多地區的採用。我們相信,我們正在進行的經銷商協議將使我們成為這一細分市場的主要供應商,”Traer總結道。

Daljit Singh Gaidhu, President of Skydome Group, added: "As a trusted one-stop-shop in the Toronto region, we look forward to showcasing our first VMC 1200 vehicles to our customers later this year. We expect the VMC 1200 and the Vicinity brand's well-known performance, versatility and affordability - combined with their growing EV reputation - will advance sales and success for the VMC 1200 line."

Skydome Group總裁達爾吉特·辛格·蓋杜(Daljit Singh Gaidhu)補充説:“作為多倫多地區值得信賴的一站式商店,我們期待着在今年晚些時候向我們的客户展示我們的首批VMC 1200汽車。我們預計VMC 1200及其附近品牌的知名性能、多功能性和可負擔性,再加上他們日益增長的電動汽車聲譽,將推動VMC 1200系列的銷售和成功。”

