What Investors Should Know About Amazon, Sony And John Deere's Latest To Push Into The Electric Vehicle Sector
What Investors Should Know About Amazon, Sony And John Deere's Latest To Push Into The Electric Vehicle Sector
Many traditional automotive companies have been transitioning into the electric vehicle space, which for years has been dominated by Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) in the United States. While names like Ford Motor Co (NYSE:F) and General Motors Corp (NYSE:GM) are known to be heavily investing in EVs, three names announcing plans this week to begin the development of electric vehicles might be surprising to readers.
許多傳統汽車公司已經過渡到電動汽車領域,多年來,電動汽車領域一直由電動汽車領域主導 特斯拉公司 (納斯達克股票代碼:TSLA)在美國。 雖然名字像 福特汽車公司 (紐約證券交易所代碼:F)和 通用汽車公司 衆所周知,紐約證券交易所代碼:GM)正在大量投資電動汽車,本週宣佈計劃開始開發電動汽車的三個公司可能會讓讀者感到驚訝。
Sony: At the past two Consumers Electronics Shows, Sony Corp (NYSE:SONY) has hinted at getting into the electric vehicle space, even showing off a prototype last year. During CES 2022 on Tuesday, Sony...
索尼: 在過去的兩屆消費電子展上, 索尼公司 紐約證券交易所代碼:...